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Lapierre traded! (For Brett Festerling and a 5th Round 2012 pick)


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Two "big" moves today: according to RDS, Maxim Lapierre has been traded to Anaheim. Also, David Desharnais has been recalled and should be playing Sunday.

I wonder who's coming back. Maybe Corey Perry? ^_^

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Strange. I was looking at Lapierre Thursday and told to myself: What's going on with him? Does he have a future with this team?

Now, I know the answer.

For me, this was the answer as to why he was always in the lineup, when he hadn't brought much to the table lately; Gauthier was showcasing him.

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Colour me surprised. He's had a disappointing year so far, but I always believed in his merits as an agitator/bottom 6er and I always assumed he'd carve out a long career in that capacity in Montreal.

I never pigeonholed him as one of the anti-JM elements, but we might infer that he was indeed one of those.

Hard to know what his specific grievance was. It's not as though he's likely to be a top-6 forward and can claim that he was being grossly miscast in Montreal.

Anyway - don't look for much in the way of return.

QUICK EDIT: http://www.habsinsideout.com/main/42413

His grievance was diminished ice time. I never have much patience with that complaint myself. You want ice, play better and earn it. Oh well.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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Something is wrong in the locker room!

One more "little" player with the Habs...this is gonna look good when we'll be in February and March...

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Michel Bergeron said it months ago!

He was thinking that Lapierre and Latendresse surely kept in contact... and Latendresse would be telling Laps how good he has it now that he is out of mtl, no pressure he can play his game etc...

Lapierre wished it he got it

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Its not like Laps is worth crying over, but to me this is just another indicator that all is not right in the room. Based on their play, I think there are a lot of players frustrated right now.

just 4 weeks ago, this team was all happy. then JM started "managing ice time" and "trying to fix players"... the team has looked brutal ever since. PK is a shadow of himself with no confidence. I heard Pacs was upset over his limited ice time yesterday, and Laps asked for a trade. All this while the vets get a free ride and suck.

I am starting to think the that the top six are sucking because they are buying into the system. No chances. No risks. Boring cycle hockey. just want JM wants...

Hey, its not JM's fault that Price can't win with one goal on the board. He needs more? bah...

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Brett Festerling...

All I know about him is that i had him for a while on my HWL farm team, the Springfield Ice-O-Topes.

Looks like he played for Tri-City with Price.

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so we picked up another potential 7th Dman???

I don't know why they can't package a couple of guys together and get someone who can actually help.

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To get rid of a contract??? This trade doesnt make any sense. We get basically nothing for him. Though he isnt a great player, i still enjoy his antics since he is able to get under people's skin. Maybe this will make the Habs call up a guy like Boyd.

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I'd rather White come up.

White should have never been sent down considering how he played in the preseason.

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CoRvIna, I had the same thought about Lats. They were buddies and Lats was probably whispering in his ear the whole time. Who knows, this could be viewed as the final (?) piece to fall in the Great Purge of 2009.

Laps is replaceable. Those agitated over this move really should take a pill. In any case, the Habs have been very consistent since 2009: you don't like it here, then f*ck off. I support that message, and therefore can't be too upset about this.

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so we picked up another potential 7th Dman???

I don't know why they can't package a couple of guys together and get someone who can actually help.

You don't think Wisnewski can help? Can we at least wait a few games before dismissing what most appear to see as a legitimate top-4 defenceman acquired for a 50th overall pick?

Packaging...well, what are you gonna get for Kostitsyn/Lapierre, that could both help us AND fit under the cap? There's nothing specific to these moves that warrants any kind of strongly negative reaction.

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You don't think Wisnewski can help? Can we at least wait a few games before dismissing what most appear to see as a legitimate top-4 defenceman acquired for a 50th overall pick?

Packaging...well, what are you gonna get for Kostitsyn/Lapierre, that could both help us AND fit under the cap? There's nothing specific to these moves that warrants any kind of strongly negative reaction.

I've already said I liked the Wisnewski pickup - I actually like him more then Spacek, Hamrlik and Gill.

The 7th dman i'm referring to is Festerling. Actually, if you did package AK46 and Laps that would be around $4.4M of cap room - although, I really don't want to move Ak46.

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I've already said I liked the Wisnewski pickup - I actually like him more then Spacek, Hamrlik and Gill.

The 7th dman i'm referring to is Festerling. Actually, if you did package AK46 and Laps that would be around $4.4M of cap room - although, I really don't want to move Ak46.

I suppose the point is that Laps isn't worth much - although I have no idea about Festerling's potential. As for packaging, offhand I don't see too many plausible options, that's all. Hammer, Spacek, Gomez - no one's going to jump at these contracts and it's far from clear that we'd be better off without them. But AK46 is one player who would attract interest IMHO (I assume you're not talking about packaging Gorges, Pleks, or other obviously excellent pieces). In general, I can't see much point in evaluating this as a bad move because it doesn't compares poorly to some hypothetical scenario that might not even be possible.

But I may have misread the tone of your post. As you are fairly relentlessly critical of the organization, I took it as another instance of that. If you were just thinking out loud in a mild way, then hey, no harm in that.

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Quick note on the trade is up on the main site, will be adding a profile, updating the capsheet, and going back to that giant checklist from the other day after the game. I was planning on doing the 3 Stars tonight but that may not be happening now as I've got a good 2-3 hours of work ahead of me (and would prefer not to be on the computer all night.) :)

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I suppose the point is that Laps isn't worth much - although I have no idea about Festerling's potential. As for packaging, offhand I don't see too many plausible options, that's all. Hammer, Spacek, Gomez - no one's going to jump at these contracts and it's far from clear that we'd be better off without them. But AK46 is one player who would attract interest IMHO (I assume you're not talking about packaging Gorges, Pleks, or other obviously excellent pieces). In general, I can't see much point in evaluating this as a bad move because it doesn't compares poorly to some hypothetical scenario that might not even be possible.

But I may have misread the tone of your post. As you are fairly relentlessly critical of the organization, I took it as another instance of that. If you were just thinking out loud in a mild way, then hey, no harm in that.


In my mind Pleks, Price, Subban and for now Cammy are untouchable, Young guys like Pouliot, Eller are available for the right price. Most importantly we NEED to find a way to get rid of Gomez, if not this year then for sure next year, even if it means taking back a contract that is easier for us to bury in the minors (i.e. Souray). Edmonton needs a centre, who knows they might bite. If we are creative enough, we should be able to move him for a shorter term bad contract. How else is an Eller or in another 2 years Leblanc going to get a chance???

I also think Hammer can be moved by packaging him with a prospect or depth player (i.e Pyatt/Shultz) to a contender looking for defensive depth closer to the deadline, in return for a better prospect.

I really think we could still move Spacek and to team looking for defensive help - would have been a good choice to try and package with Laps. Great just as I'm writing this Spacek takes another dumb penalty.

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