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GAME THREAD: Habs @ Senators


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Guess this is Prices chance to get back in there.

lol and Cammalleri won the face-off.

Leclaire deserves the first star. Good game for the Habs, anyway.

As for Pouliot, anyone who believes he hasn't got great potential doesn't know much about hockey. With Gomez (very strong tonight) and Gionta (what a leader!), Big Ben will become quite a player before long.

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Leclaire deserves the first star. Good game for the Habs, anyway.

As for Pouliot, anyone who believes he hasn't got great potential doesn't know much about hockey. With Gomez (very strong tonight) and Gionta (what a leader!), Big Ben will become quite a player before long.

I really liked what I saw from chicken boy tonight looked real good. The fourth line seemed like they were always on the ice. You see what the sens did, what the leafs did, etc. Pressure the opposing teams D...it works...why does Martin refuse to do it, and instead insists on this boring 1-2-2 crap...it's not a trap, cause traps work, so it's a crap.

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The habs lost but showed some huge potential in the first half of the game with that second line, we definitely deserved to win this game.

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Ridiculous we had no powerplays!

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Had we potted more of our early chances (give Gio and Pou time since they're coming off long-term injuries) I suspect all the bitching and whining about lack of system would be much different. Defenders stood up much more, wingers were back more than usual, and we were overall better defensively. Halak faced infinitely fewer shots and we should have won that game with any kind of luck since we badly outplayed the Sens in the first half of the game and were only barely outplayed in the second half. The fact that Leclaire won this game probably escapes many who only see the loss and assume it's Montreal's fault.

Sometimes you play against the Halak's who stop pretty much everything. We played against that guy tonight. Is it so difficult to see the improvement in the overall play of the game?

The announcers, l'antichambre dudes, everyone but guys on THIS board saw a huge improvement tonight.

I guess I know who I should listen to.

No system. We suck. Halak should have won that game. No scoring. Pouliot sucks. Gomez sucks. Everyone sucks. Let's go for the first OA pick. Whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch. Christ, even when we're the better team there's more whining that a schoolyard filled with little girls.

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Had we potted more of our early chances (give Gio and Pou time since they're coming off long-term injuries) I suspect all the bitching and whining about lack of system would be much different. Defenders stood up much more, wingers were back more than usual, and we were overall better defensively. Halak faced infinitely fewer shots and we should have won that game with any kind of luck since we badly outplayed the Sens in the first half of the game and were only barely outplayed in the second half. The fact that Leclaire won this game probably escapes many who only see the loss and assume it's Montreal's fault.

Sometimes you play against the Halak's who stop pretty much everything. We played against that guy tonight. Is it so difficult to see the improvement in the overall play of the game?

The announcers, l'antichambre dudes, everyone but guys on THIS board saw a huge improvement tonight.

I guess I know who I should listen to.

No system. We suck. Halak should have won that game. No scoring. Pouliot sucks. Gomez sucks. Everyone sucks. Let's go for the first OA pick. Whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch. Christ, even when we're the better team there's more whining that a schoolyard filled with little girls.

Colin, I liked the players tonight, BUT the system is not working. The habs have been winning despite the system not because of it, thats my argument. I'm calling into question the short shifts, the giving up the puck so easy because of the short shifts, the lack of forecheck, and the fourth line playing so much at the end of the game.

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Colin, I liked the players tonight, BUT the system is not working. The habs have been winning despite the system not because of it, thats my argument. I'm calling into question the short shifts, the giving up the puck so easy because of the short shits, the lack of forecheck, and the fourth line playing so much at the end of the game.

Well, I understand where you're coming from, but:

I felt there was a huge improvement in not giving up the puck. We still dumped a lot, but there were more than a couple of times where the team maintained possession.

There were many times where we had a two-man forecheck, particularly in the first half of the game. That's when we created scoring chances. More than a few times I was a little nervous about a quick turnover, but I thought we had great support for the forecheck.

As for the "fourth" line playing so much, Martin had already basically benched Patch, Metro and Moen, and was going with offensive talent. SK had made things happen and it was Laps best game in a dog's age. I don't think we can roll two lines for the final seven minutes or so, so using the "fourth" line was actually pretty astute. All three are guys who 'can' score, rather than the Metro line which is a plugging line right now.

