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Confirmed: Halak starts


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Yup, he failed the test. Throw him out the door.

When Montreal misses the playoffs because of a single loss, then you can talk. Otherwise, zip it. It sucked to watch the Habs get shutout, but I'm not gonna shed a tear that my #2 team got two points that are FAR more important them than they are to my #1 team. If you hear me rooting for the Jackets against the Habs in a critical situation, then you can go ahead and ban me, the second longest tenured Mod and former site editor.

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When Montreal misses the playoffs because of a single loss, then you can talk. Otherwise, zip it. It sucked to watch the Habs get shutout, but I'm not gonna shed a tear that my #2 team got two points that are FAR more important them than they are to my #1 team. If you hear me rooting for the Jackets against the Habs in a critical situation, then you can go ahead and ban me, the second longest tenured Mod and former site editor.

Fanpuck, you know that the kneejerk-reaction Habs fan motto is "but what have you done for me lately?"

But if this starts a slide, and the Habs miss the playoffs...I'm coming for you. :)

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But if this starts a slide, and the Habs miss the playoffs...I'm coming for you. :)

Point 1: Any slide began on Thursday against the Penguins.

Point 2: The loss was far more demoralizing then if they had been able to lose in overtime, unless of course they would have lost like Philly did tonight.

Point 3: Unless they miss by 1 point, you have no gripe.

:hlogo: ;)

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Point 1: Any slide began on Thursday against the Penguins.

Point 2: The loss was far more demoralizing then if they had been able to lose in overtime, unless of course they would have lost like Philly did tonight.

Point 3: Unless they miss by 1 point, you have no gripe.

:hlogo: ;)

Your good in my books Fanpuck I know you want the Habs in the playoffs and I know you believe they will make it.

Try to stay positive guys maybe the Jackets will sneak in 9th and knock out the Wings.

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Price is getting the Nod for Atlanta. A bit surprising.....

He needs to get yanked if he lets in a stinker...Guy's gotta be quicker with the hook if things keep going the way they have been going.

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I think flipping back and forth game to game is bad strategy. Makes sense to let Price atone.

True enough, but he's been stinking it up and Huet is the "#1". You would think it would lean towards Huet as the logical choice. Unless Huet is being dealt? Never know.

Also, when Price got called up the last time. Rollie said they HAD to play Price in 50 games whether in the NHL or AHL this season.. Price said that it was news to him and it was the first he heard of that. I've brought it up before in threads and nobody ever comments back. What is that all about?

This is that quote....

"If (general manager Bob Gainey) decides to call him back up, we have to give him some games," Melanson told the Montreal paper. "By the end of the season, he has to have 50 games (both the NHL and AHL combined) under his belt."

That's news to Price, who's played 29 total AHL and NHL games and would need to start 21 of the Montreal's 29 remaining games to fulfill such a plan. And with the way Huet has been playing, those numbers appear to be unattainable.

"He (Melanson) hasn't talked to me about anything like that," said Price. "I haven't had a chance to talk to management yet, but (like I said at the beginning of the year) I'm sure they have a plan, and now that I'm back, I'm sure I'll see some action now."

The TSN Article

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I assume Melanson is being a bit hyperbolic, because it would be difficult for him to get to 50 games if he were sent back to hamilton today.

The only way I see him getting that many games is if he starts in the playoffs.

This is probably a bit of politicking in the montreal administration. Melanson main job is to groom Price as successor; maintaining Huet is his secondary responsibility (I would have to imagine). Therefore his primary interest is to get games for Price.

He might be throwing out quotes like "Price needs a certain number of games for his development" as a way to get him a higher percentage of games. While I'm sure BG and Carbo consult with Melanson about how to use Price, the final decision rests with Carbo (I'd imagine).

Edited by simonus
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Price getting the net one day before the game sounds weird.

Carbo always said that he calls the goalie that he has the better feeling on the day of the game.

Unless there is something we don't know, something like Bob offered a contract for x and his agent

said no way. Management said that they were to offer contracts to key UFA before season ending.

We heard nothing about it and if it is to finish empty handed better of trading Huet.

For the 50 games thing, my guess is a management plan for Price development, not a contract thing,

just stating that he should start as many games as possible that it.

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It's a weird decision. However, there's been some thought around here that you don't do your goalies any good by punishing them for a weak goal or two by threatening to let the other guy carry the ball (i.e., 'oh gosh, if I have a mediocre outing I'm condemned to be a backup'). There's something to be said for giving a goalie a few games in which to work his way back to form - what surprises me is that they're giving Price rather than Huet this chance.

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It's a weird decision. However, there's been some thought around here that you don't do your goalies any good by punishing them for a weak goal or two by threatening to let the other guy carry the ball (i.e., 'oh gosh, if I have a mediocre outing I'm condemned to be a backup'). There's something to be said for giving a goalie a few games in which to work his way back to form - what surprises me is that they're giving Price rather than Huet this chance.

Don't you think it says a lot?

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It's a weird decision. However, there's been some thought around here that you don't do your goalies any good by punishing them for a weak goal or two by threatening to let the other guy carry the ball (i.e., 'oh gosh, if I have a mediocre outing I'm condemned to be a backup'). There's something to be said for giving a goalie a few games in which to work his way back to form - what surprises me is that they're giving Price rather than Huet this chance.

I don't belong to either camp, but Price has only had a few shaky starts recently whereas Huet has had a shaky month and a bit. I'm all for giving Price a chance to round into form.

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Meh, I wasn't too convinced that either one of them should get the start, so this doesn't bother me. Hopefully Price does the job, but if neither one is getting it done in the next two games, I'd really like to see a little Halak around here.

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Meh, I wasn't too convinced that either one of them should get the start, so this doesn't bother me. Hopefully Price does the job, but if neither one is getting it done in the next two games, I'd really like to see a little Halak around here.

me too

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Price was playing well until he had that bad game against Ottawa (I think?). With Huet still struggling it's only fair to give Price at least one more shot at regaining his form as the temporary #1 netminder.

Again, I think the club wants to see where Price is in his development and if he'd be fit to be our undisputed #1 tender next season (to sign Huet, or not to sign Huet).

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