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Habs acquire Robert Lang and re-sign Brisebois

Peter Puck

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O'Byrne and Brisebois both play on the right side, and you completely left out Josh Gorges.

Yeah thats my bad...it will be interesting to see how they rotate them






and as stated before...dandenault is good as gone

Edited by l<OV4L3V
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What a surprise to wake up to this morning :clap:

I for one am glad that this answers the Sundin question. He is not coming...

It is not the move that I wanted but I doubt a franchise #1 centre was available to us. Lang is an obvious upgrade over Smolinski and Bonk and he only has one year left on his 4 million dollar contract. Bob has some serious work to do next off season with all of the core players at the end of their contracts!

It sure does look like Chipchura will be spending the majority of the season in Hamilton which is a bit of a disappointment to me :angry:

What a log jam we have on the fourth line also! Dandenault has little to no chance of seeing any icetime as it stands. I hope Bob can move him...

As for the lines, I like some of the suggestions already posted. Carbo has so many options now. I don't see us having the third line in a checking role at all. Three lines of offense, all of which can score. We may not have an elite line like Ottawa has but we have three solid #2 lines and a fourth that can cause absolute havoc.

Youth, vets, leadership on and off the ice, I am happy and extremely excited to start the season.

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What a surprise to wake up to this morning :clap:

I for one am glad that this answers the Sundin question. He is not coming...

It is not the move that I wanted but I doubt a franchise #1 centre was available to us. Lang is an obvious upgrade over Smolinski and Bonk and he only has one year left on his 4 million dollar contract. Bob has some serious work to do next off season with all of the core players at the end of their contracts!

It sure does look like Chipchura will be spending the majority of the season in Hamilton which is a bit of a disappointment to me :angry:

What a log jam we have on the fourth line also! Dandenault has little to no chance of seeing any icetime as it stands. I hope Bob can move him...

As for the lines, I like some of the suggestions already posted. Carbo has so many options now. I don't see us having the third line in a checking role at all. Three lines of offense, all of which can score. We may not have an elite line like Ottawa has but we have three solid #2 lines and a fourth that can cause absolute havoc.

Youth, vets, leadership on and off the ice, I am happy and extremely excited to start the season.

:blink: you mean you go to sleep BEFORE 6h03 pm ??? ^_^

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Here's my lineup now that Robert Lang is in the Mix








?? for 7th dman

Wow...I like that lineup a lot!!! On paper it looks great...but let's hope that paper turns into metal plating on Lord Stanley for 2009!

GO :hlogo: GO

You forgot Gorges.

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Montreal added two top forwards without losing a roster player. Lang over Smolinski anyday. Tangauy over Ryder.

I'm thinking that was probably Gainey's #1 condition: being able to add good veterans without having to give up our young players. Remember he refused to let Higgins go to get Marian Hossa. Now we got Tangs and Langs for a 1st and a 2nd.

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After a night of reflection on yesterdays moves,

I'm still of the opinion that Chipchura needs to

start the season in Hamilton and Dandenault's

salary has to be eliminated from our cap space.

That will leave near 3.5M for another move.

I see Lang as our 3rd line C. I can also see

him getting closer to 40-45 points. But, I'm ok

with that. I'm not going to try to figure out what

the first 3 lines might look like, that'll be in flux

till we work out the chemistry.

I love our 4th line. I would think Begin-Lapierre

-Laraque are going to be one of the most hated

lines in the league. Two, guided heat seeking

missles in Begin and Lapierre and when opposing

players take exception to that, Laraque stepping

in to say "Do we have a problem?". Oh, and when

Begin gets injuried and he will, Kostopoulos taking

his place. :clap:

I can't wait for the season to start :hlogo:

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It sure does look like Chipchura will be spending the majority of the season in Hamilton which is a bit of a disappointment to me :angry:

I don't understand that kind of thinking: why would you be disappointed? Chipchura isn't good enough to make our team right now, period...and that should be cause for celebration. Four years ago, the Canadiens weren't a very good team, and he probably could have walked right in and comfortably taken the 3rd line centre job. But now, FINALLY after MANY years of suffering, the Habs are an ELITE team :clap: We don't have to plug an undeveloped player like Chipchura into the lineup anymore...we're thick with talent now. I don't want to see him in a Habs uniform until he's at least proving that he can consistently be a force at the AHL level...something he hasn't done yet (22G, 38A in 119 games). Let him develop his offensive skillset, skating, and face-off prowess before giving him a promotion.

