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Game Thread: Montreal Canadiens @ Phoenix Coyotes


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The best ex-player-turned-analyst ever was Pierre Bouchard. Smart, sharp and tongue-in-cheek funny as Hell. Too bad he got tossed aside when the Habs games were bought by RDS.

Bouchard was fantastic. Was he SRC or TQS? I can't remember. I just know he was easily the best.

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What did Price do to the hockey Gods to have that bad karma? I think it all comes from the All-Star Game. He should never have been the starter. It cursed him.

But before that it was when he came back early from injury and played the young guns game. He got lit up in the always high scoring game. He was a monster before the injury, and a rattled kid when he got back.

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Bouchard was fantastic. Was he SRC or TQS? I can't remember. I just know he was easily the best.


An overlooked analyst quality he had that I haven't seen in any other since: he knew players all around the league, young or old. That's a guy who had retired 20 years prior. He kept informed.

So funny too... "Puppa en peut pu!"

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I'm saddened. I came on here expecting a plethora of negative commentary about how Price should have saved those two shots. As Benoit "Brain of Bricks" Brunet said on the first, "Il doit etre plus combatif!" Right Benny. C'mere and let me high stick you in the throat and see if you can stay on your feet you waste of breath. --And this from the guy who makes Koivu look like an ironman.-- And for the second goal I was expecting people to say that it should have been an easy save had he had better positioning or followed the puck better some bunk like that.

WHERE ARE ALL THE PRICE HATERS? You've ruined this game thread for me.

Damn Price, trying to limbo under Mara's stick like that. :puke:

Hows that? ^_^


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What was RDS thinking hiring that guy? Seriously? Did they take pity on him for his sad career? I mean, it's obvoiusly not his hockey smarts because we all watched him and we know he never had much.

And the reason we know he bled bleu-blanc-rouge is because he left it on the ice ever second shift! Lindros is clear-headed beside Benny.

Speaking of this, have you noticed BTH's avatar? :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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Dryden would have got the SO and wrote a book about it.

Ron Hextall would have got the SO and had a Gordie Howe hat trick.

Speaking of this, have you noticed BTH's avatar? :lol::lol::lol:

I want to change it already but I can't find anything. I got this one off of HF boards at the start of the playoffs when somebody made a whole series of them. I wanted to change to the one where Brunet says "BOULETTE CANON!" but they're all so buried that I can't find them.

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I want to change it already but I can't find anything. I got this one off of HF boards at the start of the playoffs when somebody made a whole series of them. I wanted to change to the one where Brunet says "BOULETTE CANON!" but they're all so buried that I can't find them.


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I got the Phoenix feed which was Tyson Nash, he was horrible.

4 goals in 1 game? 3 in1 period, what is the world coming to.

Price was solid, no chance on either goal, made a few big saves.

White and Pyatt were good again, especially the Pk.

Obviously Pleks and the top line were pretty good.

Solid defensively generally.

Bad News:

lost too many 1 on 1 battles, or atleast certain players did.

Too many dumb penalties again

Lats, Lapierre AK46 all invisible again, although AK46 through a few big hits and hustled. Put White on the 2nd and let those 3 be the 4th line.

Had a fight which was nice to see, infortunately he was crushed

If they play well Saturday they could be 500 at the 20 game mark, amazing considering how they play.

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Now the question becomes who starts the next game? Halak, in my opinion, earned the start last night. However, since Price did play well, he deserves the next start. Based on previous logic, that means Halak is in goal next. :rolleyes:

As for the reviewed goal, it wasn't clear enough to me to overturn the call. Maybe RDS had a better angle, but on the Phoenix feed, it wasn't clear enough. One angle you couldn't tell anything and in the other, it was impossible to tell if it was a kicking motion or just a stopping motion. Really, the call could have gone either way. In such a situation, you can't blame the officials for keeping the play as called on the ice.

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After watching last night's game, I'm in the "dress 7 d" group now. If the 4th line is just going to be benched in the third, it doesn't make that much of a difference. MAB scares the living crap out of me defensively, especially when he bumbles behind the net and the puck trickles out in front. MAB on the PP, I can deal with that. I can't believe he was on the ice at the end of the game.

I'm also serious about my other point earlier in this thread, play Plex with Cammy and Gionta. And I haven't been one to harp on Gainey signing FAs, but for the love of god, re-sign Plex before the end of the season. I take back what I said in the preseason about him, as it's looking like last season was the aberration. Should I be scared that I don't really notice Gomez much on the ice? Or am I just blind, or off to the fridge getting a beer when he does something? Or is he being quietly effective? I don't know.

Mara must like playing in front of Halak....trying to take out his own goalie like that. The big meanie.

