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Game Thread | Habs vs. Lightning | 03/01/08


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Wow.. what a great game by Ryder. .he really works well with Higgins and maybe this will get him confident again.

As much as people hate the way Ryder has played this season, I think we can all agree that him playing well can only improve this team's chances.

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As much as people hate the way Ryder has played this season, I think we can all agree that him playing well can only improve this team's chances.

I'll go as far as to say that if he's scoring regularily, and we're in a playoff position at the deadline....I'd keep him and take my chances rather than dealing him. IF he continues to score. Because having three lines that can strike is so crucial....you know that one line is going to be able to victimize the other team's 5-6 defense pairing that way.

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I'll go as far as to say that if he's scoring regularily, and we're in a playoff position at the deadline....I'd keep him and take my chances rather than dealing him. IF he continues to score. Because having three lines that can strike is so crucial....you know that one line is going to be able to victimize the other team's 5-6 defense pairing that way.

Even with Ryder's terrible season, we would and ARE in a playoff position....with home ice I thank you very much ! :)

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I'll go as far as to say that if he's scoring regularily, and we're in a playoff position at the deadline....I'd keep him and take my chances rather than dealing him. IF he continues to score. Because having three lines that can strike is so crucial....you know that one line is going to be able to victimize the other team's 5-6 defense pairing that way.

Yup.. the reality is that we will get nothing in a trade anyway. Might as well get as much out of him as possible and then either sign him in the off season or let him go, depending on how the rest of the season goes.

Wow.. only the 3rd star.. ryder had 2 goals, 3 points, and made some very nice setup passes.. and gets 3rd star.. lol.. poor guy. I figured second behind Kovy...

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Can anyone tell me why we're playing at 12:30 on Saturday?

It's the cosmos' way of getting me out of bed before 3pm... ;)

Honestly, no idea... I was wondering myself.

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Even with Ryder's terrible season, we would and ARE in a playoff position....with home ice I thank you very much ! :)

Got that right, what patience.

Great game, Habbies! :clap:

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I was a bit worried going into the 3rd but the boys proved me wrong :clap::clap:

Poor Lecavalier and St Louis.. these guys do everything they can but even top notch athletes in their peaks like them cant win all by themselves when their other teammates are so crappy. Also they're so overused than they run out of energy by the end of a game.

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Nice win Habs!! Ryder with 2, and a great shot by Kosty to give them the lead. What a setup by Higgins. Great to have 3 lines that can score regularly. If Ryder starts scoring, look out. Helps having Higgins the workhorse to play with. You can see some of younsters growing with confidence. I know Huet's taking some heat tonite, but he made some good saves. The first goal was a breakaway, didn't look to ready. The 2nd he had no chance, and the third, maybe a little weak but just a bad turnover.

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If Ryder is indeed back, I can't see scoring being an issue anymore. Now we can all just sit back and criticize our goalies... :P

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Haven't posted in a while, it's been a busy christmas break...

Great game by montreal, coughed up the lead but came right back at it. Kovalev is unreallllllll

Why is it that we don't get the "KOVY! KOVY KOVY!" chants in the Bell? I'm sure it's happened before, but not in a while i dont think...let's show this guy some more love after criticizing him so much last year.

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Nice win by the boys. they played an excellent 1st and an even better 3rd period. They kinda took a break in the second, and Tampa came back.

It was nice to see Ryder get a couple of goals, hopefully this will mean the end of his scoring slump!?!?!

Higgins is a workhorse out there. He played a great game, and so did Kovalev(again!) The Kostitsyn brothers are getting better and better with each game. I can't wait to see how this team will look in 2 years!

I also love the fact that we have 3 lines that can produce some offense. Keep it that way...don't change a thing Carbo!

Huet let in a weak goal(the 3rd one) and he didn't seem ready for the Lecavalier breakaway. No reaction from him...but hey, the habs won, the Losers lost against the Pens and all is good in Habsland!

Edited by Habsfan
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So I guess the moratorium on Newfies hitting nets is over? I hope so. I would love to see him finish with 30 as was expected. Now wouldn't that make a lot of us eat some crow for the first half opinions? Me included of course.

