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Game Thread | Maple Leafs vs. Habs | 12/15/07

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Travelled to see my first game in a long time last night, and boy what a game to see. As much as I thought I was in for a barn-burner, as per usual from these teams, I was happy to see a more one-sided affair.

Despite the shot total, the boys carried the play. Top 2 lines looked quite good, and Price was great. Too bad about the SO.

As for the beer-spilling, I was sitting only a few rows up from this and caught it pretty clearly. The funniest part was when the guys knew they were busted and the guards were coming down the row to get them....one guy had another full beer in his hand, and after considering for a second what to do with it, he promptly poured it again over the leafs bench...priceless.

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Hell, even Ryder was good, he was doing lots of things right. He should have had a goal on that chance early in the first, he just managed to hit the goalie instead of the wide open net.

Same story, different night. Don't shoot at the goalie, he probably won't move.

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P.Maurice is a freaking loser with his comments. Like he knows what he's talking about... he said he took his hand and broke it ?!!? :o

Sore loser , go back home and take the loss, your laughs weren't in the game so don't try to find complaints.

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Maurice is losing it............guess he's feeling the pressure again after the loss;

"Maurice was irate after the game, accusing Kostitsyn of grabbing McCabe by the throat and whipping him into the boards.

"It's not a natural thing, it's not like getting hit into the boards where you can recover, but when you get hog-tied around the throat and you go back into the boards that's just brutal," Maurice said.

Here's the best line though:

"It's unbelievable, a little respect out there would be nice," Maurice said. "You'd almost rather take a cheap shot than that," he said.

from TSN Toronto's Sports Network :rolleyes:

This just in: the parade in TO has been cancelled.......again..

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The NHL girlfriend/wife rule is probably for deniability. If some crazy broad wants to come on roadtrips with the player, the player gets to avoid a huge arguement by being able to just point to the official rules and say, "sorry not allowed, as much I'd love you hanging around all the time while Im trying to work with my teamates, it's just not permitted".

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The NHL girlfriend/wife rule is probably for deniability. If some crazy broad wants to come on roadtrips with the player, the player gets to avoid a huge arguement by being able to just point to the official rules and say, "sorry not allowed, as much I'd love you hanging around all the time while Im trying to work with my teamates, it's just not permitted".

lol. What's next?

"Sorry honey, I'd like for your mother to stay here for a week.... but it's against team policy!"

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The NHL girlfriend/wife rule is probably for deniability. If some crazy broad wants to come on roadtrips with the player, the player gets to avoid a huge arguement by being able to just point to the official rules and say, "sorry not allowed, as much I'd love you hanging around all the time while Im trying to work with my teamates, it's just not permitted".

see... even more evidence of how crooked the NHL is.

Orgy planes, mobbed up zamboni drivers... at least we have the leafs.

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While Price played well, for once he was not the difference. They won because they played hard for 60 minutes, solid defense, and good offense. Price did what he needed to do rather then have to win it on his own.

i think you will find both Huet and Price are better when they only have to win every 4th game on their own... :)

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Not alot of posts tonight concidering its habs vs leafs...

Well, it was a saturday night. I was out at the Cage Aux Sports(sports Bar) with some buddies watching the game...and what A game it was. The atmosphere in the restaurant was crazy!

Let's just say that the win by the habs encouraged us to drink lots of beer and lots of shots, and it also allowed us to party like it was 1999!!! Finally made it home it was 4:45 in the morning! It was a long night, but it was a ######ing GREAT night!

Edited by Habsfan
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hey did anyone catch this?

From the bottom of the page at the game summary


A few rough-looking Canadiens fans were ejected from the arena in the third period for throwing beer onto the Leafs from directly behind their bench.


Yeah baby! Greatest fans in the world!!! :hlogo:

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I've watched the replay a dozen times and being totally objective here, it clearly shows Kostitsyn just doing a regular check, nothing dirty of any kind.

That's a lame thing to do on Maurice's part, blaming Kostitsyn for the injury. It was a fluky accident, that's all.

I for one, don't wish any harm to any NHL player, and i wish McCabe a speedy recovery.

Screw McCabe! He's a leaf...he could die for all I care. Die Leafs Die!!! ;)

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lol. What's next?

"Sorry honey, I'd like for your mother to stay here for a week.... but it's against team policy!"


I'm sure there are more than a few NHLers who would be grateful for a rule like that.

Screw McCabe! He's a leaf...he could die for all I care. Die Leafs Die!!! ;)

I feel the same way. If it had been Tucker, I'd probably have jumped up off of the couch and danced a little jig.

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I feel the same way. If it had been Tucker, I'd probably have jumped up off of the couch and danced a little jig.

Same here!

So, here are my thoughts on last nights game! The Boys dominated teh damn leaves from beginning to start.They played impeccable on defense. The were forechecking and they even played a solid game on offense. There were many instances where our boys were deep in the Toronto zone controlling the game for long periods of time.

Carey Price is THE MAN!!! A couple of more wins by Price against the leaves, and he will officially start to give them nightmares. HE will become the leaves nemesis!

Nice to see Saku come out with the 2 first goals of the Game. That's how a captain should play in important games!

The kostitsyn brothers are gettin better and better. Bringing up little t1ts was a wonderful idea! Keep him in Montreal all year!

Kovalev...what to say. This guy has been solid all year long. just hopes he keeps it up for another 50 games!

Everyone played a good game!

It's always nice to beat the damn Leaves. Always nice to see their loser fans leave the Bell centre "feeling shame"!(slapshot! ;)

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I usually like Maurice(i would like him more if he did not coach for the Leas) but on this little rant about Kostitsyn he made himself look like an idiot. It was not a dirty hit whatsoever. McCabe just hit it the wrong way.

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I usually like Maurice(i would like him more if he did not coach for the Leas) but on this little rant about Kostitsyn he made himself look like an idiot. It was not a dirty hit whatsoever. McCabe just hit it the wrong way.

Kaberle also said it was a dirty hit. I would like an explanation from them as to how it was a cheap hit.

I have watched it numerous times, and I just don't see it. At least if you are going to whine. Give a logical explanation for your bitching.

LOL. I just pulled this from the Toronto Sun

Maurice alleges that McCabe's hand already was wedged into the glass when Kostitsyn came from behind and twisted the Leafs defenceman, snapping several of McCabe's bones in the process.

A little bit of a stretch. What a whiner. Take it like a man. You got whipped. Simple as that.

Edited by Wamsley01
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I usually like Maurice(i would like him more if he did not coach for the Leas) but on this little rant about Kostitsyn he made himself look like an idiot. It was not a dirty hit whatsoever. McCabe just hit it the wrong way.

I have to agree. I usually like Maurice, but this is complete BS. It's obvious that he's just trying to distract the media from the real issue that Montreal dominated his team. What a gutless ploy.

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Kostitsyn did pull him, which is a hold, which means it wasn't a clean hit, but it certainly didn't look like the malicious attempt on McCabe's life like Maurice is making it out to be.

It was a penalty. That is about it.

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