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Game Thread | Pittsburgh vs. Canadiens | 01/19/08


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agreed....and Higgins was playing better w/ryder & laps....alternate smolinski w/TK on the 4th line centre until we can unload him....put dandy back on right wing where he can use his speed (he looks lost on the left side) .....Begin back on LW

A. Kost/Plex/Kovy

Gui/Koivu/S, Kost


Begin/Smokes (or TK)/Dandy

That looks much better.

But also Chips needs to come back.

I really hope Smoke is waived or is somehow removed from the lineup.

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Don't get too cocky, we're primed for a slump: unproductive PP, Koivu playing like he's on depressants, Ryder and Higgins in the toilet, and worst of all, a home stand.

I have a feeling the Bruins are due for a win against us, which would make us 0-2 on the homestand and all set for a wee bout of panic.

I am not getting cocky. Just saying if the Leafs catch us it will most likely be a result of the Habs playing poorly.

I don't think that Leafs are going to go 23-10 down the stretch, which would place them in 8th.

Last year they caught fire and went 18-10-5 down the stretch. Considering they have won 19 games all year even if they played as well

as they did last year in the last 3 months it would leave them with 87 points.

If the Habs finish at 87 points it will be their collapse as they would need to finish 15-20.

The Habs went 17-17-1 during their final 35 games last season. So if they play as poorly as they did last year they will finish up the year with 91 points.

I am cautiously optimistic that they will not collapse like last season, but to expect them to bottom out like that? You have less confidence in them than me.

I understand the feeling of getting burnt, but how can we buy into this team being a contender in the near future if we are afraid that they will sink to the levels of

the Leafs right now?

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I am not getting cocky. Just saying if the Leafs catch us it will most likely be a result of the Habs playing poorly.

I don't think that Leafs are going to go 23-10 down the stretch, which would place them in 8th.

Last year they caught fire and went 18-10-5 down the stretch. Considering they have won 19 games all year even if they played as well

as they did last year in the last 3 months it would leave them with 87 points.

If the Habs finish at 87 points it will be their collapse as they would need to finish 15-20.

The Habs went 17-17-1 during their final 35 games last season. So if they play as poorly as they did last year they will finish up the year with 91 points.

I am cautiously optimistic that they will not collapse like last season, but to expect them to bottom out like that? You have less confidence in them than me.

I understand the feeling of getting burnt, but how can we buy into this team being a contender in the near future if we are afraid that they will sink to the levels of

the Leafs right now?

No, no Wamsley, you're reading too much into my little remark. I just mean that I sense a slump coming. But a slump is not the same as the total collapse we witnessed last season. This team is, as Gainey says, better balanced than last year's and unlikely to collapse in the same manner (barring a rash of injuries - knock wood). That doesn't mean they won't give us a few scares on the way to the playoffs though. ^_^

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agreed....and Higgins was playing better w/ryder & laps....alternate smolinski w/TK on the 4th line centre until we can unload him....put dandy back on right wing where he can use his speed (he looks lost on the left side) .....Begin back on LW

A. Kost/Plex/Kovy

Gui/Koivu/S, Kost


Begin/Smokes (or TK)/Dandy

I like those combinations. Get Koivu away from Ryder and higgins. Maybe it'll be good for him? Put Latendresse with Saku, Gui seems to play his best hockey when he plays with Saku.

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No, no Wamsley, you're reading too much into my little remark. I just mean that I sense a slump coming. But a slump is not the same as the total collapse we witnessed last season. This team is, as Gainey says, better balanced than last year's and unlikely to collapse in the same manner (barring a rash of injuries - knock wood). That doesn't mean they won't give us a few scares on the way to the playoffs though. ^_^

Oh believe me, I have fear. I hope you are wrong though.

And I know they will make us sweat to get to the playoffs. I can't remember the last time I did not sweat during a playoff run. Probably 94 when they were 12 points clear.

All the other years were squeakers with the Habs 2-4 points up on the 9th place team.

I miss the Adams Division days.

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Oh believe me, I have fear. I hope you are wrong though.

And I know they will make us sweat to get to the playoffs. I can't remember the last time I did not sweat during a playoff run. Probably 94 when they were 12 points clear.

All the other years were squeakers with the Habs 2-4 points up on the 9th place team.

I miss the Adams Division days.

For sure. I am optimistic though that we won't be in that bubble situation for another 5 years or more. We have the depth, youth and management to assure that. A year ago I wouldn't have said that. We were shallow at goal, Huet Abi, little known Halak and Danis. We thought Price was years away at this point of the season. Our defence was very susceptable to colapse and we had nobody that we wanted to call up. Now I am sort of comfortable with the d-corp. Always room for improvement, I haven't been happy about our defence as a whole since the 70's, and even then we had the odd bone head.

We are very deep with NHL quality 3rd/4th liners, that is obvious. The question remains, how many will become more than 3rd line? We do need to trade a couple of these for a truely established top liner. We all know that. However, compared to last season, we are a better team with our current lines. Our team +/- must be way up over last years, even minus Bonk and Johnson. 2nd line has become the top, with maturity, I expect a Higgins/?/Lil Bro line to push hard for that top ice time as a solid second once the right centre is found. Saku will centre a third line that will role wingers game in game out, trying to find a pair that click with him. He will still get PP time. 4th line should be checking.

There are enough pieces to the puzzle here for a long run of playoff appearances. Bob will play them right. I know it in my bones.

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Here we go again. Carbo is ######ing around with the lines once again!

