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Time is now to make trade.


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They won't trade him with a sniff of first place - and the playoffs - around the corner.

I agree. The Canes are in a free fall, and the Thrashers are now leading their division. If they have a chance of making it into the playoffs, Waddell would have to be an idiot to trade his second best player!

but since we are all speculating here, I think that it'll take more than just halak, O'Byrne and a fewe draft picks to get him out of Atlanta.

Lets' not forget that there will be plenty of other teams trying to get their hands on Hossa as well.

My guess is that we would have to give our 2008 1st round pick, Halak, a promising young player such as A. Kosty. or McDonough or maybe even someone like Higgins.

We have to remember that you have to give something in order to receive something!

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We need a guy that can help our PK unit out. You guys do realize we are one of the best offensive clubs in the NHL, don't you? Our biggest need isn't more offence, it's better defence. Especially from our forwards.

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SHould Bob look to trade Huet before the trade deadline?

I just read on RDS.ca that apparently Huet said (sometime during this season) that he wanted to play somewhere (next year) where he was assured of being the number 1 goalie. (read Renaud Lavoie's comment on January 16th 2008))

Seeing as the Habs can't garantee that to Huet, should Bob look for a trade? or should we take our chances and keep him for the rest of the season and risk losing him for nothing (like he did with Souray)???

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losing him for nothing (like he did with Souray)???
That's the real trick. BOb is HIGHLY unlikely to send him to an eastern club. He might come back to haunt us. No team that has failed to make the post season will want a UFA - this leaves only western playoff bound clubs that have goaltending concerns. A quick look at the situation does not bode well for Huet to be traded.

It actually eerily similar to the Souray issue last year.

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Yea, i think they have to reward the team for a good effort this year with the playoff run. Obviously if they hit a tail spin they can move him to wherever but they have been pretty consistant this year and should be in the running for a playoff spot. I only see Ryder moving.

Huet i don't think is good enough to steal a playoff series.

Price has stolen sries and games in the past, next year you go into with a young team knowing they will have 2 young goalies.

So they can take there lumps by not trading Huet this year and losing him UFA next year.

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I now have a feeling that Huet will stay in a Habs uniform for the rest of this year. The Habs will then sign him for another two years. I just dont think that Price is ready yet.

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I think the prices for rentals will go down this year, it will be more of a buyer's market. Last year teams went nuts, the biggest trades (at huge cost), foresberg didn't help prevent the preds from getting bounced 1st round, and all captain canada did was manage to help the Isles squeek into the 1st round on the last game of the season, only to get rinsed right out very quickly. The lesser but equally exhorbative signings of the Tchuks and Guerins of the league didn't do much for their teams either.

I believe this year GMs will take a step back and will think twice about giving up truckloads of top draft choices and blue chip prospects for 2-4 (they wish 4) month rentals. Gainey going after a Hossa or Sundin rental would be require of the pre-requisite to their being a good prices for buyers, otherwise no way.

Edited by Dirty Harry
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I just dont think that Price is ready yet.

Not only do I also think that Price is not ready, I don't think that he's as close to being ready as some people on this board do.

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I agree. The Canes are in a free fall, and the Thrashers are now leading their division. If they have a chance of making it into the playoffs, Waddell would have to be an idiot to trade his second best player!

but since we are all speculating here, I think that it'll take more than just halak, O'Byrne and a fewe draft picks to get him out of Atlanta.

Lets' not forget that there will be plenty of other teams trying to get their hands on Hossa as well.

My guess is that we would have to give our 2008 1st round pick, Halak, a promising young player such as A. Kosty. or McDonough or maybe even someone like Higgins.

We have to remember that you have to give something in order to receive something!

No chance with him being a UFA of getting a 1st, Halak and Kosty. ANybody who does without locking him up is nuts!

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Time will tell if Price is ready. Cam Ward had a sub .900 sv% and won a conn smythe.

He may be far from being an elite goalie in the NHL but he is not that far from Huet's level

Edited by Wamsley01
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Not only do I also think that Price is not ready, I don't think that he's as close to being ready as some people on this board do.

I think in two or three years he will be able to handle most of the games for the Habs.

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The Tanguay for Ryder rumour is gaining importance. They were talking about it on 110% and on La Zone.

I hope Bob can actually make this deal happen!

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I think the prices for rentals will go down this year, it will be more of a buyer's market. Last year teams went nuts, the biggest trades (at huge cost), foresberg didn't help prevent the preds from getting bounced 1st round, and all captain canada did was manage to help the Isles squeek into the 1st round on the last game of the season, only to get rinsed right out very quickly. The lesser but equally exhorbative signings of the Tchuks and Guerins of the league didn't do much for their teams either.

I believe this year GMs will take a step back and will think twice about giving up truckloads of top draft choices and blue chip prospects for 2-4 (they wish 4) month rentals. Gainey going after a Hossa or Sundin rental would be require of the pre-requisite to their being a good prices for buyers, otherwise no way.