Huet froze on Vinnie like an iguana on Pluto.

Other than that, the second was my fault. Boy blocked the goalie. Saw the replay and we had that one. Sorry and so is 3 yr old Esson Guy Hasbeen. He was so upset that he blocked Huet, his favourite goalie by far. He knows that if I can't see the puck it reasons that the goalie can't. Smart kid!

Great 2 pnts, always worry when these guys come calling to The Bell.

Edited by johnnyhasbeen
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after all that I'm still sure that montreal will win it. Ryder will score a goal and we will cheer him like if he was Guy Lafleur...then he'll score another one !!!



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So I guess the moratorium on Newfies hitting nets is over? I hope so. I would love to see him finish with 30 as was expected. Now wouldn't that make a lot of us eat some crow for the first half opinions? Me included of course.

He was playing pretty god awful, and was bringing Higgins/Koivu down with him, so I don't regret anything I said. I never had anything personally against him tho, and wished him to pull out of his funk, always want to see the habs win, and a 30 goal trigger man helps.

Seems like he'd been playing a lot better since those scratch nights, now he's being rewarded with goals.

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He was playing pretty god awful, and was bringing Higgins/Koivu down with him, so I don't regret anything I said. I never had anything personally against him tho, and wished him to pull out of his funk, always want to see the habs win, and a 30 goal trigger man helps.

Seems like he'd been playing a lot better since those scratch nights, now he's being rewarded with goals.

Ya, so has Chipschura.

Maybe Habs management actually has a plan??

Its an old, proven plan, that has worked for 50+ years.

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Nice win!

I caught glimpses of the game (had supper/beer with a girl at 3 brasseurs, so i had to force myself to not watch the game, even with the TV right in front of my face, arrrgh, lol.)

Hightlights aren't up yet, but how did the Ryder goals look? Flukey/lucky/trash goals or were they sniper goals from the Ryder we used to know?

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Can anyone tell me why we're playing at 12:30 on Saturday?

don't know man, i didn't notice when I baught my tickets for this game before the season started. Now I have to attend a freaking 12h30 game with KIDS ALL OVER THE PLACE, they will all be preaching and praising Ovechkin and i'll be like "SHUT THE ###### UP, HE'S PLAYING AGAINST US RIGHT NOW".


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Can anyone tell me why we're playing at 12:30 on Saturday?

NFL Playoffs.

I'm really glad how we played tonight in front of the home crowd. Kovy came out flying, and Chips was awesome the whole way through. His line always had the Lightning pinned in their own zone. Good to see Ryder get a pair, nice ones too, he's always been streaky but hopefully he's coming around. Higgins was great again. Same with Plekanec, he is such a complete player.

But the game was hardly perfect. Huet did his best imitation of a statue on the first goal, and he was so slow getting over for the third. Honestly, does he have a quota of one softie per game? If he was in Ramo's place, it might have gone to double digits. He was alright though,A. Kost played really poorly besides his goal, but that's just the kind of offensive threat he can be. And seriously, we must have set the record for cough-ups in the defensive zone, it was non-stop out there. Luckily we were playing a bad team.

Overall a good win and really fun to watch. I hope Price gets the start on Saturday, and we gotta really take it to them. These are points that we should get and that we need.

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NFL Playoffs.

According to an article writen by Pat Hickey and posted on montrealgazette.com, it has nothing to do with the NFL:

"Fans are reminded tomorrow's game against Washington starts at 12:30 p.m. The Canadiens wanted to play an afternoon game and the unusual starting time is to accommodate RDS, which will pick up the world junior final at 3 p.m."

Hopefully, RDS will have been wise to give the Habs the earlier start, because Team Canada will be playing for gold.

Edited by sbhatt
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nice to see a win on home ice and great to see ryder get a couple

so much for no offence on this team, we are 3rd in the East in goals and 6th overall

go habs goooooooo!!!!!!

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Anyone? or is it just me? I just got cable yesterday and rds was working, when I tried to watch the game tonight it says not authorized. I'm gonna lose it.

I have my cable (and RDS) through Eastlink (In Halifax) and have never had any blackouts, ever, for the 3 years I've had it.

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