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Young players go up and down. Big whoop. It's a bummer for Price, but as Pat Hickey said - wisely for once - this is a good test of his mettle. If you want to be a big leaguer you'd better learn to deal with adversity and challenges and come back stronger for it.

Except for a few cases of giving up too soon on their investments - cf. Hainsey, Beauchemin, and Ribeiro - the Gainey Habs have been excellent developers of young talent, so they, not the players, have earned the benefit of the doubt from us.

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I like this move and think it was about time. :clap:

Price is good, but he doesnt seem to have the ability to completely focus. Price has yet to have a shutout yet and most of the shutout breaking goals were stoppable goals. Price has let in several weak goals - I think Gorges was unfairly lynch mobbed over his gaff when he gave up the puck, but that shot was stoppable. There were 2 mistakes on that goal, not just Gorges.

I strongly believe Price needs to be more seasoned before getting this much NHL ice time. Sure the Bulldogs won the Calder, but whats that really worth? Besides the majority of key players on that team are now with the Habs. Lets see how good the Bulldogs can do with Price now. If they repeat the Calder then its probably because of Price.

Also all teams right now except an elite few are chasing for points. From here on in its a race so no more experiments. Project Price was a success, just not as great as we were all hoping, but Price will be back. The Habs missed the playoffs last year by just a few points so every point is needed and several games Price played he should have wont but didnt. I don think Bob wants to risk missing the playoffs again so Halek the more experienced goalie who played great last year gets the backup duty.

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I strongly believe Price needs to be more seasoned before getting this much NHL ice time. Sure the Bulldogs won the Calder, but whats that really worth? Besides the majority of key players on that team are now with the Habs. Lets see how good the Bulldogs can do with Price now. If they repeat the Calder then its probably because of Price.

Dude, the Calder last year was DEFINITELY because of Price. The team finished third in its DIVISION and he stopped 40+ shots a game to win the playoff MVP.

Besides, he'll be up in the NHL if the Habs make the playoffs, he's proven himself to be a big game player.

Also all teams right now except an elite few are chasing for points. From here on in its a race so no more experiments. Project Price was a success, just not as great as we were all hoping, but Price will be back. The Habs missed the playoffs last year by just a few points so every point is needed and several games Price played he should have wont but didnt. I don think Bob wants to risk missing the playoffs again so Halek the more experienced goalie who played great last year gets the backup duty.

Not true! There was ONE game that we lost in which the blame was squarely on Price's shoulders because he let in weak goals and we would have otherwise won it. That was against the Capitals last weekend. Huet on the other hand has cost us several points because of his breakdowns/softies that he's let through.

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Price stood on his head last year winning the Calder. He's been good for the Habs this year too with the exception of his last 2 games. Lets not forget that without Price, we'd likely have zero wins against the dreaded Leafs this year. He had Leaf players and fans tearing their hair out in the two wins he got over them this year. For a 20 year old rookie I think Price has shown signs of brilliance this season with a couple of moments of weakness, not too shabby. I'm kind of chuckling over the significance a couple of posters are placing on shutouts, W's are what matter. Oh and by the way, Huet only has 1 shutout this year and 2 last year :rolleyes:

Carey Price has gained us 21 of our 50 points and posted a .907 Save% in his first 19 NHL games. Someone explain to me how any of this is bad. Carey will be back and refocused in a few weeks. Sending him down to the A is mostly for his own good.

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Hmm, so if Price is in Hamilton they will definitrely win again then right? Because after all like you say he stood on his head, it was all Price, etc. That would definitely be a good way though to judge how far he has progressed repeating with a team without a lot of its top players from last year.

For a 20 year old rookie I think Price has shown signs of brilliance this season with a couple of moments of weakness, not too shabby. I'm kind of chuckling over the significance a couple of posters are placing on shutouts, W's are what matter. Oh and by the way, Huet only has 1 shutout this year and 2 last year :rolleyes:

Carey Price has gained us 21 of our 50 points and posted a .907 Save% in his first 19 NHL games. Someone explain to me how any of this is bad. Carey will be back and refocused in a few weeks. Sending him down to the A is mostly for his own good.

Price has shown an inability to not allow any unnecessary weak goals. Maybe its just me, but thats not a characteristic I would want in a goalie. :lol:

Obviously your right about W's be more important. However the no shutout thing is a big deal, and its not because he doeant have any shutouts yet. Its because he should have had shutouts but doesnt, thats whats wrong. Some shots just arent stoppable, but shots that are stoppable, should be stopped.

