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Lots of pressure for a kid. I hope he plays well, but I hope ppl don't get down on him if he's not the saviour we've been waiting for. Remember this is his first taste of the NHL.

It'd be nice if it happened, but It shouldn't be his job to pick the team up on his back and take it to the playoffs...

Yeah, exactly. If we make it, he deserves all the credit he can get. If we don't make it, we can't make him our scapegoat.

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TSN has a little video report up on their website now about Halak being handed the keys for the balance of the season.

But you heard it here first....;)

Edited by bobby
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I'm looking for little victories. And in my mind I love this move. Giving Halak a chance to excel and take the team on his back in my mind is a great move. It will have a good effect on the rest of the team, I'm sure of it. Not only because he's a kid playing his heart out but also because his ability to control the puck and get involved in the play gives him and his mates added chemistry.

if Halak gets hot like he did in hamilton look out NHL we will be rocking it up!


lets get it started tonight with a great game against Atlanta.




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Oooooooocchhhh! :o

Well, I guess the "make or break" question is answered. Sad to see. :(

Leighton's turn...then Desjardins turn...then Danis turn....:(

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Oooooooocchhhh! :o

Well, I guess the "make or break" question is answered. Sad to see. :(

yeah ! maybe a return to hamilton would be benefic for halak. he needs to be surrounded by positive not all that crap flying around in mtl.

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Danis needs to be given a shot too. I'd take Halak to the side and say, "listen kid ... you did good. Got a lot of great experience. Go back to Hamilton and win a championship, and next season we'll start over again with a better team philosophy".

Then when Danis comes up, I'd say, "It's gonna be tough, but go out there and get some minutes with the big team. We aren't expecting you to steal games, we just want to give you an opportunity to face some more intense competition."

But if Halak stays, I think, like others have written, his development will be stunted.

Also, listening to CKAK right now ... the after game analysis guy, and most of his listeners, are racist and ignorant. I can't believe that this guy is given a paycheque to flap his lips. Also, good thing he isn't a psychologist, because he lacks a certain "je ne sais quoi ;-) " ... and he can hardly speak proper french ... nor pronouce it in a non-joule way.

Edited by Bacchus
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Also, listening to CKAK right now ... the after game analysis guy, and most of his listeners, are racist and ignorant. I can't believe that this guy is given a paycheque to flap his lips. Also, good thing he isn't a psychologist, because he lacks a certain "je ne sais quoi ;-) " ... and he can hardly speak proper french ... nor pronouce it in a non-joule way.

Ron Fournier is a clown. His show is humour to me. I sometimes listen to it because people who call are so patheticaly funny...

Yes, most of them are racists. In fact no, it isn't racism. It's more like the combinaison of ignorance and ethnocentrism. They'd like to have a team made of 100% french-speaking quebec-grown player (it is well known that french canadians quebecers have more determination, courage and dedication to the game. It is also well known that the more worthless uneffortfull players that areonly here for the money are the Russians. That must be true, Michel Bergeron said it over and over at 110% :puke:

(for my part, I'd like to have a couple more of those lazy bastard russians in my team, like Ovechkin, Kovalchuk and Datsyuk)

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Danis deserves a shot, for sure so does Leighton why not.

I don't believe Halak's growth will be stunted I am sure the coaching staff and management made sure to tell him it is not his fault and the team is playing really poorly in front of him.

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Abby is a UFA apparently.

Price/Halak/Huet traded? 0%. None of them should be at this stage. Huet will probably be at the end of his contract if either Halak or leighton can do the job backing him up, move nto the starters role and duke it out with Price when he comes up in a couple of years.

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I have absolutely no problem with an Abby/Leighton combo playing out the string. Why the team forced Halak into this situation is beyond me. A 21 year old breaking in at this stage in his career is pretty much unprecedented in the NHL. The AHL is a completely different league. One of the funniest stats from last year in the AHL was that Huet's 4 game conditioning stint made him statistically the worst goalie in the league that year, yet he went on to lead the NHL in save percentage in the same season.

Halak needs to be in a winning atmosphere right now and experience the playoffs in the AHL. In 2005, he was a junior goalie. Last year, he was a late season AHL callup from the ECHL. This kind of rise is remarkable to the level of one of the best AHL goalies this season. We shouldn't be pushing it.

Let the vets sort this season out, if they can. If they can't, well, so be it. We have an excuse to dismantle the core.

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The question is what do we do with David Albatross come the renewal of trade talks? Price, Halak, Huet, one of them should be traded as well to upgrade our D.

He is already gone, we have several goalies who can play better than him or take his spot. Next season it will be Huet & Halak and Danis and Leighton will be backups or Danis will be moved.

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Why would Leighton be around? Judging from his luck, he'd be waived and picked up for the 7th time

I dunno, I think leighton will get a start and play well, Danis will be moved because I think he wants a shot at a spot and he wont get one with huet and halak and leighton.

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