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Who is more and more pissed by the Ribero trade?


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. . . I don't care what we got in return, I would have been content waiving him.

I would have played Ribs on the first line and PP unit for 20 games and let him put up some decent numbers, then traded him for a player better than Ninimaa. Habs invested like 5 years in Ribs and another team made him their top scorer for next to nothing.

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Look, it was a stupid trade. And the Habs are the team that took the risk that Ninimaa would bounce back. Ribs had already established himself as a shifty, talented second-line C at age 24. I'm not even sure I buy the 'cancer in the dressing room' stuff, although it IS interesting that Gainey shipped out the Three Amigos quite soon after taking over the coaching reins. But the reason I don't sweat this deal is that Plekanec is a perfectly solid second line C with a way more complete game than Ribs. So we lose nothing. The end.

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The real question: Will Ribs reach 30 goals this year? The guy is shooting over 40% on the season, there's no way he keeps that up. With as few shots as he takes, it will take a long time for his average to even out, which it almost certainly has to do. I mean, in the last 5 years, nobody has even broken 24% percent for a whole season.

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The real question: Will Ribs reach 30 goals this year? The guy is shooting over 40% on the season, there's no way he keeps that up. With as few shots as he takes, it will take a long time for his average to even out, which it almost certainly has to do. I mean, in the last 5 years, nobody has even broken 24% percent for a whole season.

I think he could broke 24% because when he shoots, he most often has a wide open net, otherwise, he passes, he's a REAL good playmaker.

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Janne Niinnama!!!! Tired of reading he wouldnt of played the same here! Arrgh!

grow up and get a life..

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Bob made a mistake...just like the Samsonov deal. Let's hope that next time Bob makes a trade, the habs will get the upper hand!

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yes it's exactly what he needed to become a great player.

but the thread title is " by the Ribeiro Trade" and that trade sucked. Even a 3rd pick would have been better than Niinimaa, but we couldn't know it at this time, same for Samsonov...

Hindsight is 20/20: who knew at the time he would be doing so well, and even if we had, how would we convince our trading partner of his value.

Also, as other members have written, he was a detriment to the team, which hurt his trading value, and made it much more appealing for us to unload him any which way ....

this all very important to keep in mind when looking at a trade in retrospect. Had Ribeiro been sucking, no one would be mentioning this.

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I guess if hes surrounded by the right people he could do great !!

it wont affec t us much since we see him once a year.

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He's getting 5 million a year, that isn't too shabby for him, or for the Stars if he continues at a PPG.

I'd much rather have Higgins, Komisarek and Plekanec locked up over that time.

If 5 million can buy you those three, they must be busts...

I would rather have Ribs at 5 then Pleks at 4, at least right now. We will have to see how Pleks develops in a year or two, but if he is as good as some people think, he won't be cheap either. :)

Keep in mind that Ribs is now a PPG player and a scorer. Not a single habs has that stat, not even Kovalev. In addition, his defensive game is vastly improved in the last 2 years. If we had a guy scoring like that, playmaking like that, and being defensively reliable, we would be demanding that Gainey "lock em up".

By the way, i won't be surprised if he is less productive next year. It happens to the best of the them. Look at Markov, Drury, Briere, etc. I wouldn't be surprised to see all of them bounce back (much like Kovalev has bounced back). It seems to be the pattern with these big signings.

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Ribeiro has 21 goals and 46 points in 41 games .. who on the habs can say that ... also an interesting stat is he's only taken 58 shots all year according to TSN ... that's 36% shooting percentage. Makes you wonder why he doesn't shoot more.

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My guess is that all the frustration concerning the Ribeiro trade is not because Ribeiro was traded, but rrather that Bob and the scouting department did such a lousy job at checking out Ninimma. We got sooo little in return for Ribs that now it hurts even more. Had we gotten something decent in return for ribs (ie: a couple of good draft picks) maybe it wouldn't hurt as much today!

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f*** Ribeiro, i dont care if he gets a 100 pts, you can have all the skill in the world, and it means shit if everyone on the team hates you, all he done in montreal was run his mouth and cry..we are a better team with out him. i really hope him the best in dallas and that he as became a man..but i so glad his not in montreal.. Go Habs Go.

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Listen guys here's how I see it.

Ribeiro grew up, had a wakeup call when he was traded to Dallas.

His childhood team didn't want him anymore.

So when he got to Dallas, he started WORKING HARD.

Hadn't he been traded to Dallas, it'd have been same old same old...

Ribs talking cool, saying nothing is a problem, MAYBE EVEN KOVALEV NOT PRODUCING AS MUCH AS HE IS NOW because he'd still be pissed to play with Ribs.

Some locker room tensions between Koivu and Ribs (because of Ribs cockyness -> take stabs at Koivu as usual)


He got to Dallas, felt all small and NOT COCKY AT ALL. Brenan Morrow sat down right next to him and told him "you're gonna walk my way, or we're gonna throw you on the highway"

I'm not saying good riddance. I wish he played like that before with us. But I'm not blaming anyone.

we waited 6 years to see something out of the punk! SIX YEARS. He had more than his fair chance to prove his worth and never did.

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Listen guys here's how I see it.

Ribeiro grew up, had a wakeup call when he was traded to Dallas.

His childhood team didn't want him anymore.

So when he got to Dallas, he started WORKING HARD.

Hadn't he been traded to Dallas, it'd have been same old same old...

Ribs talking cool, saying nothing is a problem, MAYBE EVEN KOVALEV NOT PRODUCING AS MUCH AS HE IS NOW because he'd still be pissed to play with Ribs.

Some locker room tensions between Koivu and Ribs (because of Ribs cockyness -> take stabs at Koivu as usual)


He got to Dallas, felt all small and NOT COCKY AT ALL. Brenan Morrow sat down right next to him and told him "you're gonna walk my way, or we're gonna throw you on the highway"

I'm not saying good riddance. I wish he played like that before with us. But I'm not blaming anyone.

we waited 6 years to see something out of the punk! SIX YEARS. He had more than his fair chance to prove his worth and never did.

Totally agree. The only thing, and I have said this over and over, is that the Habs should have showcased Ribs with first-line and plenty of PP duty for maybe a coupla months max, then got a better return on those six years -- something better than Niinima :puke: . That's just good business. Remember he had put up something like 60 points with us. Habs acted rashly when they quickly shipped him out, and that's poor business. I can try to forget it, but the damn box scores and highlight reels keep reminding me :wacko:

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