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All things HALAK


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I have to agree. Halak is hardly the kind of player GM's would be desperate to throw offer sheets at. Sure, Penner was hardly a star player, but he had a 30 goal season - Halak hasn't even played more than a handful of games at the NHL level.

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Here's the flip side to "there not being much of a selection of UFA goalies"...

It means that almost all teams have a multi-million dollar goalie under contract for next year.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if Halak gets over a million for next year... maybe a 2 year, $2m deal ($1m per).

EDIT: Leclaire, Lehtonen and Fleury are all RFA's this off-season as well... and we're concerned about Halak?


Edited by saskhab
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Fleury's not much to worry about, to be honest. I bet Pittsburgh's really regretting having drafted him first overall back in 2003.

Eric Staal, Dion Phaneuf, Nathan Horton, Ryan Getzlaf and Milan Michalek, among the rest, would have done them much better than 'The Flu'.

But what about Danis? Will he be sticking around? Or will we bring in someone else for the Bulldogs?

Edited by TheAussiePosse
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Not many people are left in Pittsburgh that were around when they picked him 1st overall... pretty much just Mario and maybe a couple of scouts.

Danis will probably see if there is a team out there that will give him an opportunity like his old teammate and friend Dan Ellis got with Nashville. I could see a team like Carolina giving him a chance like that. If there is no one like that, he'll look for a guaranteed 3rd string job and hope for an injury and a Conklin-esque breakthrough by that means. I don't think he'll go to Europe.

If Halak were to leave, Danis would probably consider coming back to Montreal. But if both are still there, he'd have to be guaranteed the #3 spot and even then... it'd be hard to imagine him staying. He'd have better luck if there was a more injury prone vet ahead of him to get that shot.

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LOL, anyone who thinks Halak will get more that 1-1.5 million dollars needs their head examined...the guy has played well but for 21 games. The most we get for him at this point in time is a depth player or a prospect because he isnt proven. He will either be in MTL or Europe come next season...and IMO if he runs away to Europe good riddance to him...Price is better anyways!

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Offer sheets are strategically planned moves. They don't happen out of the blue. It's a planned risk where the risk is worth taking.

These are the main criterias to fall into:

#1 - Can I trade to get this?

#2 - Can I find this in the UFA pool?

#3 - The GM with the RFA has no cap space.

#4 - The GM with no cap space has to re-sign a talented RFA.

#5 - Team making the pitch makes a draft analysis based on talent versus where the team will pick.

I'm sure there's more stuff to look at but if one of those things is a no-go then the RFA ain't likely to get an offer sheet from a rival club.

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Halak stays if he knows what's good for him. Then again he won't because he doesn't know what's good for him.

worst case scenario for Halak aka a guarantee that he bolts.

Habs win the Stanley Cup, price is MVP, becomes a saint. Halak then becomes the Drew Bledsoe of the Habs.

I dunno about you, an extra couple mil to sit on the bench sounds awesome. Plus the NHL is becoming like the NFL in that you need solid backups who can start somewhere. aka 1a 1b.

Only a couple teams in the league (Vancouver and NJ basically) don't follow this formula.

dude... Bledsoe had been the star starter for years and got displaced after an injury opened the door for Brady. Your analogy is nonsensical.

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Besides, the simple answer is if BG wants him, he'll sign him. Simple as that. There have only been 2 players who were offered sheets and only 1 poached. Penner had a monster year and Edmonton couldn't get anyone to ge there.

I doubt this is a trend and Halak and his whopping 21 games won't be offered anything except by BG.

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Besides, the simple answer is if BG wants him, he'll sign him. Simple as that. There have only been 2 players who were offered sheets and only 1 poached. Penner had a monster year and Edmonton couldn't get anyone to ge there.

I doubt this is a trend and Halak and his whopping 21 games won't be offered anything except by BG.

I agree about the fact that it isn't a trend, although technically, post-lockout 3 players have been signed offer sheets (Kesler in 2006 with Philly, Vanek and Penner in 2007 with Edmonton).

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If a team is foolish enough to make him a great offer sheet, then let him go and and we'll take the draft picks...of course i'd be ticked off because halak is a valuable goalie.

however in montreal it'll be price for a long time and halak's coiuld be highest come this summer. besides, good 2nd fiddlers are dime a dozen in this league.

that being said, montreal just need to have him signed by july 1st and none of this will happen.

If it's in the 2-3 million range (let's say 2.5M), I would have to strongly consider matching it. For one thing, we have no cap problems, and then even though the 1st and 3rd is very nice, who is going to replace Halak? It's not really worth getting rid of him for such a small difference in price ranger. Unless, of course, you believe the picks are worth more than him.

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If it's in the 2-3 million range (let's say 2.5M), I would have to strongly consider matching it. For one thing, we have no cap problems, and then even though the 1st and 3rd is very nice, who is going to replace Halak? It's not really worth getting rid of him for such a small difference in price ranger. Unless, of course, you believe the picks are worth more than him.