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I don't understand that kind of thinking: why would you be disappointed? Chipchura isn't good enough to make our team right now, period...and that should be cause for celebration. Four years ago, the Canadiens weren't a very good team, and he probably could have walked right in and comfortably taken the 3rd line centre job. But now, FINALLY after MANY years of suffering, the Habs are an ELITE team :clap: We don't have to plug an undeveloped player like Chipchura into the lineup anymore...we're thick with talent now. I don't want to see him in a Habs uniform until he's at least proving that he can consistently be a force at the AHL level...something he hasn't done yet (22G, 38A in 119 games). Let him develop his offensive skillset, skating, and face-off prowess before giving him a promotion.

22g and 38a in 119 games in the AHL doesn't look very good so I can see your point.

I honestly thought that during his short stay in Montreal last year that he looked better than Lapierre on most nights. I totally agree that we now have a stacked team so there is no need to rush anyone. If he isn't ready then he isn't ready but he looked pretty good to me.

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Lets not dump on Chipchura.

I like him as a player, I liked

him when he was up last year.

But, we are going for the Cup

this year. Think of it as taking

one year off from developing

talent in the NHL. :hlogo:

I'd like to see Chips play with

Pacioretty and D'Agostini down

in Hamilton. Lets give Chips a

couple of skilled wingers that

look like they might be future

Habs and see what he can do.

And he's probably our 1st injury

replacement. :hlogo:

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Gainey has already said that Chips has a spot in Montreal and it's his to lose. He said it while we were actively after Mats who is a centre. I doubt Gainey meant it's Chips job to lose and also lose "by default" if we acquired Sundin. However, we now have acquired a different centre in Lang.

There is no reason to believe that Chipchura doesn't have a chance at making the team. Lang is easily convertable to the wing. Lang has done it before which should make Carbo happy that he has that option. Lang is versatile.

Who knows what's going to happen. Maybe Chips puts the coaches into a "we have no choice" situation. I guess I'm simply saying that there are always possibilities.

Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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Gainey has already said that Chips has a spot in Montreal and it's his to lose. He said it while we were actively after Mats who is a centre. I doubt Gainey meant it's Chips job to lose and also lose "by default" if we acquired Sundin. However, we now have acquired a different centre in Lang.

There is no reason to believe that Chipchura doesn't have a chance at making the team. Lang is easily convertable to the wing. Lang has done it before which should make Carbo happy that he has that option. Lang is versatile.

Who knows what's going to happen. Maybe Chips puts the coaches into a "we have no choice" situation. I guess I'm simply saying that there are always possibilities.

With the additions of Lang and also Breezer, the Habs roster is pretty much set.

Assuming Dandy is gone come start of the season, there are 22 players i see on the roster with Chipchura on the bubble.

Doubt the Habs would keep him up as the 23 roster player, sitting up in the pressbox. With Breezer as the 7th d-man, that does not seem to be a problem. As for the 4th line, spots are gonna be battled for by Laps, Begin, Larocque, and Kostopolo. And most likely Laracque will have a spot there for sure. With injuries and if Chips shows some great play, then maybe he will see some icetime with the big club.

As for the top 9 forwards, Lats better show he belongs or he may be up in the pressbox from time to time.

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With the additions of Lang and also Breezer, the Habs roster is pretty much set.

Assuming Dandy is gone come start of the season, there are 22 players i see on the roster with Chipchura on the bubble.

Doubt the Habs would keep him up as the 23 roster player, sitting up in the pressbox. With Breezer as the 7th d-man, that does not seem to be a problem. As for the 4th line, spots are gonna be battled for by Laps, Begin, Larocque, and Kostopolo. And most likely Laracque will have a spot there for sure. With injuries and if Chips shows some great play, then maybe he will see some icetime with the big club.

As for the top 9 forwards, Lats better show he belongs or he may be up in the pressbox from time to time.