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Had we potted more of our early chances (give Gio and Pou time since they're coming off long-term injuries) I suspect all the bitching and whining about lack of system would be much different. Defenders stood up much more, wingers were back more than usual, and we were overall better defensively. Halak faced infinitely fewer shots and we should have won that game with any kind of luck since we badly outplayed the Sens in the first half of the game and were only barely outplayed in the second half. The fact that Leclaire won this game probably escapes many who only see the loss and assume it's Montreal's fault.

Sometimes you play against the Halak's who stop pretty much everything. We played against that guy tonight. Is it so difficult to see the improvement in the overall play of the game?

The announcers, l'antichambre dudes, everyone but guys on THIS board saw a huge improvement tonight.

I guess I know who I should listen to.

No system. We suck. Halak should have won that game. No scoring. Pouliot sucks. Gomez sucks. Everyone sucks. Let's go for the first OA pick. Whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch. Christ, even when we're the better team there's more whining that a schoolyard filled with little girls.

Totally agree. We were all over the sens for the first 2 periods. Gotta give credit where credit is due. Leclaire was outstanding. Although the fourth line played a little too much for my liking when we were down by one. Overall a very strong effort.

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... SK had made things happen and it was Laps best game in a dog's age. I don't think we can roll two lines for the final seven minutes or so, so using the "fourth" line was actually pretty astute. All three are guys who 'can' score, rather than the Metro line which is a plugging line right now.

Love the reference to the "dog's", this team is made up of a few dog's from the pound., ie. hamilton.

Love the effort... not the result... was impressed seeing the gomy, gio, pouli line firing on all guns. Pouliot, is showing signs of why he was a first rounder., give him a few more games to come out of his shell and shed the rust...

And there is just something so satisfying in watching a loaded stick in the hands of Cammy! what a thing of beauty when he fires the puck. He is always buzzing., and its great to see quality chances and finally a Habs player who is talented at firing the puck and making it count on many nights, as he is effective at setting up his teammates and keeping the tempo of the game high!


I know in habs "land" there is no such thing as a good loss, but if there was ever a game I enjoyed watching it was tonight, at least the first two periods. So I'll take the loss but that is all! the next two games must be victories. no excuses!!!

Halak needs to play again in Tampa; and Price in Florida; but I have a feeling Martin will use this loss to get Price back on the horse. This loss was not Halak's fault., the team defense is what gave up on this night.



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I really liked what I saw from chicken boy tonight looked real good. The fourth line seemed like they were always on the ice. You see what the sens did, what the leafs did, etc. Pressure the opposing teams D...it works...why does Martin refuse to do it, and instead insists on this boring 1-2-2 crap...it's not a trap, cause traps work, so it's a crap.

winner winner chicken dinner! I'm a believer in Pouliot; always have been and always will be...! I wanted him in the draft over Price. But when he was picked up before we could I was pissed.. then even more so when we took Price... but then when I realized who Price was and his potential I was very satisfied. For me when the Pouliot trade was finalized., I felt like a kid in a candy store!

I felt like I got my cake and could eat it too! Now if this sour taste would simply go away, so that its replaced by a sweet taste of victory!


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I think hte team still looks bad in their own zone. I think this will improve if we can keep 2 lines attacking. The power plays will come too. The problem before was, there was no fear of forechecking hard against our defense. Teams could send three in deep without worrying about us getting odd man rushes. I preffered Carbo's transition to Martin's back pass, dump and change thing. First, all the coaches know we aren't allowed to stretch pass. Martin hates that. Second, our defense are like sloths, they are very slow, and third, they knew that they wouldn't get caught, because we only had one line. As long as that line isn't on, all is good. With two scoring lines, that all changes. These hard forecheckers will get caught.

Some of those penalty calls were pretty bad, but in the end, Leclaire was amazing and the Sens were oportunistic and deserved the win.

Pouliot looked awesome. I hope it isn't just adrenaline. I really hope to eat my words. I was always a fan of Latendresse, but this guy wsa fantastic tonight.

Did Kostopolous make Lats and Laps better with his hard work? What happened to Laps? I know TK never took a night off in two years, maybe he was the catalyst.

Trade Diago, or send him down and bring up White or Pyatt

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Once Mara and Hamrlik are back, MAB should replace D'Agostini (who is worthless) and Mara, O'Byrne (also worthless).

This sums it up. MAB should not be a defenceman and O'byrne should not be a habs.

Props to Pouliot. The guy skates hard, goes to the net every play and hits with all of his mass. I really like him.

