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2019 NHL Offseason Thread


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4 hours ago, dlbalr said:


Not filing doesn't make him unrestricted.  (If it did, no one would file for arbitration - they'd all elect free agency.)  I'd like to see him on an AHL deal myself but it's probably not going to happen unless they pay him a huge AHL salary to forego an NHL deal.


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Johansson is on his was to buffalo. Good pick up. Was hoping the habs would of picked him up for the 2nd line  left  wing. I think he would of looked great playing beside Domi.

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2 hours ago, Metallica said:

Did good for Boston 


After being hurt immediatley after being traded.


Played 58 games total last year

29 in 2017-18


Has had a bunch of concussions


There is a reason no team was giving him term and he settled for 2 years.

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This fellow think Habs are in worse shape than last year because:

  1. Didnt get enough return for Shaw (as he calls it a 'bag of pucks')
  2. Didnt sign Duchene
  3. Offer was to low on Oho.



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15 minutes ago, DON said:

This fellow think Habs are in worse shape than last year because:

  1. Didnt get enough return for Shaw (as he calls it a 'bag of pucks')
  2. Didnt sign Duchene
  3. Offer was to low on Oho.



What Brendan Kelly does NOT know about hockey could fill the Bell Centre and half the other rinks in the league. He is a doom and gloom hack who never has anything good to say about Les Canadiens. It is a sad commentary on the Gazette that they have gone from writers like Michael Faber and Red Fisher to a non - expert like this one.

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And neither Duchene or Aho makes us worse than last year, we didn't have them before, either.


We lose a bit with Shaw, but we should gain some with Kinkaid. Young player development aside, any significant gains are yet to come, though.

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So I'm surprised that we haven't done more to try to lock up Gardiner....for a few reasons. 


We all have agreed that if our PP was even average last year, instead of the worst, or 2nd worse, we would have won at least 3-4 more games, if not more and would have made the playoffs. So improving our PP is a big deal. 


One of Gardiner's strengths is that he has the reputation of a being a PP quarterback. 


So if we can sign a defenceman who will fit into our top 4, top 2??, on the left side where we have a need, and help our PP wouldn't we make it a top priority to try to get this guy?? 


Am I overvaluing him? I know he's had some critical defensive gaffs at a bad time in the playoffs but from what I've heard, his former teammates wanted him back and thought he was a very good player. 


Unless the smoke and rumours I hear about a trade with Laine are actually true and MB is not spending the extra cash until he gets that settled. 


What do you think? 

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16 minutes ago, REV-G said:

So I'm surprised that we haven't done more to try to lock up Gardiner....for a few reasons. 


We all have agreed that if our PP was even average last year, instead of the worst, or 2nd worse, we would have won at least 3-4 more games, if not more and would have made the playoffs. So improving our PP is a big deal. 


One of Gardiner's strengths is that he has the reputation of a being a PP quarterback. 


So if we can sign a defenceman who will fit into our top 4, top 2??, on the left side where we have a need, and help our PP wouldn't we make it a top priority to try to get this guy?? 


Am I overvaluing him? I know he's had some critical defensive gaffs at a bad time in the playoffs but from what I've heard, his former teammates wanted him back and thought he was a very good player. 


Unless the smoke and rumours I hear about a trade with Laine are actually true and MB is not spending the extra cash until he gets that settled. 


What do you think? 


I think that teams (not just montreal) are seeing issues with Gardiner's back injury and no one wants to give him term.  That is why the reports are coming out that no one has offered him more than 2 years. 

All the things you say about Gardiner the player are true, and are why (if healthy) he'd be a good signing.  But if teams have hesitation due to injury, its understandable why Montreal isn't giving him the long term contract he seeks, nor is any other NHL team right now. 

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2 hours ago, tomh009 said:

And neither Duchene or Aho makes us worse than last year, we didn't have them before, either.


We lose a bit with Shaw, but we should gain some with Kinkaid. Young player development aside, any significant gains are yet to come, though.

we also gain a bit from Chiarot over Benn. With Juulsen healthy, that should help the CH.

An elite LD would be ideal, but unlikely any is available.


I think that MB is done for the summer, and will wait for the end of training camp, when teams are tryin gto sqeeze under the cap, that he will make a trade

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1 hour ago, Commandant said:


I think that teams (not just montreal) are seeing issues with Gardiner's back injury and no one wants to give him term.  That is why the reports are coming out that no one has offered him more than 2 years. 

