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I almost think they gave him the one game because of what happened in NYC. If that is the case, it was a classy move.

agreed. but I"m not too upset not to be seeing him right now... He's just not one of our prospects that I'm excited about...

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agreed. but I"m not too upset not to be seeing him right now... He's just not one of our prospects that I'm excited about...

Yeah, from what I have seen he looks like a career AHLer to me.

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I agree that it was a classy move to give him a game considering what happened in New York. Imagine if the poor guy never got another chance and missed his chance to play in the NHL because of the missing equipment.

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hahaha its good to see Halak's trade value going up while he ride's the pine!!! Seriously, the only reason Halak is up right now is because he is deffinatley below Price on the depth chart, they want Price to play while Halak warms the bench in Montreal!

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After last nights performance by Price, I think The Dogs are missing Halak.

But seriously, what do you bluesgm, have against Halak, or are you against me? What gives? Halak will probably start vs Isles and I hope he does great.

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a lot of you seem to think that we will lose Huet to ufa this year, I have come to the conclusion that we may not lose him and will sign him for 1 or 2 more years. The market for goal tenders is not huge trade wise or signing wise. who says anyone will pay him more than 3 million? I wouldn't be so quick to say he is going to be gone I like huet but this is not kipper hitting the streets looking for a big contract.

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Man, you are unreasonable.

Whoa, that's a lot of negatives in one sentence. But as I said, yes, he's let in weak goals, but only in one game (against the Caps) did those goals result in a loss. Huet's weak goals have cost us several points.

Halak is more seasoned? I doubt his 10 games last season were more valuable than Price's repeated clutch performances in 2007.

I fail to see how its unreasonable to gauge Price's progress playing him on the same team as last years that is without several of it stop players.

Halak was able to come out of nowhere and stabilize the entire team when the Habs were in utter chaos. Halak wasnt able to do this by allowing weak goals. Negative morale can spread through a team and do more damage than the flu. The Habs had problems with both last year.


16 10 6 0 912 44 469 2 2.89 .906

19 9 7 3 1137 55 589 0 2.9 .907

Do you know what the difference is?

One is a 1st rnd pick and the other is a 9th. Note the one with 1 more W in 3 less games is the 9th rnd pick.

I agree with habs rule. I dont think Huet is guaranteed gone this year. The Habs need to be careful. I dont think either Halak or Price is ready to handle #1 goalie duties.

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I fail to see how its unreasonable to gauge Price's progress playing him on the same team as last years that is without several of it stop players.

You were saying that if he didn't repeat his ridiculous performance of last year then somehow he's not progressing and that they should definitely win this year with Price if he was the reason for them winning last year. That is patently unreasonable, he had an amazing one-of-a-kind playoff run last year and to expect him to repeat it is stupid. Did any hall of fame goalie win a championship every season? Did people say they were regressing when they didn't?

Halak was able to come out of nowhere and stabilize the entire team when the Habs were in utter chaos. Halak wasnt able to do this by allowing weak goals. Negative morale can spread through a team and do more damage than the flu. The Habs had problems with both last year.


16 10 6 0 912 44 469 2 2.89 .906

19 9 7 3 1137 55 589 0 2.9 .907

Do you know what the difference is?

One is a 1st rnd pick and the other is a 9th. Note the one with 1 more W in 3 less games is the 9th rnd pick.

I agree with habs rule. I dont think Huet is guaranteed gone this year. The Habs need to be careful. I dont think either Halak or Price is ready to handle #1 goalie duties.

Those numbers are pretty similar, you can't really say one is clearly superior. I watched Halak last year and Price this year and they're on pretty much the same level. And dude, Price is a 1st round pick, but people are practically holding that against him. He's accomplished amazing things so far in his hockey career but he can't do everything before he's allowed to drink in the States. He will definitely be a number one goalie down the line, with Halak I'm not so sure.

I agree that Halak and Price may not be ready to be number 1 goalies next year, but it's probably not worth it to sign Huet to a big deal. He's not an elite goaltender.

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Halak was able to come out of nowhere and stabilize the entire team when the Habs were in utter chaos. Halak wasnt able to do this by allowing weak goals. Negative morale can spread through a team and do more damage than the flu. The Habs had problems with both last year.

Huet, Aebischer, Price and Halak have all been prone to very weak goals during their time with us in the past season and a half. Considering the circumstances, Halak did great but he definitely looked out of place in the NHL - his rebound control was terrible, he lacked poise and blew a few games on the road. People have over-fond memories of him. I would say that he's been his most impressive in the AHL.

As for Price and Huet, they also let in weak goals but of the three of them, Price has the most potential to progress and to get rid of these flaws (followed by Halak, followed by Huet).

One thing's for sure, though - both Halak and Price will be NHL goaltenders by next season and either one's progression would be just about stagnant in the AHL.

