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NHL lockout is OVER!


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There is a reason that the buyouts start at the end of season. The 64 and some cap is really an arbitrary number and it may be 1215 before they get a good indication where revenues will be. It is quite possible that the NHL was closer to the real number. It is quite possible that in the subsequent year that the cap will have to go down dramatically again.I would leave my options open as long as I could to get a good look at the landscape. A guy like Gomez with one year left on his contract and the option of buyouts, who knows may become marketable.

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There is a reason that the buyouts start at the end of season. The 64 and some cap is really an arbitrary number and it may be 1215 before they get a good indication where revenues will be. It is quite possible that the NHL was closer to the real number. It is quite possible that in the subsequent year that the cap will have to go down dramatically again.I would leave my options open as long as I could to get a good look at the landscape. A guy like Gomez with one year left on his contract and the option of buyouts, who knows may become marketable.

From what I understand, the cap can never go below $64.3m over the life of the contract. Which means if there is a revenue shortfall the players escrow will be higher. Frankly I think by year 3 of the deal we are looking at a higher cap. I think sponsorship/advertising revenues are going to be more at risk than gate revenues.

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Buy NHL jerseys from China. I picked up 5 habs jerseys during a business trip to Shanghai. Lettered and numbered, came out to $25 apiece.

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There is a reason that the buyouts start at the end of season. The 64 and some cap is really an arbitrary number and it may be 1215 before they get a good indication where revenues will be. It is quite possible that the NHL was closer to the real number. It is quite possible that in the subsequent year that the cap will have to go down dramatically again.I would leave my options open as long as I could to get a good look at the landscape. A guy like Gomez with one year left on his contract and the option of buyouts, who knows may become marketable.

The cap is guaranteed to be no lower than 64.3.

If revenues don't reach that amount, the escrow will be higher but the cap can never be lower than 64.3.

This was done so that the UFAs and RFAs from now and next summer won't take a disproportionate share of the burden that is caused by dropping revenues from 57-50 and will instead be spread across all players via the escrow.

Buy NHL jerseys from China. I picked up 5 habs jerseys during a business trip to Shanghai. Lettered and numbered, came out to $25 apiece.

I've seen a ton of them from China... they look like shit.

Even things that people have called the best fakes I can pick out of a crowd.

I've got a really big jersey collection, and its one of my obsessions. I won't be adding to that collection for a while though...

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The cap is guaranteed to be no lower than 64.3.

If revenues don't reach that amount, the escrow will be higher but the cap can never be lower than 64.3.

This was done so that the UFAs and RFAs from now and next summer won't take a disproportionate share of the burden that is caused by dropping revenues from 57-50 and will instead be spread across all players via the escrow.

I've seen a ton of them from China... they look like shit.

Even things that people have called the best fakes I can pick out of a crowd.

I've got a really big jersey collection, and its one of my obsessions. I won't be adding to that collection for a while though...

I agree they don't look as the real jerseys, but I'm not spending a dime on the NHL, with the exception of habs tickets, when I'm on a business trip. I had picked up a new jersrey last year that I was going to get Subban's name on, it's going to remain blank now. The for the numbering and letters would be 4 times what paid for the Chinese jerseys.
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Buy NHL jerseys from China. I picked up 5 habs jerseys during a business trip to Shanghai. Lettered and numbered, came out to $25 apiece.

Let me guess:







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Let me guess:







Good guess :). They actualy did have Gomez and kovalev and I actually didn't mind kovy, until his last year. I was just pissed gainey chose him over koivu for the guy he wanted to keep. That was another gainey bullet we dodged that year (along with Vinny's contract).

The jerseys I got were:






Wanted to get a Belivieau, but they didn't have my size.

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Good guess :). They actualy did have Gomez and kovalev and I actually didn't mind kovy, until his last year. I was just pissed gainey chose him over koivu for the guy he wanted to keep. That was another gainey bullet we dodged that year (along with Vinny's contract).

The jerseys I got were:






Wanted to get a Belivieau, but they didn't have my size.

I real fan would either diet or fatten up to fit the size they have... I guess we should consider you a casual fan from now on... :)

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Since you guys/gals seem to have an inside look at whats in the new CBA; did they do anything around waivers?

The last I heard about waivers, re-entry waivers were to be eliminated. Beyond that, the eligibility criteria I believe remains the same. Something else I know you'll be interested with as well, the 4-recall rule was getting tweaked the last time word about that leaked. The PA was proposing a cap of 4 non-emergency recalls on the roster at any given time after the trade deadline but that there was no to be no limit on the total amount of recalls. Whether that got into the final document I'm not sure (no one seems to be reporting on it) but I'm hopeful that's in there, it's a good change.

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Since you guys/gals seem to have an inside look at whats in the new CBA; did they do anything around waivers?

No more re-entry waivers for players who count against the cap while in the minors.... I think.

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Glad to see our boys will be back soon.

I'm also very happy to hear the Habs will be allowed to buy out 2 players. No matter how good Gomer plays, you know he'll be the first to be bought out. We'll need the cap space, cause Subban ain't gonna be cheap!

