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Carter to Habs picking up steam?


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Been reading a lot of reports online that the habs have some serious interest in carter. I read a report saying that an offer of Plekanec, Weber, Prospect danny Kristo and a 2nd and 4th round pick to columbus in exchange for Carter, and Derrick Brassard. I i'm kind of mixed on this kind of deal considering carters horrendous contract, but in a way it kind of makes sense for montreal considering both players are young and very good, and are 2 big body's as well. But this is a huge risk if such a deal exists. Well we'll have to wait and c come monday if carter will end up in montreal.

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On the flip side it is a contract that only pays $5.2 million per season which is alot easier to deal with than the $7.4 contract that Gomez has. The other thing is that in the final 3 years Carter will be making $3 million and then $2 million in back to back years. When he is 35 would a bottom feeder team take a $5.2 million contract knowing they only need to pay $2 million....quite possibly.

I am personally on the fence with Carter. I think he'd do well, but I am worried. One thing for certain is that it would trandorm our team from small to big in a matter of secounds if we move forward with Brassard, Eller, Carter down the middle.

On the flip side Carter makes say $5.3, Brassard makes $3.2 million. So if Pleks and Weber leave making a combined $5.8 and we acquire a combined $8.5 then who else is is gone because we are not exactly flowing with cap space right now.

None the less I think I would be inclined to take that deal despite the length of the Carter contract and cap issues.

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On the flip side it is a contract that only pays $5.2 million per season which is alot easier to deal with than the $7.4 contract that Gomez has.  The other thing is that in the final 3 years Carter will be making $3 million and then $2 million in back to back years.  When he is 35 would a bottom feeder team take a $5.2 million contract knowing they only need to pay $2 million....quite possibly.

8 years away
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<p>8 years away

I know I know. Would you take Zetterberg or Datsyuk or DiPietro on their prolonged contracts though? Carter for the next 5 years will be under paid for his production. Hate the length of the contract......but it's tempting.

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I know I know.  Would you take Zetterberg or Datsyuk or DiPietro on their prolonged contracts though? Carter for the next 5 years will be under paid for his production.  Hate the length of the contract......but it's tempting.

i'm not sure he'll be underpaid. Injuries adding up... the dry island stuff and this town... its risky. I'd also only take 2 of those contracts. Dipietro is a good example when it goes wrong and Carter's not Zetterberg or Datsyuk.

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i'm not sure he'll be underpaid. Injuries adding up... the dry island stuff and this town... its risky. I'd also only take 2 of those contracts. Dipietro is a good example when it goes wrong and Carter's not Zetterberg or Datsyuk.

I know....I through that in there. Some contracts can be problematic.

Like I said though I'm on the fence with Carter.....i think he'd do well here but I am afraid. I really wanna see Geoffrion, maybe Gallagher if he's ready, Leblanc, Schultz, I wanna see young hungry kids.

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Montreal needs to maximize assets as does Columbus. A meat for meat trade would make more sense in August. The deal as described is suspect because Columbus not a week ago was asking for a first born, this deal would come up mighty short of that.

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Everybody keeps talking about Carter's contract length. Yes it is 10 years, but it's only 5.2m for a first line center. Pleks is getting 5m and nobody is complaining about the amount he's getting. I think we need to focus on the 5.3m a year with no increases for 10 years. Sounds to me like a good price for a 2nd line center if he doesn't pan out as a #1.

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Everybody keeps talking about Carter's contract length.  Yes it is 10 years, but it's only 5.2m for a first line center.  Pleks is getting 5m and nobody is complaining about the amount he's getting.  I think we need to focus on the 5.3m a year with no increases for 10 years.  Sounds to me like a good price for a 2nd line center if he doesn't pan out as a #1.

Sure, if he's a second line centre. He has recurring foot and shoulder injuries, he apparently has issues with alcohol and partying, and he apparently has work ethic issues. I could see this going the way of a DiPietro or him turning into Scott Gomez, and then what.... even 5.3 is a gamble.

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They need Carter AND Plekanec but I don't know what Montreal would trade. Eller, Kostitsyn + a 1st next year (banking on the Habs being improved with Carter)?

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That trade sounds ridiculous to me. BTH is absolutely right, the point would be to have Carter *and* Plekanec. Carter is a 30-goal, 60-70 point guy. He and Pleks would make a great 1-2 punch, but neither is a clear-cut dominant centreman. If we move Pleks for him, that's a marginal upgrade that doesn't solve the basic problem of overall mediocre production down the middle.

I'm not too worried about Carter's injuries. He has played nearly all games in nearly all his NHL seasons. In fact his problems in Columbus work in our favour, given that his value is as low now as it's gonna get.

Now, the 'party animal' thing, that's a genuine issue. The Habs would have to proceed very, very carefully on this front - activating every last contact throughout the league trying to discern the extent to which Carter has a real problem or is just an ebullient young man who needed to mature a bit (c.f. Ribeiro). If it's the latter, then he's right at the age where guys are usually starting to settle down and we could probably roll the dice. However, this assumes that Gauthier has an extensive network of contacts throughout the league. Given that he is the Conehead of Silence he probably doesn't.

