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Game #25 - 12/5/22 Habs v.s. Canuckleheads

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1 minute ago, TurdBurglar said:

Harris had a great start to the season, he's going to be a solid defenceman.  Send him down to the AHL for a bit.  He's not looking as confident as he was.


lol, I was going to say that after the Nucks 2nd goal, but didn't because WiFi fell down.  I felt it was more Harris' fault though for his bad pass up ice.  They were doing oh so well up until that point at cycling the puck back if there was no forward play to be made.  When they cycle the puck back a lot they win, but I think Marty only has them doing that when they are leading.  


Jeez eh, Dammit Stillman's.  Like father like son, his kid has assisted on the last 2 goals.  

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Harris had first row view on that 5th goal.

he is going to be a good NHL D, but this game last two goals are in him 


Montembeault is back to normal 

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1 hour ago, Sir_Boagalott said:

Poor Pezzetta no respect.  He scores and they pull their Goalie.  


I agree that Slaf needs to be more situationally aware to be able to realize when he is in a vulnerable position.  


Have the Habs lost a game yet in which Nick and Cole have scored?  I'm not 100% sure but I don't think they have.  



I am really happy for Pezzetta. Good game, when MSL played him early in the game 

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I thought Montembeault would get a lucky win, since he was so good in the first half of the first period 


… now it’s 6-6


I still believe the horse shoe up his “sleeve” will help the Habs get the win

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It was an entertaining way to loose.

Pezzetta scores and Harris have more reasons to send him down (I know about the injuries, but still…)


Lots of goals points from secondary scoring.


I am happy

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D'oh!!  I'm bummed because I believe the answer to my previous question is yes, this game:


1 hour ago, Sir_Boagalott said:



Have the Habs lost a game yet in which Nick and Cole have scored?  I'm not 100% sure but I don't think they have.  





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Harris had a 72 xG% on the night, a fantastic number and the best of either team.


He also had 2 assists.




I'm not sure we are watching the same game.


This was Harris' best game all year.





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Entertaining game for sure, 50 more of those this season would be fine by me.

#44 seemed to have thumb up butt on at least 3 goals.

Armia & Dadanov had lots of icetime and both got a point at least.

2 bad teams put on a good show.

Slafkovski, you could see that hit coming a mile away, clean hit i thought. He and Guhle need a bit more self-preservation in their games...but maybe i worry to much.:spamafote:




On to Battle the Kracken!



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Holy crap, I went to bed after the second and it was 4-2 Habs. 

Just watched the third period this morning and I surely wasn’t expecting a 7-6 OT loss!!!!!!


Simply horrendous team defence in the third. The entire team was too busy trying to start an offensive rush to bother playing defence in the Dzone. Awful clearing attempts by everyone. 

Bring on Seattle 

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8 hours ago, BCHabnut said:

Crazy game. Cc got his money's worth


Good Lord, I sure did. Up there in the nose-bleeds, surrounded by red sweaters, watching that madness unfold as two dubious teams basically played road hockey. Yowza!


I was so happy when Caufield scored that opening goal. He was on my side of the rink, so I had a direct line of sight to witness first-hand what may become one of the iconic sights of the next decade of Habs' history, i.e., Caufield blasting one in from the left hashmarks. 


This is a game that defied rational analysis. Complete carnage out there. However, it was interesting to see the Habs live, something I haven't done since well before Covid.


Random observations:


  • Habs made a LOT of "young team" mistakes. I mean things like pointless icings, where you miscalculate where you're shooting the puck from so it crosses multiple lines; multiple breakdowns on the same play; sloppy plays around the team's blueline to fumble a clearing pass; that sort of thing. They also fell down a lot at key moments (my God, Mattheson in OT was comically brutal), which may have had to do with the ice, I dunno. 
  • Anderson is a better player live than on TV. He does a lot of positional and physical things out there that you don't necessarily notice on the telecast. A tough player to play against. I guarantee you his teammates love what he brings, and opponents hate him, even if fans don't always appreciate it.
  • Dach looked very strong on his skates, an impressive-looking player.
  • Edmundson looked just terrible for much of the night. Sort of Anderson in reverse - a guy who seems to be a lot worse live than on the broadcast. Ugh. Or maybe he just had a bad game. But watching him caused me to rethink my previously-staunch belief in his value.
  • I enjoyed the running commentary from the Habs fans around me. One pointed out that Armia never, ever shoots. A pertinent observation, even if the Armia line was fairly strong on the forecheck much of the night. He also poked holes in Evans's game. Evans was a mixed bag for sure.  He shouldn't be expected to play too many minutes.
  • Slaf: I was relieved he wasn't injured on the hit. He plays the game in an "aw shucks" way that may just be part of who he is as a player, but he worries me. He does some good things, is strong and a good skater, but (1) I don't think he protects himself properly - he's already suffered 3 or 4 explosive hits this season, and I would expect that eventually he will suffer serious injury; and (2) he has that early Kotkaniemi "gee, I'm just happy to be here" vibe where he doesn't seem to feel a need to drive anything or impose himself on the game. Understandable, but I don't want that settling in as a habit for him. It's something I've seen from too many Habs prospects over the years - and when they wake up 3-4 years later and realize they're expected to manufacture things, it's often too late to flip the switch. For both reasons, he should be down in Laval: learning to play with his head up and anticipate being a target in the North American environment, and learning to be the take-charge guy who drives a team. I do not understand what the Habs are doing with him.

I wore the Doug Harvey last night. Ironically, that game was the antithesis of what I understand Doug Harvey's play to be, i.e., cerebral, controlling, masterful. Oh well. One thing these young Habs are is never boring!



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