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2018 Bergevin Appreciation Thread


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As a fellow connoisseur of memes/gifs, I appreciate the legendary Randy Jackson reference, as I use it in my daily life. But your post does not articulate your opinion as to why it is in fact a no from you, dawg

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His recent moves have looked brilliant so only the most ardent haters won't give Bergevin credit (you know who you are).   Given that, he has had some questionable decisions in the past but who hasn't.  I like what I'm seeing lately and for now he's doing a good job.

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Let’s wait a few more games before anointing all of these moves as unqualified successes. People scoff at small sample sizes for a reason: they tend to produce anomalies or simply misleading results. If the Canadiens keep playing with such vim and vigour— not necessarily winning at this pace- for most of the season, I will be the first to admit that Bergevin is not as much of a moron as I thought. 


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Pacs gets things going and ends up with 30+ goals, Tatar cools off a bit and suddenly that trade is hanging on Suzuki.

Same with chucky for domi.

Galchenyuk hasnt played a game yet.

We dont know anything how it will end up yet but so far looks good.


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I want to wait to the 10th game to see for myself if we have started to climb out of the bottom of the abyss. 


Marc Bergevin needs to do more than he did last summer to revert some of his mistakes of the last season, but I agree that he has done very well lately. I like how he has rebuilt the depth in Laval and how much wiggle room he has going into the trade deadline and draft next year to swing a deal for more picks and prospects. 


Good thread illWill !! :clap:

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6 hours ago, Dalhabs said:

Pacs gets things going and ends up with 30+ goals, Tatar cools off a bit and suddenly that trade is hanging on Suzuki.

Max likely will get 30 or more, but kinda irrelevant when many HabFans hated him as captain and wanted he traded every 30+ goal season he had to begin with (streaky and a floater was the cry). And all think Habs got a good return for #67 dont they?

I hope Max does well in Vegas.


6 hours ago, Dalhabs said:

Same with chucky for domi.

Galchenyuk hasnt played a game yet.

We know what kind of player Galchenyuk is, frustrating underachiever. He also had baggage off the ice that likely was getting old.

In Domi, we get a younger skilled player with more grit and already seems like he is fitting in very well and is a smart player.

Also hope Galchenyuk does do well in the desert, i have nothing against the kid.

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17 minutes ago, Commandant said:

Baggage off the ice?  You mean the time he was the victim of an assault by his girlfriend?

Had forgot about that and is mostly irrelevant now.

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Stirring the pot or posting an opposing opinion? We all know how much most people hate Bergevin, but the intent is to focus on what he has done lately. I had to read the thousands of posts dumping on Bergevin, but now there is one thread highlighting what I think are good moves, and suddenly that's a problem? 

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1 hour ago, Habopotamus said:

This thread's intentions are all about stirring the pot. 

And the "Fire Bergevin" thread is different somehow?

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50 minutes ago, illWill said:

Stirring the pot or posting an opposing opinion? We all know how much most people hate Bergevin, but the intent is to focus on what he has done lately. I had to read the thousands of posts dumping on Bergevin, but now there is one thread highlighting what I think are good moves, and suddenly that's a problem? 

I can respect your optimism, but to call this guy Einstein after 6 games, it's a little early. 

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I'm the first to admit that 6 games doesn't mean a whole lot. But regardless of how the team started we should take note of these things that most have wanted him to do for years: 


*Fire Lefebvre, check

*Address the center position, check

*Get younger and faster, check


Also keep in mind that their best defenseman has yet to step on the ice and Price hasn't exactly been lights out so far. Not to mention this team is operating with plenty of extra cap space and could potentially be better with the addition of a player or two. To me it is more important how this team is winning games, and not just that they are. I also think Julien deserves a lot of credit, but maybe I'll save that for a different appreciation thread. 





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Just an fyi to those trying to throw the piano down from the top window on this thing with the games played card, how many games played has no bearing, what so ever, on whether or not you think the moves and decisions listed in the OP are good moves or not.


That is the point he is making, and even I, who has pretty much disliked everything he has done since trade deadline Ott and King, can admit this whole offseason has looked like a pleasantly surprising basket of competency. I truly believed if we kept him at the helm he would continue to find new ways to ruin things for us, but he proved other wise,. Despite the obvious fact that the mess he had to clean up was his own doing, his 2018 offseason has largely been a success, if you evaluate it as its own separate entity from the rest of his body of work. 

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1 hour ago, DON said:

Tip of hat to Timmins, maybe this kid will be a smart pick?



1 hour ago, DON said:


*looks at thread title*



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