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Alexander Perezhogin


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If he want to ever come back to the NHL, Perezhogin have no choice but play with us, right? Also, does his 2 years in Russia count toward the number of years he have to play to become UFA?

Anyway even if he came back would he fit in the lineup.. we have so many youngsters already.. what to do with him?

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Sounds like sour grapes. I think that if he continues to improve, and he wants to come back, then we should give him a shot. He wasn't getting the opporunities he deserved -- he was given a lot less slack then some other players out there.

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Bacchus is right. If he wants to play then he should be given the opportunity to try out.

Sure his stats arent insane over in Europe this year. However when you look at some of Datsyuk's & Zetterberg's Euro stats they arent too far off Perezhogin's. Nobody knows what effect him playing in Russia for 2 years will have.

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no chance, a GM would be crazy to take a chance on this guy

I dont think so. ottawa had the same problem with kaigorodov)sp) and his rights were traded to phoenix. perezhogin is still a good hockey player, i'm sure a team would take a chance to attract him...not montreal, though. they really dont have room for him.

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Sounds like sour grapes. I think that if he continues to improve, and he wants to come back, then we should give him a shot. He wasn't getting the opporunities he deserved -- he was given a lot less slack then some other players out there.

But we can't give him an opportunity, we have no spot for him. He would play on our third line, most likely with Gui and Chipchura. That's the best-case scenario and he wouldn't be happy with that because he didn't enjoy the third line last time. He's good enough to make our team but not good enough to get a roster spot that he'd be happy with (unless he started off on a bottom line and worked his way up with great play).

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Sounds like sour grapes. I think that if he continues to improve, and he wants to come back, then we should give him a shot. He wasn't getting the opporunities he deserved -- he was given a lot less slack then some other players out there.

I agree completely.

I find that to be highly unlikely because he never really did prove anything when he played for the Habs so why would they take the chance.

He didn't have the chance to prove anything.

I'd definitely take him back, and try him on the third with Gui and Chips. Gui Chips and Perogie is a third line that could be both offensive AND defensive, as well as they're all fairly big players. People forget that he had the highest plus minus on the team last year, and that he was the third player in the Johnson/Bonk shutdown line. At worst case, he's a solid third liner with some offensive potential. BUT, he could be more offensive and talented than some of the guys we have playing on our top two lines. He could be another Afinogenov or Datsyuk, given a chance to play on an offensive line with the right players. Remember how bad plex stunk for the first half of last year? We all love him now... just saying...

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Who? ;)

He played on the 3rd line most of last season, why would he like it any better in two years?

He only got to play on the third for about half the year, and then Carbo basically benched him or gave him 5 minutes a game on the fourth for the second half. If he knew he was gonna get a real chance and get to play, I think he'd come back. At the same time, he probably already feels pegged by Carbo and figures he won't get a real chance.

It's a shame to me. We complain about not having enough offense... He's talented. He never got a real chance to stay on an offensive line even though he did GREAT with Koivu and Kovy at the beginning of his rookie year. The same way I've been saying put Kovy and Koivu back together, they worked, when Koivu was slumping, last year I kept thinking "just Play Perogie on one of the top two lines with other offensive players and let him show what he can do" when the team was slumping...

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I just don't see how he has a place on the current roster.

Who of the top 6 forwards is he considerably better than?

considerably, none of them, yet... but there are still injuries that happen. And everyone who's so in love with little kost should remember how excited they were about Perogie's first two games in the league. I'm not knocking little kost, but he's only played two games, not enough to prove he's gonna be fantastic. And until he was called up, and we'd won two games in a row, we were all bemoaning our lack of offense, and saying we have too many third and fourthliners, but no one talented enough to play on a first or second line. All I'm suggesting is that someone like perogie is talented enough to play on the first or second, but also defensively sound enough to play on the third and has great positioning and an excellent plus minus. How is that NOT a kind of player we want. He'd fit basically anywhere. If we want to be as solid as a team like the Sens, consider the fact that they've got some offensively talented players on their third line, not just their top two...

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Pollock brought back Rejean Houle after he bolted for the WHA and left the Habs on horrendous terms. He brought him back because he thought Houle made the team better.

If Perezhogin, at some point in the future, will make us better, and wants to come back, we should sign him.

Simple as that.

Right now, we move on without him.


Interesting part of this article:

His Montreal Canadiens conterpart Guy Carbonneau is not so sure. His team lost young winger Alexander Perezhogin to a Russian club last summer.

"It's not good for the NHL because you lose the young guys," said Carbonneau "Perezhogin was starting to play really well, but he's making twice as much money as he was going to make here.

"So I'm sure the people from the NHL are looking at it as a threat and will try to find a solution."

Doesn't sound like Carbo hated him, it sounds like he saw him progressing into a good player.

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I just don't see how he has a place on the current roster.

Who of the top 6 forwards is he considerably better than?

Remember, we are talking about in 1.5 years from now. Who knows who will still be with us then; who knows how good Perogie will be. Maybe Kovalev will retire, maybe Ryder will be gone, maybe we will suffer a serious career ending injury up front. Just because we aren't clairvoyant doesn't mean we should close the door on the possibility.

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Well he could have been a great fit for the 1st line before Sergei was called up, better than Dandenault, Smoke or Streit,

I would gladly have him back but I understood his decision.

Edited by JMMR
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IMHO it is time to forget about Alex Perezhogin. I really am not a fan of a guy who runs away to Russia when he doesnt get the playing time he wants. IMO he never seized his opportunities and he got run out by guys that played harder than him, and even now Sergei is further along in his development and Andrei is showing that unlike him he can score. Couple that with the fact that Perez will always be offered better money to play in Russia and the chances we see him again are very slim. He makes himself sound cute saying that he was homesick(I beleive I heard this somewhere...if not my bad), but the real reason he left is because he didnt get the playing time he deserved, but when he did he rarely capitalized on his chance to prove himself.

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I say screw perezhogin. He's a whiny little biatch and doesn't deserve to wear the Bleu Blanc Rouge. He can stay in Russia for all I care.

Anyways, we already have a few players on this team who resemble Perzhogin's style of play(Plex dn A. Kosty) however both of them are way better than Perez. No big loss!

Edited by Habsfan
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