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Pierre the Great

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1 hour ago, tomh009 said:


Cheap gas is nice, sure ... but the reality is that the POTUS cannot set oil prices, as much as he might want to.

But with the US actually not dependent on the middle east for oil any more, that makes a HUGE difference (not that the US doesn’t use overseas oil, but the threat of not buying from overseas has driven prices down)

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2 hours ago, JoeLassister said:

I cannot Believe that a country will keep in place a guy who uses Twitter to insult other human beings.  Bottom line.


USA look like fools worldwide with Trump in  charge.

I hear ya. I don’t know any reasonable American who loves his tweets. 

that said - those that don’t like his tweets tolerate it because when it comes down to decisions and policies - he’s not a fool at all. (millions of people will vote for him, even if he loses) 


oh - and here’s the thing about the FACT he uses Twitter to insult people, many Americans feel he does in public what other politicians do in private. Not that Trump is worse than other politicians, but the same as other politicians, only that he does in public what politicians do in private. I’m NOT saying I’m ok with his tweets - I’m just providing a voter rationale - I’ve found American voters to be way more level headed than I realized before I moved here

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3 hours ago, revvvrob said:

But with the US actually not dependent on the middle east for oil any more, that makes a HUGE difference (not that the US doesn’t use overseas oil, but the threat of not buying from overseas has driven prices down)


Not really, no. If the global oil prices go down (or up) the West Texas Intermediate prices follow. There is no independent domestic and global pricing. If there were, oil traders would be buying US domestic oil and shipping it abroad, or vice versa -- basic arbitrage.


And US domestic oil production has been on an upswing for a long time, since about 2010.


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21 hours ago, JoeLassister said:

I cannot Believe that a country will keep in place a guy who uses Twitter to insult other human beings.  Bottom line.


USA look like fools worldwide with Trump in  charge.


They elected him once already knowing that, so it's not that hard to believe he could keep the job.  It's no surprise that the election is close when the Democrats put forth such a mediocre candidate who sounds like a buffoon at times.  Personally, I just think he has trouble with public speaking like W did, though he doesn't have half of W's charisma. He was flubbing things back while VP, so I don't think he's losing it now. But I know plenty of people who worried about his mental capacity and struggled choosing between an ego-maniacal jerk who aligns with their party and a possibly senile buffoon who goes against many of their beliefs.


It's amazing that after putting forth someone as dynamic as Obama that they'd follow that up with Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. To me, the Democrats are more to blame for Trump than Republicans. They put forth one of their party's most disliked people and the most vanilla candidate possible. I also think pairing Biden with a someone so much further to the left than him really hurt him. Knowing that your candidate is being attacked like he was, they needed to pick a running mate whom voters would definitely have to be comfortable with taking over the presidency.  Since joining the Senate, Harris has been rated as the most far left member of the Senate. She could have been the right running mate for Bernie Sander, or even Obama. But she was the wrong choice for Biden.

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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2020 at 12:11 PM, Fanpuck33 said:


They elected him once already knowing that, so it's not that hard to believe he could keep the job.  It's no surprise that the election is close when the Democrats put forth such a mediocre candidate who sounds like a buffoon at times.  Personally, I just think he has trouble with public speaking like W did, though he doesn't have half of W's charisma. He was flubbing things back while VP, so I don't think he's losing it now. But I know plenty of people who worried about his mental capacity and struggled choosing between an ego-maniacal jerk who aligns with their party and a possibly senile buffoon who goes against many of their beliefs.


It's amazing that after putting forth someone as dynamic as Obama that they'd follow that up with Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. To me, the Democrats are more to blame for Trump than Republicans. They put forth one of their party's most disliked people and the most vanilla candidate possible. I also think pairing Biden with a someone so much further to the left than him really hurt him. Knowing that your candidate is being attacked like he was, they needed to pick a running mate whom voters would definitely have to be comfortable with taking over the presidency.  Since joining the Senate, Harris has been rated as the most far left member of the Senate. She could have been the right running mate for Bernie Sander, or even Obama. But she was the wrong choice for Biden.

Guess AOC is still too young. ;)

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I think Biden was the safe choice for the Dems. And Sanders and Warren were over 70, too.


Harris is only 56. But the new generation needs to generate some excitement. Not only AOC, but also people like Buttigieg, Gabbard and O'Rourke. Need some youth and vision.


I am guessing that Biden might not run for a second term, but we'll see.

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So, Trump has been crushed by Democrats for not wearing a mask and holding mass-gatherings during the pandemic, and rightly so. But what happens the night that Biden is announced as the election winner? Biden, while not wearing a mask, hugs people and kisses babies on national television and his supporters take to the streets in mass gatherings around the country. Good grief.

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On 11/1/2020 at 10:45 AM, revvvrob said:

Stu Cowen’s Montreal Gazette article is very disappointing. Doesn’t bother me at all that he doesn’t like Trump - many people I respect don’t. 

but to give up your childhood hero because they are in support of Trump? Kinda shallow if you ask me. 

Trump to me is like Gallagher - hate him on the other team, love him on yours. (Or any mouthy star on the opposing team). 