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really think Halak is just to overrated. Price came in this season and performed just as well as Halak did last season over more games. I really think that having Halak ride the pine in the NHL and Price play more shows that Halak is #3 on the depth chart. Price plays while Halak sits, does nobody else see it this way?

I have nothing against Halak but it is plain and simple

Price = Future

Halak = maybe our back-up

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Saying Halak is overrated is funny. For the past two seasons he has managed to raise to the status of best goalie in the AHL. Yet basically nobody in the hockey world talks about him. It's always all about Price all the time. But everytime Halak has been given the ball he ran with it, in the AHL and down the stretch last season.

If anything, Halak is way underrated. Price has the size intangible. But for the rest Halak can definitely pretend to have strong #1 NHL potential. The comparisons with Vokoun are easy. Both 9th rounders, both Euros "depth" goalies stuck behind "the future #1" (Thibault & Theodore back in Vokoun's days), both underrated... and look at Vokoun now. Going to his 2nd All-Star game, and way more reliable than either Thibault or Theodore right now.

For another analogy, how about Belfour and Hasek back in Chicago? Who was the big, hyped, top ranked goalie supposed to be "the future"? Belfour (won the Calder, Vezina and Jennings in his first season). But who went on to win 6 Vezinas and 2 Hart trophies in Buffalo after being traded for a career backup (Beauregard) and a 4th rounder because "he wasn't the future"? Hasek...

So discarding a young goalie like Halak based on hype about Price being "the future" is just plain short-sighted waste. Its been proven over and over again that goalies can take lot of time to mature. Throwing away a kid like Halak when he could very much end up better than Price 7, 8 years from now is just plain dumb.

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If I was a betting man, which I am. You have to look at a common betting strategy in this situation. When in a real pickle about who to pick you seek out the popular vote and then flip it. You'll win 8 out of 10 times. That's o.k when it's one bet for 100 bucks on saturday night, but when it's your future goalie it becomes a little more difficult. I myself feel Price should be the man but if I was betting a hundred bucks.....and it was Saturday.........Halak might really be our guy.

Food for thought

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So discarding a young goalie like Halak based on hype about Price being "the future" is just plain short-sighted waste. Its been proven over and over again that goalies can take lot of time to mature. Throwing away a kid like Halak when he could very much end up better than Price 7, 8 years from now is just plain dumb.

For starters I don't think anyone's saying that we should discard Halak, we're just saying Price is way more likely to be our goalie of the future. And there are ten marginal backup goalies who never panned out for each of your examples, we just don't remember their names because they're history.

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I don't see what the fuss is and I don't get the whole goaltending controversy. We have a requirement of 2 starters and 2 backups between the Habs & Bulldogs. My opinion is that Huet will not be part of the eqaution. He's at that age where he'll be looking for a big contract and the Habs would be silly to tie up big bucks for a goalie who's never played more than 42 games in an NHL season and struggles after 4 or 5 consecutive starts. Huet is an amazing short stretch goalie, but my personal opinion is he'll never be an elite starter. Price, while struggling has shown some great talent in the AHL and flashes of brilliance early on in his first NHL season. Halak has also been brilliant in the AHL and also has shown signs of NHL brilliance. Danis too has been excellent in the AHL and I thought he looked pretty good in some of his 6 NHL starts too.

So the way I see it, the goaltending controversy may be that we're an AHL backup short after the trade deadline ^_^ Of course Locaise or Desjardin could fill that roll. The starters job is stil Huet's for sure, but will that be the case at the end of the season? We have 4 guys who can play goal in the NHL in short stretches, one may have to go and I believe it will be the current most valuable but worst long term value, Huet. Price is still my bet as the future number 1 for years to come, but if he falters Halak is a great insurance policy. I wouldn't unload Halak, the return would not be worth losing him in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Were I Halak, I would be pissed.

I didn't know Huet was playing tonight until I heard the starting lineup at the Bell, and to be honest, I was completely shocked Halak wasn't getting a go.

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D'oh, that sux0rs. What a waste. :(

Halak should have at least got 1 start before being sent down. Way to add insult to injury. Apparently the Habs really want to piss him off or something.

I agree with Saks yet again. The Sens games are way too important for a backup, and Huet tends to have weak games against the Leafs so I could definitely see Price getting that start. Price at least has a winning record against the Laffs.

Personally I wanted to see the big matchup of Laffs vs Halak. However I guess maybe thats why they are sending him down, so we dont get to see if they made the right call in the final game of last season. Looks like the wont give us the chance to out couch coach em.

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Yeah, this looks like it is a plan to get Price to play vs Toronto. Maybe against the Sens too.

Halak really should have been given a start today, I feel bad for him getting the call up just to ride the pine. He's just a pawn in our future plans for Price.

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Well, Halak will be moving to a new team...he is probably super PISSED off. Correct me if im wrong, but the Halak winning run continues lol

I still think that huet needed to rest up today, and be fresh for the sens. He's going to get injury prone out there, then what.

But it is good to hear Price is back up... :clap:

Edited by haber
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