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Been reading a lot of reports online that the habs have some serious interest in carter. I read a report saying that an offer of Plekanec, Weber, Prospect danny Kristo and a 2nd and 4th round pick to columbus in exchange for Carter, and Derrick Brassard. I i'm kind of mixed on this kind of deal considering carters horrendous contract, but in a way it kind of makes sense for montreal considering both players are young and very good, and are 2 big body's as well. But this is a huge risk if such a deal exists. Well we'll have to wait and c come monday if carter will end up in montreal.

Hey. sounds pretty good to me?

I just really see the need to move either Plekanec or DD and this does that and increses size up the middle and instantly reshapes the forward group.

Risk/reward with his long term contract, but if he puts up 30+ goals it would be a much needed boost to one of most offensively challanged groups.

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Perhaps off topic, but if they unload Carter and Nash, is there a reason why that team is even in Columbus? Sorry, but that's a college sports town. Anyway, how about this years 1st for Carter? Some on this site would go into cardiac arrest.

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Perhaps off topic, but if they unload Carter and Nash, is there a reason why that team is even in Columbus? Sorry, but that's a college sports town. Anyway, how about this years 1st for Carter? Some on this site would go into cardiac arrest.

If we are set to pick at #3 overall, then no way. If we pick at #5-6, then yes, provided there are no other elements included in the deal.

As for Columbus, that franchise has had great fan support for most of its existence. Only the combination of unending, grinding badness and the economic collapse of the rustbelt have led to poor attendance. Those are good fans who deserve better, but the team may well be doomed.

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Now, the 'party animal' thing, that's a genuine issue. The Habs would have to proceed very, very carefully on this front - activating every last contact throughout the league trying to discern the extent to which Carter has a real problem or is just an ebullient young man who needed to mature a bit (c.f. Ribeiro). If it's the latter, then he's right at the age where guys are usually starting to settle down and we could probably roll the dice.

This. He's getting to the point in life where you settle down and mature a little, so I doubt it'll be an issue. If it is, Montreal is not the city for him, it's like the Vegas of Canada for party animals.

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Enough gambling! I wouldnt trade Pleks for Carter straight up. And if our 1st rounder is a top 10 pick which it most likely will be I would trade that for anything but a earlier 1st rounder. I want the new CBA done before taking on 10-year contracts for players with issues. We need a slow rebuild... not hasty "Bob Gainey trades for Scott Gomez" rebuild again.

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Enough gambling! I wouldnt trade Pleks for Carter straight up. And if our 1st rounder is a top 10 pick which it most likely will be I would trade that for anything but a earlier 1st rounder. I want the new CBA done before taking on 10-year contracts for players with issues. We need a slow rebuild... not hasty "Bob Gainey trades for Scott Gomez" rebuild again.

A valid point of view. However, we're not where Columbus is. We have a lot of good pieces and arguably are much closer to being good than is the standard team in need of a long-term rebuild (e.g., Calgary). Look at Burke, taking risks on Phaneuf, Kessel, and Lupul. All three have paid off in spades (notwithstanding that Seguin will probably turn out to be a better player than Kessel). The acquisition of even one such player would make a huge difference to our team. While I respect your point, I think we in fact fit the profile of a team that needs to make 2-3 shrewd moves to vault up the standings and that it's worth taking the risks inherent in such moves. The REAL issue, from my point of view, is whether you trust current management to take those risks.

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I don't want Carter. I think Pleks is overpaid based on his offense, but not grossly and there is a strong defensive center aspect to his game which helps reduce the risk. Ie.. even when he is struggling offensively, he is a good guy to on the ice.

Trading Pleks for Carter is a marginal upgrade with a worse contract. It is also higher risk. I don't want Gomez 2.0.

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I think Carter is the guy to go after. His contract is long but not really too high. In 6 years that amount won't even be unusual. I do agree we need to keep Plex though. I wouldn't mind giving up our first unless it ends up being top 2, which I don't think it will.

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So, Philly dumps Carter, shocking the hockey world. I wonder why. Now Columbus is dumping him.

Could it be that both of them know something we don't. Could it be that both realize he will never be worth the contract? Maybe he is building up wear and tear on his body? Maybe he has an attitude problem. Maybe he is a problem in the room.

I don't know. What I do know is that number one centers worth their contracts are passed around year after year.

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Yes, Philly traded Carter. They had their reasons, not all having to do with Carter. Do you think its possible they made a mistake? He's not working out in Columbus. Again they are looking to trade him (and Nash) at least partially because they are going to do a major rebuild. If we can't get a number 1 centre when they are at low value we'll never get one.

I just remembered why we don't have to worry about the Habs giving up Plex in a deal for Carter. There is no way that Plekanec waives his NTC to go to Columbus.

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Yes, Philly traded Carter. They had their reasons, not all having to do with Carter. Do you think its possible they made a mistake? He's not working out in Columbus. Again they are looking to trade him (and Nash) at least partially because they are going to do a major rebuild. If we can't get a number 1 centre when they are at low value we'll never get one.

I just remembered why we don't have to worry about the Habs giving up Plex in a deal for Carter. There is no way that Plekanec waives his NTC to go to Columbus.

This. And as long Plek or Kaberle or Gomez isn't part of the deal, we can all forget about Carter.

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Glad to hear Pleks is "safe", but I think you need to be very careful about a guy Philly didn't want and didn't work out in Columbus. If he doesn't work out here either, he will be even harder to trade, so we will be stuck with him, ala Gomez. Cheaper, but much longer.

Some teams could afford this, but we can't. We already have too many bad contracts on the books to potentially take on another one.

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