The 3 stars, as chosen by Phoenix, are freakin' laughable. 8 minutes of ice, a kicked in goal (intentional or not), and a fight earn Bissonnette the 1st star? Heshka the 3rd?? Not that it matters a lot, but the 3 star selection just made me laugh a bit. I guess getting your first NHL points are what matters for the 3 Star selection in Glendale. The announcing was also tough to deal with, as were the Hockey 101 ads. "What is a healthy scratch? What is forechecking?" Move the team, already.

All of the above said, I'm thrilled that they won in regulation. To pot 3 against Bryzgalov, when I was worried about the team facing yet another goalie that's been playing well, made me happy. Good to see an effective PP, the 1st goal being pretty.

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After watching last night's game, I'm in the "dress 7 d" group now. If the 4th line is just going to be benched in the third, it doesn't make that much of a difference. MAB scares the living crap out of me defensively, especially when he bumbles behind the net and the puck trickles out in front. MAB on the PP, I can deal with that. I can't believe he was on the ice at the end of the game.

The problem is now to find 7 dmen to dress...

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Huzer, Spacek was hurt in last night's game, that's why MAB was in late. ZI hope he isn't out long.

Gomez hasn't done much offensively but he is noticed in all 3 zones, he does play good defensively.

I'm all for moving him with Pyatt and White. Put Pleks with Cammy and Gionta.

I am sure the Martin line juggling isn't over.

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I think I need to take a night or two off.. this team is depressing me and now it is boring me.

Truly a terrible game. It was putting me to sleep. 2 bad teams demonstrating just exactly why they're so bad. But I'll take the 2 points anyway...

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Truly a terrible game. It was putting me to sleep. 2 bad teams demonstrating just exactly why they're so bad. But I'll take the 2 points anyway...

Phoenix is much improved this season. Thus far, they have a winning record. Last night they were playing without Jovanovski and Michalek, two of their bigger minute eaters. They were replaced in the lineup by Shaun Heshka and David Schlemko, who had played a total of 6 NHL games between them. That makes Montreal's offensive "outburst" far less reassuring than it may have seemed.

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Phoenix is much improved this season. Thus far, they have a winning record. Last night they were playing without Jovanovski and Michalek, two of their bigger minute eaters. They were replaced in the lineup by Shaun Heshka and David Schlemko, who had played a total of 6 NHL games between them. That makes Montreal's offensive "outburst" far less reassuring than it may have seemed.

On the positive side, Plex was great. Price was great. And as far as starting goalies are concerned, maybe Martin is beginning to use the "Toe Blake system" - you play until you lose. Under that logic, no matter how good Halak was in the 1-0 loss, it was still a loss. And if he *is* using that system, Price starts the next game...

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On the positive side, Plex was great. Price was great. And as far as starting goalies are concerned, maybe Martin is beginning to use the "Toe Blake system" - you play until you lose. Under that logic, no matter how good Halak was in the 1-0 loss, it was still a loss. And if he *is* using that system, Price starts the next game...

Yeah, Plek was flying out there. I thought Martin might be employing that system too, but Price started the next game after Halak beat Toronto and then Price played the next game after losing to Atlanta. I've never been a fan of that system anyways, because a guy could have a lousy game, getting picked up by his offense, and "earn" the next start. It makes more sense to me to employ a "play well" and you start system. Of course, that brings subjectivity into the equation, unless you strictly use save percentage to determine whether or not the goalie has a good game, which can be misleading at times.

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Does Montreal ever have a parade in Toronto?

Could you imagine if the Habs were to win the cup in 2012, with Subban in the line-up. He goes back to Toronto with the cup and organizes a parade, and 100,000 people show up!!!

BOOYA!! Now that would be a nice slap in the face to all those idiots who make up leafie Nation! :clap:

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Could you imagine if the Habs were to win the cup in 2012, with Subban in the line-up. He goes back to Toronto with the cup and organizes a parade, and 100,000 people show up!!!

BOOYA!! Now that would be a nice slap in the face to all those idiots who make up leafie Nation! :clap:

What would be better would be that to attends the parade, people would have to go through some security check point and say "Je suis (their name) et je suis un fan des Canadiens"

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Phoenix is much improved this season. Thus far, they have a winning record. Last night they were playing without Jovanovski and Michalek, two of their bigger minute eaters. They were replaced in the lineup by Shaun Heshka and David Schlemko, who had played a total of 6 NHL games between them. That makes Montreal's offensive "outburst" far less reassuring than it may have seemed.

Or does it make the Habs dmen look really inept?

It looks like Phoenix has several really good young d prospects. Bob should try to trade the Kosts bros for Lang and 1 of their young dmen. ^_^

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