All the things you say about Gardiner the player are true, and are why (if healthy) he'd be a good signing.  But if teams have hesitation due to injury, its understandable why Montreal isn't giving him the long term contract he seeks, nor is any other NHL team right now. 

And haven't heard what term-$$ he is demanding, he should be using lack of UFA d-man to his advantage.

And I still remember him being booed off the ice in Toronto and even when Leafs were on the road he got an earful. Even if criticism a bit uncalled for, is that who you want to give a 5-6-7yr deal to?   

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24 minutes ago, DON said:

And haven't heard what term-$$ he is demanding, he should be using lack of UFA d-man to his advantage.

And I still remember him being booed off the ice in Toronto and even when Leafs were on the road he got an earful. Even if criticism a bit uncalled for, is that who you want to give a 5-6-7yr deal to?   


He's apparently asking for a minimum of five years. And as Commandant says, no one is willing to do that at the moment.

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13 minutes ago, tomh009 said:


He's apparently asking for a minimum of five years. And as Commandant says, no one is willing to do that at the moment.

Not to be smartass, but I knew that much and not sure if that was a confirmed rumour or simply a safe assumption.

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35 minutes ago, DON said:

Not to be smartass, but I knew that much and not sure if that was a confirmed rumour or simply a safe assumption.


Sorry, I misunderstood your post, I thought you hadn't seen that yet.

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1 hour ago, DON said:

Not to be smartass, but I knew that much and not sure if that was a confirmed rumour or simply a safe assumption.


I don't know what a "confirmed rumour" is because it sounds like an oxymoron.   its either confirmed or its a rumour, i'm not sure how something can be both.   Of course nothing will be confirmed until he signs. 

I've seen good reporters tweeting though that term has been the issue and using the 5 year and 2 years as their basis for ask and offers. 

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Barring a dismal medical report, a 5 year term does not seem like a bad risk. If other teams are offering 2 years then MTL should offer 3 or four years. I think Gardiner on a 3- 4 year term would be a great addition 

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8 hours ago, PMAC said:

Barring a dismal medical report, a 5 year term does not seem like a bad risk. If other teams are offering 2 years then MTL should offer 3 or four years. I think Gardiner on a 3- 4 year term would be a great addition 


If healthy he probably would be a great addition.


If hes a shell of his former self due to the back injury the contract could be an albatross.  Thats why no one has offered it.


For some teams the potential inability to insure the contract (ala Horton) would be the issue.


The scariest thing for a team like the habs would be that hes able to play but the back makes him a shell of a player and the contract is an albatross.


I have to think that with all the teams that need D, if he didnt get a good offer considering what Tyler Myers and others got paid... that medical cant be good.

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1 hour ago, Commandant said:

I have to think that with all the teams that need D, if he didnt get a good offer considering what Tyler Myers and others got paid... that medical cant be good.


It's possible there is still further medical checks ongoing, although we're now more than a week past July 1.


Almost everyone needs D -- but this year it seems that the demand from the other teams was mainly for RD, not LD. I didn't actually do a count, but that's the impression I have from my reading.

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Reading all of the above posts makes me think that maybe his medical condition is the issue.


If there are no medical problems would not his agent be making that abundantly clear for all to hear. 


The fact that we haven't heard his agent make those kind of statements perhaps is an indication that there is a serious health concern....thus no signing yet. 


It's always hard to tell. I'm sure we'll find out at some point as someone is going to take a chance on him. 

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1 hour ago, tomh009 said:


It's possible there is still further medical checks ongoing, although we're now more than a week past July 1.


Almost everyone needs D -- but this year it seems that the demand from the other teams was mainly for RD, not LD. I didn't actually do a count, but that's the impression I have from my reading.


Oh for sure. 


There are going to be updates on how his back is healing sent to any team doctor whose gm has shown the least bit of interest.


The better the results are.  The more it heals from last season the more interest there will be 


If rehab is an issue the little interest he has will fall off even more.


This is fluid.

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3 hours ago, Habber31 said:

Ferland is a tough guy to peg. Doesn't seem like a bad signing though 

I agree, but couldn’t help but quite sonI could say

 Ferland is tough. 

He will do well riding shotgun with van’s young guns in top 6. If healthy, great value. If not....

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