Both teams looked like marshmallows out there. Very little hitting, even the battles along the boards were gentlemanly, no pushing and shoving, not even harsh words...Soft game.

The 4th line deserved the minutes. S. Kost was playing hard and creating all kinds of chances.

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agreed.. maybe pouliot will finally be the first piece of the puzzle for making our top two lines the fast, strong and finally competitive. keep your health in 2010 boys.. GO HABS GO! Damn I was so carried away with the game that I didn't notice I had passed the 1000 post mark.. wow! thats a really proud moment for me. I'm so happy to be part of this forum/blog/civilized fan of the Habs and Habsworld!


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They palyed a great first period. I thought a s the game went on the team just started standing around, not doing the things they did in the first period.

I liked the 1st 2 lines, looked pretty good at times.

Those people complaining about systems, coaching, etc. My only beef with it is nothing has really changed, many players HAVE not improved at all.

The team still has the same issues it has for the last 15 years.

Can't play 60 minutes

Too soft on the puck, never take body


Too many dumb penalties, don't draw any penalties

So until these things fundamentally change, the team will always fight for an 8 seed.

The new players brought in are doing what they have been expected to do. There have been some holdovers underaciving.

Let's look at the 3rd goal, no forecheck going on, O'Byrne has the puck no pressure, makes a bad passs to MAB, who goes after the puck, but misses his guy completely, doesn't take the body, Metro comes down and does a fly by, no contact again, O'Byrne gets knocked out of the way, You are 6'4" and weigh 240, hit someone. Then the Sens bang one in. That happens way too much for a team to be a playoff contender.

The D has Markov, Spacek and Hammer are solid enough but are basically the same player, Spacek a better shot, Hammer a bit smarter and a better passer.

The rest are number 6 or 7 at best. MAB was out of the league due to his defensive play. Until the defense coach guru gets player players on the back end or actually teaches these guys something, not much will change.

The 4th line is redicolous as well, Lapierre has been very disappointing, D'agi has no business playing, SK isn't really a 4th liner.

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I thought the first 20 minutes were solid hockey, but then they stopped playing hard and tried for pretty plays. Meanwhile, the Sens realized they were not going to beat Halak with a shot he can see, nor did they have their snipers, so they did what they had to, they drove the net hard. They chipped in the ugly ones.

While LeClaire was making some great saves, he certainly didn't have to worry about traffic in front, or anyone bearing down on him. I am really getting sick of laps play. Pussy style perimeter play from the guy and line that should be doing the dirty work in the crease (See Neil for an example of how Laps should be playing).

Moen has to be worse guy for clearing the puck. At least 5 times last night he had it in our zone with no pressure, and still managed to give it away. On the PP he makes soft little dumps with the puck rather then blasting it off the boards and out. Frustrating.

Refs.. I agree with the Ottawa announcers, there is no way in that game there should have been zero PPs for Montreal. There were at least 3 blatant infractions they ignored as well as numerous hooks and holds. They didn't seem to have a problem seeing soft calls against the Habs. On the other hand, while the call against Neil was technically correct, when was the last time they called that when the guy didn't hit the goalie?).

Now that we have the top two lines back, its time for our 3rd and 4th lines to be harder to play against and chip in more often. That will be the difference for this bubble team, imo.

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What a strange game for the refs. The blow two obvious calls on the reviewed goals. One was in our favor, one wasn't. So I guess it evens out...? Either way, refs shouldn't be stealing the show like that. Let the guys play. I bet they knew the Neil goal was bad but also new the ######ed up one the last one so decided to even it out. Not to mention the obvious non-calls.

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Patience, guys. This team is about to be a lot better. Hamrlik will probably be in the line-up against Tampa Bay. MAB will play forward, so less liability on defense and still a good threat offensively.

We now have two good offensive lines and a third one (let's say Pax, Lapierre and Kostitsyn), not so bad either. For me, the 4th line will be MAB, Metropolit and Moen. Good line too.

Mara, D'Agostini and Laraque won't play in the next game, but they give flexibility to Martin. I see him giving some rest to Hill and Spacek, from time to time. Same thing with Dag. I still believe that he can become an excellent winger. He should dress if one of the youngsters, Pax and AK74, don't deliver.

We're going to win both games in Florida.

Go Habs Go!

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What we need is some stability/consistancy in our own end................One minute we're OK, the next we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off.......OR all 5 guys fixated on the puck and missing assignments/players not being picked up.