Hey, I hope you're right about the newly-minted sanity of GMs, but I have to admit I find this scenario a bit amusing. Remember just last summer's UFA market, where fans and GMs alike were going totally bonkers and acting as though 60-point C (Drury) or 60-point winger (Smyth) or an admittedly talented career 15-goal scorer (Gomez) were ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES for the franchise, to be signed at all costs to long-term deals at exhorbitant rates - even if it meant dumping excellent existing players who had good chemistry with the team's stars (e.g., Nylander)? Remember how teams like the Habs, that did not land a *big name* were automatically dismissed as being hopeless basket-cases with no chance of making the playoffs? Whereas a team like the Avalanche, having signed Smyth to a bloated deal but neglected to acquire a decent goaltender, they were praised for having a 'chance to win?'

Nothing's changed. When the competitive juices get flowing, it becomes a feeding frenzy, with media, fans and GMs descending on available players like sharks on chum...except that this chum ends up taking them all to the cleaners. :lol:

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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Remember how teams like the Habs, that did not land a *big name* were automatically dismissed as being hopeless basket-cases with no chance of making the playoffs? Whereas a team like the Avalanche, having signed Smyth to a bloated deal but neglected to acquire a decent goaltender, they were praised for having a 'chance to win?'

Well, to be fair to the Avs, Montreal was well willing to pay Smyth that kind of money (maybe even a more lucrative offer, I think) but he chose Colorado for Sakic.

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Well, to be fair to the Avs, Montreal was well willing to pay Smyth that kind of money (maybe even a more lucrative offer, I think) but he chose Colorado for Sakic.

Yeah, but he is saying that if the Habs had landed Smyth that the media would have annointed the Habs as an automatic playoff team.

The media is just like any other job. You have your hacks and you have your bright minds, you have your dog######ers and you have your workaholics.

It is much easier for these guys to skim a Hockey News see who went where and recognize the names and hype their new team.

You add bozos like this to create a frenzy to the stupid GMs in the league and you get 15 year contracts and 8-9M per year to Bobby Holik.

They gave these guys a cap and they still find ways to do stupid things. So expecting to get players on the cheap is unrealistic.

All it takes is Boston/Carolina to get wind of Montreal going after Hossa and now you have a bidding war and now you have to pay out your nose for 2 months of service.

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Well, to be fair to the Avs, Montreal was well willing to pay Smyth that kind of money (maybe even a more lucrative offer, I think) but he chose Colorado for Sakic.

Not just Sakic. He believed that the Avs were a contender and the habs weren't. I remember the day of his signing there was a write up on TSN I think,and he was going through his choices and why he chose AVS. He directly said that he didn't really think the leafs had enough depth and that Montreal wasn't going to be good anytime soon. When I read that I was so bummed. I'm so glad we,re proving him wrong. Although the Avs seem to be doing just fine without him and Sakic does say a lot about the team.

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We desperately need a centre.

We should work on a deal with Tampa for Richards.

I would say Koivu, Latendresse and Emelin-Perezhogin rights.

If that is not enough consider a goalie in the mix.

Send Ryder away.

A Kots Plek Kovy

Higgins Richards A kots


Smolinski Chipchura-Dandenault

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We desperately need a centre.

We should work on a deal with Tampa for Richards.

I would say Koivu, Latendresse and Emelin-Perezhogin rights.

If that is not enough consider a goalie in the mix.

Send Ryder away.

A Kots Plek Kovy

Higgins Richards A kots


Smolinski Chipchura-Dandenault

I dunno. Richards is having a so-so season and he has a huge contract, I'd rather have Koivu right now even if he's been almost totally useless. I also don't see a reason to throw in Latendresse to that deal. I think we should just hang on to Koivu, we won't get anything worth our while back in a trade.

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The ideal would be to aquire a to-be-UFA for basicly nothing.


Remember when Kovalev became a Habs for Josef Balej?

Something like that, but Bob will have to wait until trading deadline.

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I dunno. Richards is having a so-so season and he has a huge contract, I'd rather have Koivu right now even if he's been almost totally useless. I also don't see a reason to throw in Latendresse to that deal. I think we should just hang on to Koivu, we won't get anything worth our while back in a trade.

Seems like Richards has spent the years since his Cup proving that he isn't the Joe Sakic-type that he appeared to be during the Cup run. He was also rated among the league's most overrated players in player polls, if that means anything. And he has an abysmal +/-. Don't get me wrong, he'd help us, but Lats (future elite power forward) should be basically untouchable, especially when the return is only somewhat superior to what we presently have.

And my point in bringing up Ryan Smyth is that this league is categorically insane when it comes to UFAs. Fans, media, and (what really matters) team management lose all perspective. And this will not end any time soon.

(Although I still resent Smyth's comments to this day. That's what made me realize that players don't have any greater insight into other franchises than the ignorant fans and media - which is why our 'failure' to attract 'star' UFAs - and for some reason Hamrlik wasn't considered one of these although he's probably one of the best UFA signings of last summer's batch - should never be taken as any indication of the calibre of our organization).

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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Richards plays with Jason Ward most of the times, he is having soso

season because he doesn't have wingers and our wingers have soso season because they have no centers.

I still say that Ryder could score near 35 goals next year with a good centre and less


Koivu doesn't compete, he is a liability in PK and PP, under his influence Higgins

will become a Brian Savage.

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