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[Game Thread] MONTREAL CANADIENS @ Toronto Maple Leafs


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barely.. since when has a save percentage under 9 been considered good..

It is kind of funny people fighting over who is number one.. .right now, we have two number 2 goalies. Until one of them plays well enough to consistently to get over .9, split the games and focus on the problems in front.

Watch some games beside the habs and see what a hot goalie looks like.. I think people here have forgotten.

Well I was really just referring to jackp's quote about sp "They don't care about save percentage"

I couldn't really care less who starts as long as the point's go in the bank. But to blame any of this teams losses on the goaltender is wrong.

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wow, I just realized that we pay AK more then Pleks, although Pleks is in for a big raise, which I am not sure we can afford.

Price is an RFA and is already a $2.2M cap hit???

Yes, the Pleks situation is worrisome. We have developed this guy to the point where he now seems to have put it all together and is emerging as something like a star - the ONLY legitimate top-6 forward produced by the Gainey regime. And yet we may lose him because of the cap situation.

Further in Pleks's favour, check out his quote on the fans' booing of Komi:


"He got what he deserved" :lol:

(I sometimes wonder about the extent to which players see things the way fans do. For instance, if Komi goes elsewhere for $500K more, are Habs players pissed off too? Or do they all just figure it's a business? I assume the latter, but ya never know).

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We can afford Plex when we trade away AK for a bag of pucks and some soggy Cheetos.

Can someone, anyone, explain to me how an opponents stick caught in the strap of a helmet is NOT considered a high-sticking penalty? Actually, though I don't usually talk about reffing much, tonight would have been a night where Cammi would have been called for holding the stick on that play. Surprised the refs didn't think of it at the time. That was the single worst non-call I have ever seen in my life and I wonder how in the hell the refs and the league could possibly explain it. Utter and complete embarassment for the league. I mean, it was right in front of the ref. There is zero explanation which would not incur a high-sticking penalty.

Pax is about ready to hit the top line for the occasional shift, soon. He's dynamite. Hey Kosty, take a lesson.

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Pot calling the kettle black my friend.

No, I'm happy whenever we win. Against Chicago the other night, I was pulling for Carey to win this one. I'd rather he find his game. I'd rather have *2* performing goalies than just one.

See, I'm not a Halak fan or a Price fan; I'm a Montreal Canadiens fan. The more guys play better, the better it is for *the team* and that includes the goalies.

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I am not entirely happy with this win either.. it was a terrible game by the habs...

Beating the leafs in a shootout is like celebrating that you picked up a 350lb girl in a bar... not something to get excited about.. more something you don't talk about...

I can't even trash talk my leaf friends after that one.. I hope the topic doesn't come up tomorrow at hockey...

I couldn't disagree more. Whenever there's a Habs/Leafs game some of my buddies come over and watch the game. Now some of them are Leafs fans (I now live in Mississauga). Tonight the Leafs' fans said that we out-played them and that the Laffs were lucky to get the point.

Personally, I can't believe the negativity on this board after a win. A win is a win is a win. And my Leaf fan buddies said that this was the first game in four where they didn't outplay the opposition. So that's a credit to the Habs. This was a 4-2 game. we panicked a bit at the end and let them back in. And another point... anyone who watched the Leafs last night knows that they outplayed Buffalo in Buffalo and Buffalo has been a good team this year. So please... enjoy the victory and don't get carried away with the Leafs atrocious record. They will get better.

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barely.. since when has a save percentage under 9 been considered good..

It is kind of funny people fighting over who is number one.. .right now, we have two number 2 goalies. Until one of them plays well enough to consistently to get over .9, split the games and focus on the problems in front.

Watch some games beside the habs and see what a hot goalie looks like.. I think people here have forgotten.

Agreed. We have a problem in goal. I personally think Halak is better than Price but both are nothing to write home about.

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Wow.. Komi was minus 3, and I believe in the box for another one... And some people still miss him??? He is killing the leafs this year.

One of my friends had an interesting perspective on Komi tonight. He said that Komi was unpopular in the room last year and that's one of the main reasons why he left. This does go along with what Hickey had to say in today's Gazette about Komi having decided to leave the Habs long before the season ended. This could also explain why he played so dirty against us in the season opener.

If you think about it, we also got rid of the other New Yorker, Higgins. Could be coincidence, but we do know it was an unhappy room last year...

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We can afford Plex when we trade away AK for a bag of pucks and some soggy Cheetos.

Can someone, anyone, explain to me how an opponents stick caught in the strap of a helmet is NOT considered a high-sticking penalty? Actually, though I don't usually talk about reffing much, tonight would have been a night where Cammi would have been called for holding the stick on that play. Surprised the refs didn't think of it at the time. That was the single worst non-call I have ever seen in my life and I wonder how in the hell the refs and the league could possibly explain it. Utter and complete embarassment for the league. I mean, it was right in front of the ref. There is zero explanation which would not incur a high-sticking penalty.