Price wasnt bad, but he wasnt great either. Remember he is the backup. When the starting goalie is off their game a team needs its backup to be rock solid. Price hasnt shown that ability, hell even Huet hasnt. Huet lets in a bunch of soft goals too, and thats another point. Price cant replace Huet until he lets in less weak goals than Huet. Stability in ones goalie is uber important for success. It seems some of you forget what happened last year. i.e. Starter got flakey and started letting in weak goals, defense started getting flakey because it didnt matter if they played good because the goalie wouldnt stop it anyway. Start going with backup and he let in several flakey goals and again the team had no confidence in him. It wasnt until Halak was called up did the Habs get any confidence back in their goalie and were able to stop a prolonged loosing streak. Every point matters from now on and Habs cant afford to loose any points let alone go on a loosing bender like last year.

Price should play daily at this point in his young career and I simply cant see him being #1 next season, Huet is unrestricted UFA, and Halak is getting pissed off being in the AHL. Its a Win Win situation to demote Price and make Halak happy. Halak is more seasoned and has more experience and doesnt tend to let in a lot of flakey goals.

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If anyone cares Price won last night giving up 2 goals on 25 i beleive. Another week or down and playing getting his confidence should really help.

I just hope Huet gets it together, he seems to play better when he is being pushed.

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Dude, the Calder last year was DEFINITELY because of Price. The team finished third in its DIVISION and he stopped 40+ shots a game to win the playoff MVP.

For sure I would say that the Bulldogs would not have won with Huet.

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I think he was joking. I used to hear guy Lafleur smoked two packs a day and would light up in-between periods. Anyone know if this is actually true?

It is true for sure he smoked in the dressing room.

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I think he was joking. I used to hear guy Lafleur smoked two packs a day and would light up in-between periods. Anyone know if this is actually true?

I'm sure Mario lemieux is still smoking.

I't not uncommon foe Nhl to smoke but I'm surprise by the new generation. smoking is just not a part of the culture anymore.

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What I find puzzling is why they sent Chipchura down as well, and why did they call back Locke???

Could there be a trade coming up?

No it was to give Locke a chance to play his first game after the luggage dely which prevented him from playing wth Rangers.

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I think he was joking. I used to hear guy Lafleur smoked two packs a day and would light up in-between periods. Anyone know if this is actually true?

I doubt Lafleur smoked 2 packs a day, but many reporters had seen Guy smoke a few cigarettes once in a while. He probably was a part-time smoker. In any case, it just gives yo an idea of what kind of athlete he was. He was a natural and a machine!

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I doubt Lafleur smoked 2 packs a day, but many reporters had seen Guy smoke a few cigarettes once in a while. He probably was a part-time smoker. In any case, it just gives yo an idea of what kind of athlete he was. He was a natural and a machine!

He really did smoke almost 2 packs a day he was a chain smoker.

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He really did smoke almost 2 packs a day he was a chain smoker.

Yep, that's the way I remember it. In fact many players were very heavy smokers back in the 70's and before. Remembering back that smoking wasn't a crime back then and was actually completely socially acceptable. Wow, how a couple of decades has changed that way of thinking :lol:

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Hmm, so if Price is in Hamilton they will definitrely win again then right? Because after all like you say he stood on his head, it was all Price, etc. That would definitely be a good way though to judge how far he has progressed repeating with a team without a lot of its top players from last year.

Man, you are unreasonable.

Price has shown an inability to not allow any unnecessary weak goals.

Whoa, that's a lot of negatives in one sentence. But as I said, yes, he's let in weak goals, but only in one game (against the Caps) did those goals result in a loss. Huet's weak goals have cost us several points.

Price should play daily at this point in his young career and I simply cant see him being #1 next season, Huet is unrestricted UFA, and Halak is getting pissed off being in the AHL. Its a Win Win situation to demote Price and make Halak happy. Halak is more seasoned and has more experience and doesnt tend to let in a lot of flakey goals.

Halak is more seasoned? I doubt his 10 games last season were more valuable than Price's repeated clutch performances in 2007.

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At this point in time, I would say that Price is more NHL ready than Halak. But I don't mind how we swapped them, it would be great if we can develop two goalies in one season.

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At this point in time, I would say that Price is more NHL ready than Halak. But I don't mind how we swapped them, it would be great if we can develop two goalies in one season.

I'd have to say I agree with that... but at the same time, I'd like to see price get a week or two of LOTS of playing time and be back here for the rest of the season. If we're losing Huet to UFA (which I suspect we are, given all the factors) I think we need one guy with more NHL experience, not two with a few games each, and if we're picking one, that one is probably Price.

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At this point in time, I would say that Price is more NHL ready than Halak. But I don't mind how we swapped them, it would be great if we can develop two goalies in one season.

Yeah, Halak certainly didn't deserve to spend the whole season in the AHL.

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