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Game Thread | Boston Bruins vs. Canadiens de Montréal | 04/10/08

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My god I can't wait for tomorrow!!

I doubt ill sleep tonight haha.

Hey anyone know who the refs are for game 1, or the whole series. Thanks

Edited by MMPL
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Coolest moment of the serie and it hasnt started yet??

Carbo playing with Komo situation keeping Boston players wondering if Komisarek will be on the ice.

If i was Marc Savard with crunched ribs i would fear Komo return.

And sad to say but only one clean hard hit from Komo or O'byrne and Bergeron career is over, i do not wish him that.

Stay home Patrice, the Bruins don't worth it.

And go :hlogo: go

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Let the games begin!!!!!!!

I hope we have those subtle, intangible, ingredients..........

- Price under pressure

- Kovalev proving everyone wrong.

-Kovy's Dad being in town.

The TlTs brothers

-Our outstanding D

-secondary scoring from Higgins, Ryder, Koivu

We need to get through Boston with ease so we can rest up for Pittsburgh and the Rangers. That's when the play-offs will start.

Come on boys take out Boston quick, besides it's should only be a warm-up.


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I'm taking the Carey Price attitude: Its just another game and another win.

I am going to enjoy this game as it is a Habs/Bruins playoffs. Someone in my age bracket will understand the long rivalry and fabulous series these teams have had. Habs will win 3-1 tonight and Ryder will score a goal. He is due due due to break out and his ability to check is so improved.

Go Habs, and thank you for such a consistant enjoyable season. And thank you Spidey for another exellent example of your game thread skills. :hlogo:

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Yahoo's preview of our game tonight:

"With a potent offense and a 20-year-old rookie goaltender playing like a seasoned veteran, the Montreal Canadiens seem to have the ingredients for their first Stanley Cup championship in 15 years.

Before they can consider hanging a record 24th banner from the rafters, they must start by beating a team they’ve toyed with."


Is that right? Only 24 banners?

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I'm just a little concerned about this series, think a lot of old Habs fans are. Will be easier when game one is done.

Go Habs Go!

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I'm just a little concerned about this series, think a lot of old Habs fans are. Will be easier when game one is done.

Go Habs Go!

Only if they win though.

If they lose, rest in peace Habs players.... :(

I kid though. GO HABS GO!!!!


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I'm so sad I can't watch the game tonight. I have two essays due tomorrow. Luckily I bought the Zone de Match so I can watch Canadiens Express Friday evening. But still I am :( :( :(

Should've done it sooooooner. ^_^

I kid, BAH!

GOOO HABS GOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by The-Habby2919
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I am fairly confident about this series, but when the media starts jumping on the Bandwagon it makes me nervous.

You and me both.

I'm enjoying the powerhouse talk, but it's a double edged sword. We all have to remember our boys hit us with unexpected success this year and anything past the first or second round will be fine.

I would really love it all this year because who knows how much Koivu and Kovalev have left, They both deserve to win a cup in Montreal sooner than later.

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The Canadiens have won 24 Stanley Cups, but one was before the NHL was founded. Thus, some sources only list them at 23 Cups.

I usually see them reference 24 Stanley Cups when referring to Cup victories.

Where the confusion begins is usually when they list League Championships. The Habs have only 23 NHL Championships.

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You and me both.

I'm enjoying the powerhouse talk, but it's a double edged sword. We all have to remember our boys hit us with unexpected success this year and anything past the first or second round will be fine.

I would really love it all this year because who knows how much Koivu and Kovalev have left, They both deserve to win a cup in Montreal sooner than later.

It drives me nuts seeing Kypreos, Healy etc rolling their eyes about the Bruins chances when these experts were rolling their eyes at the Habs playoff chances

6 months ago. When these blockheads call for an easy series, it is best to go opposite. No sense or rational explanation. Just a strong track record of picking

opposite of these experts.

But, when Lebrun who I respect is calling for a Montreal Cup Final, it counteracts the curse of the dummies. I hope :unsure:

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Yahoo's preview of our game tonight:

"With a potent offense and a 20-year-old rookie goaltender playing like a seasoned veteran, the Montreal Canadiens seem to have the ingredients for their first Stanley Cup championship in 15 years.

Before they can consider hanging a record 24th banner from the rafters, they must start by beating a team they’ve toyed with."


Is that right? Only 24 banners?

Ignorant bastards!

I am fairly confident about this series, but when the media starts jumping on the Bandwagon it makes me nervous.

No kidding! I hate it when the members of the Media start to get cocky. Nothing is certain, expecially not in the "new" NHL where there is sooooo much parity!

I'm just a little concerned about this series, think a lot of old Habs fans are. Will be easier when game one is done.

Agreed. I've got soo much pent-up nervousness stuck in me, i wanna let it all out, but I can't...not until our boys score!

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