No matter what Galchenyuk does during training camp, i think he'd be better off finishing his season in Sarnia. Let him dominate the OHL for a full season. There's no need to rush him to the NHL. Look what happened the last time we did that (Latendresse). I know Galchenyuk has alot more talent then Tenderness but I still see no reason to rush him. This kid looks like he's the real deal. Let's be patient.

I would also like to see Subban signed to a long term deal (5 or 6 years). We need Subban...more than Markov. The Kid is a work horse.

Lastly, let's hope Carey Price will have a great season. He is our biggest hope for making the playoffs. If Price has a good year, we're in, if not, then it'll be another long summer.

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I real fan would either diet or fatten up to fit the size they have... I guess we should consider you a casual fan from now on... :)

I've worked my butt iff to lose 30lbs ovr the past year - not interested in fattening up to fit in a cheap jersey!!

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Another CBA tidbit regarding the 'cap benefit recapture:' I was under the impression that this would be a retroactive application after a player retires that could yield current year penalties. Evidently, I was wrong. It appears it's more like this as per Elliotte Friedman on TSN Radio earlier: (using Roberto Luongo's contract as an example)

Sum of salary paid since contract signed: $16,716,000

Sum of cap hit since contract signed: $10,666,666

Total cap benefit since contract signed on a per-year basis: $3,024,667

If Vancouver were to trade Luongo now, that ~$3 M would be liable to come onto Vancouver's books whenever Luongo retires (I would presume up until the number of years that the cap benefit existed - in this case, 2, but that's just me speculating).

Also, another waiver change, 24 hour dispatch period any day of the week. Previously it was 48 hours on weekends.

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Another CBA tidbit regarding the 'cap benefit recapture:' I was under the impression that this would be a retroactive application after a player retires that could yield current year penalties. Evidently, I was wrong. It appears it's more like this as per Elliotte Friedman on TSN Radio earlier: (using Roberto Luongo's contract as an example)

Sum of salary paid since contract signed: $16,716,000

Sum of cap hit since contract signed: $10,666,666

Total cap benefit since contract signed on a per-year basis: $3,024,667

If Vancouver were to trade Luongo now, that ~$3 M would be liable to come onto Vancouver's books whenever Luongo retires (I would presume up until the number of years that the cap benefit existed - in this case, 2, but that's just me speculating).

Also, another waiver change, 24 hour dispatch period any day of the week. Previously it was 48 hours on weekends.

So does this also apply for Gomez? If we trade him at the end of the year, rather then buy him out (lets for humour's sake he has a good year and can be moved), do the NYR take part of the cap hit benefit?

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So does this also apply for Gomez? If we trade him at the end of the year, rather then buy him out (lets for humour's sake he has a good year and can be moved), do the NYR take part of the cap hit benefit?

The cap hit benefit comes into play when the player retires from what I understood. In Gomez's case, his contract will expire before he retires so no. Also, I believe this only applies to trades moving forward, not ones made prior to the CBA.

This is total speculation here but I wonder if the rule would also apply to buyouts. If so, the Habs would, in theory*, be liable as there were 3 years where his salary exceeded his cap hit; as a result the sum of salary paid would be slightly higher than the total cap hit. (* - Again, as it's only 1 year and he's not going to be retiring next season, it's all theoretical but it could apply to other deals down the road - Hossa, Luongo, Ehrhoff, etc.)

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More lockout tidbits regarding cap stuff, courtesy of CapGeek. Two-way contracts with a minor league salary below $900,000 (and I don't think I've ever seen a two-way deal with an AHL salary that high) are exempt from the cap. Basically, players on two-way deals (most are ELC's anyways) won't count. One-way contracts that are buried in the minors are charged the full rate less $900,000. This also applies to sending players overseas and will be annexed with the minimum salary changes.

So to answer the inevitable questions, if the Habs wanted to bury a player in the AHL (Gomez or Kaberle are the popular options), they would save only $900,000 on the cap this season. (Calculated as cap hit less [$375,000 plus league minimum which is $525,000 this year].) Petteri Nokelainen, who has a salary less than $900,000, should be cap exempt if the Habs were to farm him out whenever his back woes subside.

Other stuff that I'm coming across that could be of interest:

- Minimum salary will stay at $525k this year, to rise to $750k by 2021. It will rise starting next year and will go up every second year after that, here is the breakdown:

2013-14/2014-15: $550,000

2015-16/2016-17: $575,000

2017-18/2018-19: $650,000

2019-20/2020-21: $700,000

2021-22 and beyond: $750,000

- Retained money via trades cannot exceed 15% of the Upper Limit - and a team can pay no more than three players not to pay for them.

- The upper limit and floor will be determined from 15% of the 'adjusted midpoint' instead of $8 M above and below as before.

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Kovalev is going to panthers camp

Kovalev, Kostitsyn, and Marek svatos all invited to camp.

Its a new big 3 of enigmatic, lazy forwards.

When does Kovalev have the press conference about taking his talents to South Beach?

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