Alot of this depends on Dandenault and how much pressure the team wants to put on our Hamilton D players. Should Valentenko or Carle be relied on when there are veteran defensive options? I believe the Brisebois signing spells doom for Dandy. Where is he relevant? Where does he break in? Line 1 through to 4? Which D pairing? The pressbox might include Chipchura if Dandenault goes. A Begin, Kostopoulos, Chipchura rotation would be sweet :D

Then again, maybe D'Agostini will make the team. BOb mentioned this recently. I love all these wonderful options :D

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Hey people - he isn't really isn't all that slow :D

I like the fact that Gainey continues to pick up replaceable parts and maintain cap flexibility.

If Tanguay is a disaster, it is a one season disaster, same with Lang.

He is not making panic acquisitons based on name and fan marketability. He seems to be looking

for low maintenance players that he can fit into the system.

The core is still homegrown.

As for the youtube video, all criticisms aside, the guy can finish. And with guys like Kovalev, AK and Koivu

feeding the puck, it is something that we sorely lacked last season come playoff time.

Edited by Wamsley01
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As much as I don't want to be, that Lang video has me more excited about this season. That last goal he gets against Nashville, it shows he has speed, grit, determination, and soft hands. All this at the end of the game too.

Perhaps Plekanec can't get points without Kovalev, which would make it stupid to split them up. I'd honestly be happy putting Koivu on our third line, behind Plex and Lang, because I'm worried he doesn't have what it takes anymore to be a consistent top-line scoring threat. His dumb offensive-zone penalties last year, and his lack of top-end points, real frustrating.

But I could definitely see Lang and Kovalev sitting on opposite face-off dots on the PP, and our D just deciding which to feed for the one-timer. Kovalev started to get rushed last season when the other team realised he was always going to score from that spot - but if we have Lang on the other side who's just as slick, they won't know which way to turn.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to camp. We have so many young players who I'd love to give a shot to, and I'm sure Gainey would too. But as was pointed out earlier - we are an elite team. Our top three lines are arguably the best in the league (up there with Detroit), and this year is shaping up to be pretty damn sweet.

Viva le Habalucion!

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As much as I don't want to be, that Lang video has me more excited about this season. That last goal he gets against Nashville, it shows he has speed, grit, determination, and soft hands. All this at the end of the game too.

Perhaps Plekanec can't get points without Kovalev, which would make it stupid to split them up. I'd honestly be happy putting Koivu on our third line, behind Plex and Lang, because I'm worried he doesn't have what it takes anymore to be a consistent top-line scoring threat. His dumb offensive-zone penalties last year, and his lack of top-end points, real frustrating.

But I could definitely see Lang and Kovalev sitting on opposite face-off dots on the PP, and our D just deciding which to feed for the one-timer. Kovalev started to get rushed last season when the other team realised he was always going to score from that spot - but if we have Lang on the other side who's just as slick, they won't know which way to turn.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to camp. We have so many young players who I'd love to give a shot to, and I'm sure Gainey would too. But as was pointed out earlier - we are an elite team. Our top three lines are arguably the best in the league (up there with Detroit), and this year is shaping up to be pretty damn sweet.

Viva le Habalucion!

Getting Lang is going to change things up but I wouldn't go demoting Saku just yet. Like we've all discussed a million times on here The guy has never had quality players to play with. We finally get some talent here and you want to put him on the thrd with Latendresse . I doubt that very highly. Replace him with a guy that's way older and slowing down even more then Koivu himself. I guess you forgot what he brought in the play-offs last year.

I'm not going to try and pick the lines but without a doubt Koivu starts the season as #2 and he is only #2 because Pleks had a good season with Kovy and TlTS not because Pleks is a bonafide first line centre. Watch how quickly Sak's becomes first line centre again should he and Tangs click............

Lang starts as third line centre.

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Although the Habs PP was very lethal last season, i can see one large are where Lang should fit in nicely. That is being the right-handed shot on the left side when the Habs have a two man advantage. Since Ryder was no longer useful in that spot, Carbo used Smokes down the stretch in that spot. And in my opinion Smokes did very little there. Having Lang in that spot should result in a few more goals and will open up room for Kovy and Markov. Lotsa firepower to choose from, but all of the top habs forwards are lefthanded.

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Although the Habs PP was very lethal last season, i can see one large are where Lang should fit in nicely. That is being the right-handed shot on the left side when the Habs have a two man advantage. Since Ryder was no longer useful in that spot, Carbo used Smokes down the stretch in that spot. And in my opinion Smokes did very little there. Having Lang in that spot should result in a few more goals and will open up room for Kovy and Markov. Lotsa firepower to choose from, but all of the top habs forwards are lefthanded.

