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Ducharme Fired


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13 minutes ago, alfredoh2009 said:

Now let’s see if it was really a coaching problem :) 


I don't necessarily expect to see much change in the wins/losses but hopefully the effort and cohesion will improve.


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First positive news in some time.

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20 minutes ago, Habsfan89 said:

I hope this doesn't F with our lottery draft pick . They should of just fired him after the season. 


As has been discussed ad nausea ... some feel it is important to improve the attitude/effort of the team for the sake of the younger players and the trade value of veterans ... others feel it is best to let it crash&burn through the end of the season ... neither side will convince the other ... apparently Hughes/Gorton were in the former camp.


EDIT: ... OR ... it may have been that DD refused to give what G&H thought was sufficient icetime to the youngsters despite being instructed that he should do so.

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There are no guarantees in the lottery.  Even if you finish last it's less than a 25% chance at first overall.... so the priority has to be what you actually can control, development of existing prospects.

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I think management was planning to stay the course with Ducharme and install their man for the rebuild in the offseason, but this tank season has turned into a debacle. We can afford to win a few games now, or at least play halfway respectable hockey. There's a risk that Ducharme was actively harming team culture/player development, so I'm glad that we didn't cheap out on this one and keep him for the year rather than paying three head coaches. 


I hope this is the first step towards installing a state of the art coaching/player development system.

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I want an INTERIM coach through the end of the season ... THEN conduct a proper HC search ... perhaps they could convince Guy Carbonneau to step in "for the team" ... maybe Guy Boucher would do it with a guarantee that he gets an interview for the full-time job ... somebody with NHL coaching experience to ride herd on the team for 37 games.


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The Syracuse Crunch, coached by Benoit Groulx, plays in Laval tonight  ...  coincidence  ...  almost certainly  ...   but...

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1 hour ago, TurdBurglar said:

At this point I’m surprised it didn’t wait until after the season.  Watch them get a coaching change bump and have a draft pick outside the top-10


For the Habs to pick outside the top ten, they'd need to get (based on last full NHL season) 59 pts in their remaining 37 games. That would equate to the equivalent of a 130pt season. That'd be a helluva bump.

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39 minutes ago, huzer said:


For the Habs to pick outside the top ten, they'd need to get (based on last full NHL season) 59 pts in their remaining 37 games. That would equate to the equivalent of a 130pt season. That'd be a helluva bump.

Isn’t it the Habs thing to do?

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8 minutes ago, JoeLassister said:

How come ?


There's some stuff I was told about him from his first AHL stint in Rochester that told me that he should never be considered as a viable NHL coaching candidate.  I was shocked that he got another AHL opportunity, to be honest.

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10 minutes ago, dlbalr said:


There's some stuff I was told about him from his first AHL stint in Rochester that told me that he should never be considered as a viable NHL coaching candidate.  I was shocked that he got another AHL opportunity, to be honest.

Coaching stuff, relation with players stuff or  hockey unrelated stuff ?

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