Trump’s noise aside, he does what he says he will do. If you don’t like his policies, vote against him, if you like his policies, vote for him. 

His economic policy will long outlive his tweets. 

#### TRUMP




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On 11/1/2020 at 12:07 PM, revvvrob said:

The polarized nature of politics does drive me crazy these days. To many in my real life world, a vote for trump is a vote for racism OR a vote for Biden is a vote for socialism. 

I tend to be a small government, free market capitalist who I hope isn’t a racist. 

as an immigrant myself, it really bugs me that Obama and now Biden/Harris would give citizenship to illegal aliens. I like Trump on immigration. 

in my world, the middle class did better under Trump (unemployment being low I feel helps the middle class the most). maybe your world is different. Gas prices alone helped me GREATLY and helped stop inflation (I remember under Obama when gas was at $4 a gallon and they were raising the cost of groceries to keep up with the fuel/delivery costs)


Obamacare personally hurt me. I was fighting off bankruptcy at the time and couldn’t afford ANY health insurance and come tax time I got fined per month for not buying healthcare. All that is struck down so far is the fines - as long as Trump keeps his promise to not hurt those with preexisting conditions, all will be fine. Will Trump keep his promise - I suppose that’s the thing to wonder/debate. 

but here - at least this is a discussion on ISSUES - not simply, he’s a jerk. 

I agree with you 100% that there needs either to be a C option or at least a willingness to work together in spite of differences instead of what I see - that republicans instantly disagree with anything a Democrat says and Democrats instantly disagree with anything a republican says. Neither side is ALWAYS wrong and neither are they ALWAYS right. 



You don't have to be a racist to vote for Trump.


You just have to decide that racism isn't a dealbreaker, and isn't something you are so adamantly against, that you'll vote for the guy despite it.

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9 hours ago, Commandant said:


You don't have to be a racist to vote for Trump.


You just have to decide that racism isn't a dealbreaker, and isn't something you are so adamantly against, that you'll vote for the guy despite it.

Or that you don’t believe Trump is a racist. 

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On 11/8/2020 at 10:01 AM, Fanpuck33 said:

So, Trump has been crushed by Democrats for not wearing a mask and holding mass-gatherings during the pandemic, and rightly so. But what happens the night that Biden is announced as the election winner? Biden, while not wearing a mask, hugs people and kisses babies on national television and his supporters take to the streets in mass gatherings around the country. Good grief.

I know. It’s the hypocrisy. 

I get people preferring a left-leaning government. Heck, Canada leans more left so in this forum, I’d expect more fans of the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. 

but Biden gets a pass for doing the same things Trump was blasted for doing. 

I long for the days it can just be an issues based election and not a personality based election. 

I feel it’s been personality/media presence based since Clinton. 

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1 hour ago, Commandant said:


Then you are denying the truth that sits right in front of your face 

I get not liking Trump’s right leaning capitalist stance, his selection of constitutionalist justices and even his narcissism. 

I just don’t get the evidence of racism. From his days as a tv personality to now as a politician, I don’t see racism. 

Under his presidency, unemployment among the black community dropped to what I believe were record lows. Tho, you could say he did that for whites and blacks just benefitted like collateral damage. 

but then what about the releasing of so many criminals for drug possession. I’ve seen interviews with my own eyes of those who have been released. When Trump had prisoners released, they were mostly blacks. 

then what about his support for HBCU? He went beyond the executive order signed by Obama and did more than he needed to. Why? Because he is a racist? I just don’t see it. 

and the statistics I’ve heard is that although most minorities in the US still vote Democrat, that in 2020 he outperformed all previous Republican candidates. So, that means minorities softened up a little (a very little) to the Republican Party under Trump’s watch. Surely they aren’t voting for someone they consider to be a racist. 

Trump is extremely flawed. But then again, I think we all are. I just think he is a terrible politician in that we all know to keep our flaws hidden while he just lays them out there. I’m embarrassed that back in my youth I told racist jokes. But I’m glad those are from 30 years ago. Just as we can dig up racist dirt on Biden, I’m certain Trump has some dirt on him to in terms of racism, but everything he has shown me, is that if you are what he considers a winner, then he likes you - regardless of your race or gender or whatever. His flaw is that winners and losers in his mind are defined by him - which I’d call narcissistic and anyone who can’t stomach voting for a narcissist, voted for Biden.  But racist? As Joe would say ‘c’mon man!’ Lol



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You don't see it?



Central Park 5

Mexicans are rapists and thugs
Insisting that when he visited his casinos no black dealers were on the floor. 
Multiple racial discrimination suits successfully filed against his real estate companies. 
He's repeatedly said that he believes in Eugenics
Refused to condemn David Duke's support in 2016

Good People on Both Sides. 

Stand down and Stand By
We don't want immigration from Shithole Countries, we want immigrants from norway. 

Repeatedly retweeting racist memes.
Muslim Bans

The way he treated John Roberts, John Cornyn, Kamala Harris etc.... 
His dad was arrested at a KKK rally. 

How much more evidence do you need?

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6 minutes ago, Commandant said:

You don't see it?