Ryder has been "promoted" to the First line With Saku and Higgins. MY guess is that they are trying to shop Ryder around and give himn some extra Ice time...I hope that is the case and Ryder gets traded, cause if it isn't that...then Ryder is stealing precious minutes away from other players who deserve it way more.

The Second line remains unchanged...Plex, Kovy A. Kosty.

The third line is where I have a problem. They put Bégin and Smolinski with Sergei Kosty...Poor kid, he doesn'T have a chance. Why not play Latendresse with Lapierre and S. Kosty as a third line? We'll never know. Latendresse is our best scorer 5 on 5 yet the kid does it while playing 6 minutes less than every one else.

And finally the 4th line will be Latendresse, Lapierre and Kostopoulos/Dandeneault.

Edited by Habsfan
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Here we go again. Carbo is ######ing around with the lines once again!

Ryder has been "promoted" to the First line With Saku and Higgins. MY guess is that they are trying to shop Ryder around and give himn some extra Ice time...I hope that is the case and Ryder gets traded, cause if it isn't that...then Ryder is stealing precious minutes away from other players who deserve it way more.

The Second line remains unchanged...Plex, Kovy A. Kosty.

The third line is where I have a problem. They put Bégin and Smolinski with Sergei Kosty...Poor kid, he doesn'T have a chance. Why not play Latendresse with Lapierre and S. Kosty as a third line? We'll never know. Latendresse is our best scorer 5 on 5 yet the kid does it while playing 6 minutes less than every one else.

And finally the 4th line will be Latendresse, Lapierre and Kostopoulos/Dandeneault.

what the??? Yeah, third and 4th lines are crazy. and I agree that if this isn't to shop Ryder, there's no good reason for him to be on one of the top two lines right now.

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They put Bégin and Smolinski with Sergei Kosty
When there were struggles last year BOb recommended to Carbo to mix the skill with some meat and potato players. Maybe that's why SK is on the 3rd. Given his hitting lately, he's proving to be rugged enough for line 3. I can live with it but I'll be annoyed if he goes to Hamilton.
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The Pleks line is the top/first line. I wish everyone would refer to it that way. Ryder is promoted to the 2nd line.

it's just politics. Most people know that Kost/Pleks/Kovy is the #1, but it just doesn't seem nice to call the Koivu line 2nd. I frankly don't really care. Maybe there is a lazy coach in the league who gameplans a bit off the printed lines and matches up power against Koivu and gets killed by Plek... it'd be worth it for 2 points over 82 games :).

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I don't get putting the Ryder Koivu Higgins line back, it's uniting all the slumping players. If it works then great move Carbo, you must know something we don't.

What I REALLY don't get is putting S. Kost with Begin and Smolinski. At least maybe Begin has the speed to put himself in position to receive one of his nice passes, but Latendresse Lapierre S Kost would have looked a lot better on paper in my mind. I guess he wanted a veteran presence out there with Dandenault, and there's always an appeal of the all-Quebecois energy line at home.

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I don't get putting the Ryder Koivu Higgins line back, it's uniting all the slumping players. If it works then great move Carbo, you must know something we don't.

What I REALLY don't get is putting S. Kost with Begin and Smolinski. At least maybe Begin has the speed to put himself in position to receive one of his nice passes, but Latendresse Lapierre S Kost would have looked a lot better on paper in my mind. I guess he wanted a veteran presence out there with Dandenault, and there's always an appeal of the all-Quebecois energy line at home.

What did S. Kost do to deserve this? Talk about punishment.

Agree, I thought that putting him with Lapierre and Latendresse might really make something special out of that line.

When is Ryder's contract up again?

Edited by tokyohabs
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I don't get putting the Ryder Koivu Higgins line back, it's uniting all the slumping players. If it works then great move Carbo, you must know something we don't.

Maybe that's the point. They were slumping, he broke them up, they slumped further except for Ryder who had one of his spells. Maybe reunited they will challenge for their ice time together. Would be sweet. At this point it doesn't hurt as they are doing nothing as seperate units. Weather or not they get that ice time is yet to be seen. Maybe Lil Bro still gets his ice time.

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Plus they can do less damage if they play together.

Also does anyone know how they pick the young guns for the all star games? Lats has more goals then alot of those guys and he's 20?

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Maybe that's the point. They were slumping, he broke them up, they slumped further except for Ryder who had one of his spells. Maybe reunited they will challenge for their ice time together. Would be sweet. At this point it doesn't hurt as they are doing nothing as seperate units. Weather or not they get that ice time is yet to be seen. Maybe Lil Bro still gets his ice time.

Agreed. I think it's more like Carbo is running out of choices with these guys. He's been making good ones all year, and this sounds like something that just might work. I think JHB , you should make the call in saku, higgy and Ryders honor. Looks like we,re running out of choices too.

Higgy was only great last year after the all-star break, Saks is always up and down but ends strong and Ryder? well his drought has been a painful one, but last year it took a hat-trick in the last game for him to hit thirty goals, so I'm not expecting thirty this year but he will pick it up starting this week.

Go HABS GO!!!!!!!!

Our original 1st line is back. Like Carbo says other teams checking lines are focusing on #2 now, this should create some room for the SAKS line. They are going to play hard these next two games I can feel it.

1st place or bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What did S. Kost do to deserve this? Talk about punishment.

Agree, I thought that putting him with Lapierre and Latendresse might really make something special out of that line.

Good comment. I thought the exact same thing when I saw the lines yesterday. Poor Sergei! At least if Carbo were to place him with Lapierre and Latendresse (and creat a new "kid" line) it would give Sergei a chance to produce. Lapierre is a worker and a shit disturnber and LAtendresse is strong along the boards and in front of the net. This could create some room on the ice for Sergei.

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