Don't forget the help in face-offs! ^_^

* I just went and checked his game by game logs last year and Lang's face-off percentage for most games was well above 65% for most games , a lot of games in the seventies and a few hitting 80%. Not to shabby. I'm going to bet that is the main reason Gainey brought him in knowing that is a big concern of ours. He will definitely be getting 1st PP unit time for that reason alone.

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Hey people - he isn't really isn't all that slow :D

Looked pretty good, that last goal was sick.

He isnt that slow and have you noticed his stickhandling? Not Kovalesque, but he makes it hard to guess weither he'll shoot or pass, and he seems to have quite a reach. If given wingers who can score as well as set him up, say Higgins on the LW and Lil Kosty on the Rw, it would make for a very tough line to play against.

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Gainey has already said that Chips has a spot in Montreal and it's his to lose. He said it while we were actively after Mats who is a centre. I doubt Gainey meant it's Chips job to lose and also lose "by default" if we acquired Sundin. However, we now have acquired a different centre in Lang.

There is no reason to believe that Chipchura doesn't have a chance at making the team. Lang is easily convertable to the wing. Lang has done it before which should make Carbo happy that he has that option. Lang is versatile.

Who knows what's going to happen. Maybe Chips puts the coaches into a "we have no choice" situation. I guess I'm simply saying that there are always possibilities.

1) Gainey never lies

2) Gainey can change his mind in very quick.

I understand the hype about Chips: he's young, he's big, he's gritty, he's got character. But fact of the matter is, last year in the NHL he steadily looked slower and slower (not just skating, but also reading the play, which he cant make up for with speed) as the League as a whole was picking up it's normal pace. That and his inability to win crucial faceoffs (especially shorthanded, where he was a dysmal 30%) were the reasons he was sent back to the AHL.

To me that meant two things, either A) he's not ready yet and needs more time to acclimate himself to the pros or B) He might not have a hockey sense quick enough to be the next Brind'Amour people hope he'll be. I prefer to go with A. He might also have suffered from a drop of confidence because even after getting sent to the AHL he kept struggling a bit, save for the month of February, he went 6-4-10 in 23 games and a -4. He has to forget the last season and commit to improving his overall speed and faceoff.

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As much as I don't want to be, that Lang video has me more excited about this season. That last goal he gets against Nashville, it shows he has speed, grit, determination, and soft hands. All this at the end of the game too.

Perhaps Plekanec can't get points without Kovalev, which would make it stupid to split them up. I'd honestly be happy putting Koivu on our third line, behind Plex and Lang, because I'm worried he doesn't have what it takes anymore to be a consistent top-line scoring threat. His dumb offensive-zone penalties last year, and his lack of top-end points, real frustrating.

But I could definitely see Lang and Kovalev sitting on opposite face-off dots on the PP, and our D just deciding which to feed for the one-timer. Kovalev started to get rushed last season when the other team realised he was always going to score from that spot - but if we have Lang on the other side who's just as slick, they won't know which way to turn.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to camp. We have so many young players who I'd love to give a shot to, and I'm sure Gainey would too. But as was pointed out earlier - we are an elite team. Our top three lines are arguably the best in the league (up there with Detroit), and this year is shaping up to be pretty damn sweet.

Viva le Habalucion!

I'm really harrassing with that idea, I know... but

I really do think that Plekanec's optimization, i.e. the best way we can use him, is as a 3rd line center, WITH Higgins (they'd be a combo, if we were to do that)... that way, they would be one of our most lethal weapon... I can only remember in Hamilton, during the lockout, they were crazy together. Sh goals after Sh goals... they are so good defensively they know each other so well that they can dominate that way... that wouldn't be a 3rd line à la Joe Juneau in 2002... that'd be a 3rd line à la Jere Lehtinen in 99 (won the Selke and the cup, got 52 pts, 20 goals).

I however recognize that he is doing a good 1st line job...

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Lang starts as third line centre.

Agreed...but I also think that Saku has a lot less leeway for prolonged periods of poor production; he could find himself as the third line centre very quickly if he goes into one of his tailspins.

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