Central Park 5

Mexicans are rapists and thugs
Insisting that when he visited his casinos no black dealers were on the floor. 
Multiple racial discrimination suits successfully filed against his real estate companies. 
He's repeatedly said that he believes in Eugenics
Refused to condemn David Duke's support in 2016

Good People on Both Sides. 

Stand down and Stand By
We don't want immigration from Shithole Countries, we want immigrants from norway. 

Repeatedly retweeting racist memes.
Muslim Bans

The way he treated John Roberts, John Cornyn, Kamala Harris etc.... 
His dad was arrested at a KKK rally. 

How much more evidence do you need?

Those are CNN headlines - not in context. 

like I’ve watched the rapists and thugs quote - he wasn’t saying that of all Mexicans - only that it’s criminals that cross the border illegally. 

He has denounced white supremacy so many times - the fact he keeps getting asked isn’t because he hasn’t answered satisfactorily, it’s that the media refuse to accept his answer. 

muslim bans were because of where the terrorist threats were coming from, not because of their religion or skin color. 

im not going to go through all of your points, not because they are all false - for all I know, the casino thing is true, but that’s the past - like Biden’s school segregation wish. We’ve all grown and matured. Evolved. I’m sure Trump has too in his view of minorities. 


I think context is vital. Trump’s lack of political acumen was his Achilles heel - not racism. He gave the media sound bites they ran with. That’s on him. But policies and decisions he made - they lifted minorities, not white supremacists. 

but if he is a racist who had 4 years of power, I think the kkk is very disappointed in him. 


 As I’ve said - lots of reasons to not like trump or not vote for him - I just don’t think racism is one of them. 

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The atlantic article has all the context including his demands that no black dealers be on the floor when he used to visit his casinos, his history of racial profiling in renting apartments and other issues.


The guy dogwhistles... he winks at the KKK and proudboys with his initial comments and then he walks them back.  He knows full well that his initial comments are taken as support.


Believe what you want... im done here.  He lost and good riddance to that asshole.

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Agreed - as much as I love your hockey analysis, we won’t agree politically. And that’s fine. I miss the days though when people could disagree on politics and it not be so visceral. 

I don’t believe he thinks Mexicans are rapists and thugs, you do. 

likely, it’s President Biden now, so the whole this is about to be the stuff of rear-view mirrors, thankfully. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/13/2020 at 11:28 AM, Commandant said:


Then you are denying the truth that sits right in front of your face 


On 11/12/2020 at 11:13 PM, Commandant said:


You don't have to be a racist to vote for Trump.


You just have to decide that racism isn't a dealbreaker, and isn't something you are so adamantly against, that you'll vote for the guy despite it.

who's truth? Yours? or mine? or Revs. Who gets to be the arbiter of truth the NyT or Ny Post? or is it Brietbart or the Post? The freakin Atlantic? Give me a break with this narrative from media... None of them can be believed! Not a single one from either side of either aisle. Truly do your research on Donald Trump over the last 30 years and the results will likely tell you a completely different story then the narrative you are pushing yourself.  You need just watch 2014 and 2015 full Trump segmants on The View to name but one liberal show and you will see Donald Trump is not who they say he is today. 



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On 11/13/2020 at 1:45 PM, Commandant said:

You don't see it?


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ i call BS on this piece. again, media painting a narrative.

Central Park 5 

Mexicans are rapists and thugs
Insisting that when he visited his casinos no black dealers were on the floor 
Multiple racial discrimination suits successfully filed against his real estate companies 
He's repeatedly said that he believes in Eugenics
Refused to condemn David Duke's support in 2016

Good People on Both Sides.  

Stand down and Stand By
We don't want immigration from Shithole Countries, we want immigrants from norway.

Repeatedly retweeting racist memes.
Muslim Bans 

The way he treated John Roberts, John Cornyn, Kamala Harris etc.... 
His dad was arrested at a KKK rally.

How much more evidence do you need? 




everyone should do there own research rather then rely on others opinions...

I also dont think trump is going anywhere anytime soon. He is hands down the leader of the Republican Party and nobody on the Republican side stands a chance of usurping him if he wishes to continue his political career.




Just playing devils advocate here.





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17 minutes ago, Commandant said:

No one can be believed, there are no facts anymore. EXACTLY.  There is no facts anymore. all thats reported is opinion and smear


But watch the View, cause that has the facts....


OK, sure. 

you missed the point here. The point was how can you believe The View? How can you believe anyone who can say one thing today, another thing yesterday, and another thing tomorrow without blinking an eye?

The dishonesty is everywhere! 

How can a guy who was in the limelight for 40 years be treated one way by the media and hollywood and completely flip the moment he declared his running for president as a Republican. Watch the instant flip by the View even after Joy Behar practically begs him to run as a democrat instead of Republican to no avail,  including the flip flop of comedians hollywood treatment etc...  Its a pathetic joke!

At least what Donald Trump was saying in the 90's and 2000's is consistent with what he says in 2016 and 2020. That coupled with the heightened awareness now of corrupt and dishonest propaganda media from all sides (Fox News to CNN), just cant be trusted any longer. That alone, the world can appreciate.

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