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The Chipchura Case


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Yep that was I was thinking too Colin ... I suppose Gainey wants to wait one more year. Right now it's time for the veterans ala Lang to get us the cup, not really time to develop Chipper with the big boys this season.

Hope that he'll lead the Bulldogs, so that he might get some emergency call-ups later that season.

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How do you all think Chips is doing tonight? I think pretty well overall... From boone: "Kyle Chipchura did not look out of place on the Robert Lang line. "

That's just what everyone's been saying: he'd be better on the third line than on the 4th. He'll still be sent back when people are healthy though, but it's still time to make a good impression...

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I loved Chips tonight and putting him on the wing does not hurt as whatever line he is on would have the added bonus of having 2 center man on it.

I would take Chips any day over Dandy.

Chips was decent in the circle tonight he took 5 faceoffs won 2 of them.

His positioning is very good and he helped break up Florida's offense numerous times.

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Great game tonight. His backchecking really helped Lang's line. Lang has tendency to float, so Chips does a real nice job of balancing that line.

Where do we go from here ?

Really not sure. With the rotating injuries I hope he stays for a little while.

Not sure whos spot he would take when everyone gets back - but hopefully he continues to play this well for a couple of games to secure his spot.

I have rarely seen him make a mistake - he doesnt create a whole lot either, but I like that he can be very dependable when called upon.

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Great game tonight. His backchecking really helped Lang's line. Lang has tendency to float, so Chips does a real nice job of balancing that line.

He did play pretty good, but considering the situation he's in he did look pretty lazy skating back on the lone Florida goal. I'm glad he's up though, I'm a CHIPS fan too.

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Chips' backchecking saved Ryan O'Byrne's ass, and a quality scoring chance on one significant play in the 3rd period. He also did well below the goal line in the offensive zone.

Mildly off-topic, but I seem to recall a lot of nay-sayers at the beginning of Komi's run as a Canadien. He was terribly inconsistent at the beginning as well. Give O'Byrne a chance. He's a very big guy still learning his craft. He's going to continue to make mistakes, perhaps for as many or more than the three seasons that it took Komi to mature into a reliable top defensive guy. O'Byrne is a kid learning his craft. That he's in the NHL is already a great step. He's learning from great players and a solid coaching staff. But a big guy like that needs time.

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Mildly off-topic, but I seem to recall a lot of nay-sayers at the beginning of Komi's run as a Canadien. He was terribly inconsistent at the beginning as well. Give O'Byrne a chance. He's a very big guy still learning his craft. He's going to continue to make mistakes, perhaps for as many or more than the three seasons that it took Komi to mature into a reliable top defensive guy. O'Byrne is a kid learning his craft. That he's in the NHL is already a great step. He's learning from great players and a solid coaching staff. But a big guy like that needs time.

you are right about O'Byrne. This is only his second full season in the NHL, we need to be patient. He'll be our 4th d-man 2 years from now!

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Mildly off-topic, but I seem to recall a lot of nay-sayers at the beginning of Komi's run as a Canadien. He was terribly inconsistent at the beginning as well. Give O'Byrne a chance. He's a very big guy still learning his craft. He's going to continue to make mistakes, perhaps for as many or more than the three seasons that it took Komi to mature into a reliable top defensive guy. O'Byrne is a kid learning his craft. That he's in the NHL is already a great step. He's learning from great players and a solid coaching staff. But a big guy like that needs time.

I don't think O'Byrne is doing that bad at all, however people are dissecting every single move or decision he makes because he's still practically a rookie, and probably also because some would like to see a more offensive Yannick Weber in his place (regardless of the fact that Weber would make even more mistakes in the defensive zone).

Another reason why people may think O'Byrne is disappointing is because they expect bone crushing hits every shift while in fact O'Byrne is a big kid adjusting to the NHL who plays a safer game for now because he doesn't want to be sent down for taking too many chances and getting caught out of position. Personally, I still think he's making good contact with opponents and playing a fairly sound positional game... the rest will come with experience and increased confidence.

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I don't think O'Byrne is doing that bad at all, however people are dissecting every single move or decision he makes because he's still practically a rookie, and probably also because some would like to see a more offensive Yannick Weber in his place (regardless of the fact that Weber would make even more mistakes in the defensive zone).

Another reason why people may think O'Byrne is disappointing is because they expect bone crushing hits every shift while in fact O'Byrne is a big kid adjusting to the NHL who plays a safer game for now because he doesn't want to be sent down for taking too many chances and getting caught out of position. Personally, I still think he's making good contact with opponents and playing a fairly sound positional game... the rest will come with experience and increased confidence.

Indeed. Komi was criticized at first for trying to run people into the boards at every opportunity, and then for not hitting anyone at all as he honed his defensive game. Now he's balanced and mean. Expecting a rookie, particularly one of that size, to waltz in and play error-free hockey is much the same as me expecting to win 6/49 tomorrow night then taking everyone who comments on Saturday's game thread out for drinks. In Paris.

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Nice to see some people on these boards are patient with O'Byrne. It's good to know that we have knowledgeable fans on this site!

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Indeed. Komi was criticized at first for trying to run people into the boards at every opportunity, and then for not hitting anyone at all as he honed his defensive game. Now he's balanced and mean. Expecting a rookie, particularly one of that size, to waltz in and play error-free hockey is much the same as me expecting to win 6/49 tomorrow night then taking everyone who comments on Saturday's game thread out for drinks. In Paris.

btw i for one would up for that paris thing. :lol:

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Whoa, I hope people didn't take that comment for me getting impatient with O'Byrne. I'm fully aware he'll make mistakes. Chips bailed him out once, and Halak did another. He had a bad game. He'll have a few of those. I'm not launching a tirade against O'Byrne, I'm just stating a positive that Chips did.

O'Byrne has all the makings of being a solid NHL d-man. And he's played some good hockey so far this year. He'll make errors. And he'll learn from them.

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agreed, but it sucks that he goes back after such a solid performance.

personally I think with do Latendresse a lot of good to go down for few games - come back with scoring touch he seems to have lost.

He is getting opportunities but no goals. Confidence sinking ?

Chipchura should stay for few games after that great game.

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agreed, but it sucks that he goes back after such a solid performance.

personally I think with do Latendresse a lot of good to go down for few games - come back with scoring touch he seems to have lost.

He is getting opportunities but no goals. Confidence sinking ?

Chipchura should stay for few games after that great game.

NO!!! I personally like Chips better than Lats but I see NO benefit in sending Lats down right now... He's not gonna score in every game and as long as he's getting opportunities and working hard (both are happening), there's no reason to change anything... Let's just let him play. His line has been the most consistent one, whether that's due to him or not, why mess with a good thing?

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The clock's ticking for Chipchura, I think. Montreal's in win-now mode right now, and his oppurtunities for this season are limited. The Canadiens will have to think long and hard about his future if he doesn't make the club out of training camp next season.

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Chipchura should stay for few games after that great game.

Chipchura could have had a hat trick and still be sent down. He was designated as an emergency callup (we were carrying a full roster of 23 and still called him up.) Part of the deal to be able to call a player up under these conditions is that he or some other player must be immediately returned to the AHL, or the callup become what's termed as a "regular recall." Because the Habs were carrying the max + Chipchura, it only made sense to send him back down. It gets a little more in-depth than this, but the long and short of it is that he pretty much had to go down and would've have been notified of that when he was called up.

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