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Being at the game i saw the following:

1) Gionta, Gomez, Big Ben...I think we're on to something

2) Cammalleri, Pleks, Andrei....awesome once again

3) Sergei Kostitsyn really had jump in his game and played great

4) The habs got royally screwed by getting ZERO powerplays through 60 minutes of play. Had they won, I would've given them 2 points for beating the

Senators, and another 2 for outlasting two Hitlers in zebra uniforms..I saw many occasions where Senators deserved to go to the box

5) Keep Halak in....he didn't lose us the game, there is no need for a goaltending juggle, however when playing back-to-back nights, I think it would be fair to

put Price back in

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5) Keep Halak in....he didn't lose us the game, there is no need for a goaltending juggle, however when playing back-to-back nights, I think it would be fair to

put Price back in

Price needs to play. I would put him in next game. This making goalies sit for long stretches of time is completely stupid. Price actually should have played last night. None of the goalies should sit more than 4 games.

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Being at the game i saw the following:

1) Gionta, Gomez, Big Ben...I think we're on to something

2) Cammalleri, Pleks, Andrei....awesome once again

3) Sergei Kostitsyn really had jump in his game and played great

4) The habs got royally screwed by getting ZERO powerplays through 60 minutes of play. Had they won, I would've given them 2 points for beating the

Senators, and another 2 for outlasting two Hitlers in zebra uniforms..I saw many occasions where Senators deserved to go to the box

5) Keep Halak in....he didn't lose us the game, there is no need for a goaltending juggle, however when playing back-to-back nights, I think it would be fair to

put Price back in

Gotta be careful there. Just as Halak shouldn't ride the pine for months on end, neither should Carey. Price needs to get a few starts soon, to stay ready

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I thought the first 20 minutes were solid hockey, but then they stopped playing hard and tried for pretty plays. Meanwhile, the Sens realized they were not going to beat Halak with a shot he can see, nor did they have their snipers, so they did what they had to, they drove the net hard. They chipped in the ugly ones.

While LeClaire was making some great saves, he certainly didn't have to worry about traffic in front, or anyone bearing down on him. I am really getting sick of laps play. Pussy style perimeter play from the guy and line that should be doing the dirty work in the crease (See Neil for an example of how Laps should be playing).

Agreed. The Habs played a GREAT 1st period, but after that it was all downhill. I don't understand how some people can say we played well in the 2nd period. We gave up 3 PP opportunities and allowed the hens back in the game.

I will agree that there were many positive things about this game (most notably the Gio, Gomer, Pouliot line) but the fact remains that for the 2nd game in a row, the Habs took an early 2 goal lead, and let it slip through their hands. That is UNACCEPTABLE! Let's not forget that the hens were missing their two best players (Spezza and Alfredsson) which makes this loss even more frustrating!

Price needs to play. I would put him in next game. This making goalies sit for long stretches of time is completely stupid. Price actually should have played last night. None of the goalies should sit more than 4 games.

Gotta be careful there. Just as Halak shouldn't ride the pine for months on end, neither should Carey. Price needs to get a few starts soon, to stay ready

Definitely agree with both of you! Carey should get the start tonight. Even if Mondays loss was in no way Halak's fault, we can't let Carey sit for 2 weeks. Let's just hope that these past 5 games on the bench for Carey has got a fire burning under his ass, and he'll wanna prove to his bosses that HE IS the number 1 guy on this team!

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They palyed a great first period. I thought a s the game went on the team just started standing around, not doing the things they did in the first period.

The team still has the same issues it has for the last 15 years.

Can't play 60 minutes

Too soft on the puck, never take body


Too many dumb penalties, don't draw any penalties

So until these things fundamentally change, the team will always fight for an 8 seed.

Let's look at the 3rd goal, no forecheck going on, O'Byrne has the puck no pressure, makes a bad passs to MAB, who goes after the puck, but misses his guy completely, doesn't take the body, Metro comes down and does a fly by, no contact again, O'Byrne gets knocked out of the way, You are 6'4" and weigh 240, hit someone. Then the Sens bang one in. That happens way too much for a team to be a playoff contender.

Lapierre has been very disappointing, D'agi has no business playing, SK isn't really a 4th liner.

Nothing left to say, you're bang on - I guess some people are actually happy playing 1-1/2 good periods - oops, I better watch what I say before Colin calls me a schoolgirl.

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