I just can't see a team tossing 2-3M for a player that is essentially unknown at the NHL level.

I understand you never know, because a desperate GM will do stupid things (ie Kevin Lowe)

Is Penner really going to alter your team so much that you give up all those picks and lock up that much salary in him

and signing Souray to a huge deal when nobody else would touch him at that price? But I digress

To pay Halak that much you have to assume they would make him the starter or be looking to give him 40-50 starts.

Which teams qualify under that scenario? Chicago maybe? Nashville?

I don't really see any teams that will gamble 2-3M on an unproven starter that would significantly upgrade what they have now.

Some teams have average starters like St. Louis in Legace but have a guy like Toivenen who has had AHL and NHL success as well

so why toss that money at Halak when they already have a guy signed?

I think that it is more likely he goes to Europe then get signed as an RFA.

I think this is a case of us overrating our own prospects.

Edited by Wamsley01
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How about Danis then? Will he stick around?

I think Danis will leave if Halak stays. Danis is a good goalie and i'm sure he will find himself a backup roll next season. Then he can start his push at starter.

I mean i like the kid but he just wont find a spot with the Habs.

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Besides, the simple answer is if BG wants him, he'll sign him. Simple as that. There have only been 2 players who were offered sheets and only 1 poached. Penner had a monster year and Edmonton couldn't get anyone to ge there.

I doubt this is a trend and Halak and his whopping 21 games won't be offered anything except by BG.

I do see it becoming a trend. Nobody wants to trade anymore, UFA'S are getting big money and competition is high, and guys like Waddel are creating major bidding wars right down to the wire, pitting GM's against other GM'S. Things are changing in the NHL. I feel there will be more and more RFA offer sheets in the coming years. It seems to be the only way to get something of value that you really want. You will pay either way that's for sure. It's just not going to happen with Halak, that's all. At least not this year.

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I do see it becoming a trend. Nobody wants to trade anymore, UFA'S are getting big money and competition is high, and guys like Waddel are creating major bidding wars right down to the wire, pitting GM's against other GM'S. Things are changing in the NHL. I feel there will be more and more RFA offer sheets in the coming years. It seems to be the only way to get something of value that you really want. You will pay either way that's for sure. It's just not going to happen with Halak, that's all. At least not this year.

I agree, I think it will become more and more common but that it will be mostly bad deals. I don't see many of these offer sheets paying off, but teams will still give it a try.

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I think Danis will leave if Halak stays. Danis is a good goalie and i'm sure he will find himself a backup roll next season. Then he can start his push at starter.

I mean i like the kid but he just wont find a spot with the Habs.

He's a good goalie. If it doesn't look llike anyone will pick him up in the summer he'll probably sign again. He's in a good spot now. One injury and he's with the big club. Gainey will make him an offer and if nothing comes his way via other teams he'll stay. I was actually surprised to see him renew last year, it's better now that Huet is gone.

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I agree, I think it will become more and more common but that it will be mostly bad deals. I don't see many of these offer sheets paying off, but teams will still give it a try.

Depends who is involved. I just hope it doesn't mess with Gainey's plans. Let's say some Kevin Lowe type GM offers Big TlTS 5 million this summer. What do we do? He will probably be worth it one day, but I'm sure Gainey can sign him for much less this summer. I just worry something like that will kill our cap space because we'll have to match it, and I would in Andrei's case.

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He's a good goalie. If it doesn't look llike anyone will pick him up in the summer he'll probably sign again. He's in a good spot now. One injury and he's with the big club. Gainey will make him an offer and if nothing comes his way via other teams he'll stay. I was actually surprised to see him renew last year, it's better now that Huet is gone.

Ya your right. He is in better position now than whn he signed last year.

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Ya your right. He is in better position now than when he signed last year.

But is his position still strong enough? I doubt Gainey wants him as a back-up for the big club (I know I sure as hell don't) yet, but would he be content to sit around on the farm for yet another season? I suppose the question is the same for Chipchura, although that's leaving the trail a bit.

Anyone reckon we'll draft a goalie in the first four rounds this season?

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Huet was worth a 2009 2nd rounder, Bryzgalov was worth the waiver fee. No way that Halak can be currently valued on the market much higher than that.

If Halak leaves, it will be to go back to Europe. I am not that worried about this. Halak will probably sign a 1-2 year deal with the hopes of either getting traded in year 2 or catching on with another team as the starter in 2010.

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Depends who is involved. I just hope it doesn't mess with Gainey's plans. Let's say some Kevin Lowe type GM offers Big TlTS 5 million this summer. What do we do? He will probably be worth it one day, but I'm sure Gainey can sign him for much less this summer. I just worry something like that will kill our cap space because we'll have to match it, and I would in Andrei's case.

He is going to have Cogliano and Gagner coming up on UFA status soon enough so if

he keeps up the BS he will get it coming back.

It would not surprise me to see Buffalo take a run at Gagner should he become a RFA.

That would be justice, that Vanek signing was BS.

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