Pax is about ready to hit the top line for the occasional shift, soon. He's dynamite. Hey Kosty, take a lesson.

Refs were terrible for both teams tonight. Missed calls galore and then bogus calls. I don't follow basketball but my buddies were saying that the refereeing is even worse in BB. All I know is that of Baseball, Hockey, Soccer, and Football, hockey refereeing is by far the worst.

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I hate it when Kosed piucks on Gorges, but he is spot on tonight. Josh looks like he is playing well, but the forward comes out with the puck 90% of the time.

Believe me, it's tough to pick on Gorges because he's never taking a shift off; however he doesnt have any particular strength. I actually think he'd do better as a forward. Surely couldnt be worse than Kosty right now. Once OB comes back, I wouldnt mind dressing 7 D's and seeing Gorges get shifts as a F.

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Holy Jesus, how much bitching and moaning could there be in a winning game thread?!

Some people say they aren't happy with the win. I am. Wanna know why?

We won. Plus, it was one hell of an exciting game.

I'd call this game a "Moral Tie". We won, but we gave the freaking Leafs a point by giving them 2 goals late in the 3rd when we should have been wrapping it up real nice and tight.

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what the hell are they doing singing that early.. I just saw that coming when Lats turned it over at the line...

never an easy win against toronto

I knew the exact same thing was going to happen too when they started singing that damn song. Apparently they packed the Bell centre with 20K+ idiots tonight. Singing that song with 3:30 left in a game with only a 2 goal lead was a recipe for disaster. People should know the Laffs were aboot to pick up the pace and come on twice as strong at the end of the game and when the dumb ass crowd starting singing that song the Laffs really came on at triple speed and the Habs simply werent ready for that. I think that song made the Habs back off a bit thinking the game was in hand because they were singing that song.

1-7 in regulation.

4-0 in OT

2-0 in shootouts.

Habs are .500, but very misleading.

Not very impressive to me.

Well I recall one year when the Habs had 11 OT victories that surely impressed us all. Its wishful thinking at this point, but heres to hoping. ^_^

At 1st I was bummed that the Laffs came out of this game with a point, but in reality I think the dumb ass crowd did us all a big favour, after all the Booins dont need that high of pick. :lol:

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I'm still confused about the Hall Gill goal where Schenn (i believe it was him) starts fighting Cammalleri and we end up with more guys in the box. And Stepniak scores on the PP...wtf happened there.

Ya that was a beauty. It was Beauchemen. Or the one where Cammy actually had to pull the guys stick out of his helmet after being highsticked. Gives the refs a WTF? Goes in and hits a guy and gets roughing penalty>

Edited by BCHabnut
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Ya that was a beauty. It was Beauchemen. Or the one where Cammy actually had to pull the guys stick out of his helmet after being highsticked. Gives the refs a WTF? Goes in and hits a guy and gets roughing penalty>

That was hilarious .. just to prove that even if the NHL has as many refs as players on the ice, they would not make a right call.

Typical garage league

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I knew the exact same thing was going to happen too when they started singing that damn song.

There was a time back in the 80's when they'd start singing that song when the Habs got up by two goals. Sometimes they sang as early as the first period. Occasionally it was the second period, but routinely you heard it in the third. For very long stretches - like 10 minutes or so.

*sigh* Ahhhh, the glory days. Or something like that. Now that team knew what to do when they got the lead.

Then again, judging by the improvement in the team thus far this season, I wouldn't rule out being able to sing with 5 minutes left and a two goal lead. We have the tools to be able to shut down the opposition. We just need to... sharpen them.

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Hmmm what's up with the Price comments. Geez relax guys, you're all throwing this guy under the bus so fast. Frankly, I hope Price gets the start next game.

Halak played fine tonight but if the roles were reversed for tonight's performance, it would be enough for people to say to start Halak next game.

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The negativity is way overblown. People need to keep their perspective. This team is Markov-less, playing four games in six nights, riddled with flu, and played after getting in from Chicago at 3:00 AM without adequate prep. They also got ridiculously jobbed by the refs in one of the most egregious displays of amateurishness I've seen in years. And they won. For that, they are rewarded with baying fans declaring that this "proves" that they are a mediocre team.

When Markov went down - remember!?? - most of us feared the worst and expressed our hope that the team could hang on and stay in playoff contention. Many said that .500 hockey would be acceptable without our best player. This is EXACTLY what the Habs have delivered so far. Doesn't matter, though - all we hear about is how they "can't beat the good teams," barely beat the Isles and Leafs, have too many (!) OT victories, have no defensive system (although there has been obvious overall improvement in that area, yesterday notwithstanding), boo hoo, woe is me, the sky is falling.

We won't know how truly good or bad the team is until Markov returns. It's like judging the Calgary Flames without Iginla or the Canucks without Luongo. In the meantime, we should all keep in mind what our expectations were when Markov went down and measure the team's success accordingly. By that standard, this bunch is doing about as well as we could have hoped.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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