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Carter to Habs picking up steam?


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Glad to hear Pleks is "safe", but I think you need to be very careful about a guy Philly didn't want and didn't work out in Columbus. If he doesn't work out here either, he will be even harder to trade, so we will be stuck with him, ala Gomez. Cheaper, but much longer.

Some teams could afford this, but we can't. We already have too many bad contracts on the books to potentially take on another one.

If Markov comes back, I think Gomez is the only crippling contract Montreal has, and he's almost definitely gone next year. Kaberle, Plekanec, Cole, Kostitsyn, and Gionta all have decent contracts to me (with Gionta's being the worst but still nothing 29 other teams don't also deal with).

I wonder if Eller and Kostitsyn alone could be enough to get Carter..

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If Markov comes back, I think Gomez is the only crippling contract Montreal has, and he's almost definitely gone next year. Kaberle, Plekanec, Cole, Kostitsyn, and Gionta all have decent contracts to me (with Gionta's being the worst but still nothing 29 other teams don't also deal with).

I wonder if Eller and Kostitsyn alone could be enough to get Carter..

I wouldn't want to part with Eller in a trade for Carter, I don't think Carter is a sure bet pick up. Eller has really improved this year and I want to see him next season in Montreal.

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It just hit me...Gomez and this years 1st for Carter. If they're planning on also parting ways with Nash, they'd be the rare example of an organization that needs to reach the cap floor.

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It just hit me...Gomez and this years 1st for Carter. If they're planning on also parting ways with Nash, they'd be the rare example of an organization that needs to reach the cap floor.

If you believe management is simply willing to bury/buyout the contract, then there'd be no point to the deal. If you think they'd be hesitant to do so then it becomes a little more palatable strictly looking from a financial side.

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Who's working out in Columbus? Nobody! The Flyers traded Carter and Richards hastily and under the pressure of a bad playoffs. I think Carter for Plekanec, Weber and Kaberle would be a great trade. Who knows? Probably getting laid after scoring a GWG in Montreal would motivate the guy.

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twitter abuzz that a deal of Carter to LA for JJ and a 1st rounder is close

If thats the truth Lombardi needs to be fired more than Gauthier does. A 1st and a potential future top 20 defenseman for Carter? They already have Richards and Kopitar, they need a winger more than another center.

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If thats the truth Lombardi needs to be fired more than Gauthier does.  A 1st and a potential future top 20 defenseman for Carter?  They already have Richards and Kopitar, they need a winger more than another center.

you overrate JJ IMO. He's bad defensively

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In the end, it is Voracek - 1st pick (Couturier) - 3rd pick for J. Johnson and a 1st pick ? Am I right ?

Correct. That 3rd rounder, Nick Cousins, has a bit of upside too. For those who think Gauthier is the worst GM in the league, I present you with evidence 'A' to the contrary, Scott Howson.

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The good news is by the draft either Kopitar/Richards/Carter/Stoll will be available. LA won't keep all 4.

Why is that? Carter will probably play the wing.

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In the end, it is Voracek - 1st pick (Couturier) - 3rd pick for J. Johnson and a 1st pick ? Am I right ?

This is why I said last summer, Holgrom did a great job in both moves he made. If only he and the Flyers could ever make the right move to address their 20 years of not being able to get a decent goaltender. I'm sure he's regretting not offering more then a 2nd rounder for Halak.

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Everybody's assuming what players will play wing. The biggest problem is a lot of centers detest playing wing. It changes their perspective of the ice and the biggest reason is wingers play more of a stop and start game. Anyone who has played hockey knows that stopping and starting is more tiresome than keeping momentum all the time.

Anyone here honestly think Carter is the answer to LA's scoring woes? If it solves all LA's offensive problems, great, but getting players to play out of their position makes a big difference. Higgins at center? Weber on wing? When this fails, Richard or Carter or Kopitar will become available and LA will try to get rid of one or more for wingers to do the job properly. If LA doesn't make the playoffs, it probably will be as soon as the draft. Not asking for blind faith or anyone to believe me, but it will happen.

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It's kind of funny how goal strapped the Kings are. With the talent they have there's no excuse for it. However, it comes down to an anemic power play. Could Carter fix that? Maybe, but the rumours swirling in LA shock me. Bob McKenzie said Dustin Brown is likely on the block and that blows my mind. Lombardi has completely lost it if that's true. Go ahead Dean. Trade Kopitar+Bernier for Nash. Complete the WTF.

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