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All things HALAK


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It IS odd that the Habs seem to have *zero* faith in Halak despite his excellent work down the stretch last season. It's eerily akin to the way the LA Kings viewed Huet as disposable garbage, even though he provided excellent #1 goaltending during a stretch run for them.

I'd wager that Bob is still trying to work out what to do with Huet contract-wise and wants a better bead on Price's credentials as a starter next season.

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It IS odd that the Habs seem to have *zero* faith in Halak despite his excellent work down the stretch last season. It's eerily akin to the way the LA Kings viewed Huet as disposable garbage, even though he provided excellent #1 goaltending during a stretch run for them.

I'd wager that Bob is still trying to work out what to do with Huet contract-wise and wants a better bead on Price's credentials as a starter next season.

I'd say that is a fair conclusion.....personally I think we should resign HueT for 2 more years if he'll do it, we could always trade him next deadline

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It IS odd that the Habs seem to have *zero* faith in Halak despite his excellent work down the stretch last season. It's eerily akin to the way the LA Kings viewed Huet as disposable garbage, even though he provided excellent #1 goaltending during a stretch run for them.

I'd wager that Bob is still trying to work out what to do with Huet contract-wise and wants a better bead on Price's credentials as a starter next season.

I don't think it's a faith thing. It all really makes sense when you sit back and look at it. I just hope Halak understands this and uses it to his advantage. The troublesome part of all this is, if he keeps a cool head he's still destined to be a back-up goalie, unless two years down the road Price ends up Theo the 2nd and Halak becomes our starter. I think it would be dumb not to keep all three or four including Danis until it's clear who can be traded. Look at Emery. Stanley cup finals last year, new fat contract for his great play and no-one wants him. Being a goalie sucks when there are only 30 jobs available in the whole entire world.

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Nope, too important. Those games. I'll bet he starts the Leaf game though.

Agreed. Huet will probably start against the hens Tuesday and Price will get the start against the LEAVES. He is the leaves killer afer all!

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Danis is going to be a UFA after this season and he will sign with another team since he wants a shot at the NHL.

I thought that this year but he signed on again.......not too many takers on a #4. If anyone is getting screwed it's that guy. What are you going to do.

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Danis is going to be a UFA after this season and he will sign with another team since he wants a shot at the NHL.

Danis could easily become hamilton's number one goalie if huet or halak leave or in case of an injury.

however, I dont think that the guy has what it takes to be a longterm goalie in this league.

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boo hoo! Honestly whats this circle jerkl goin on with Halak.....the guy is opur future "back-up!!" Price is the future enough said, if he is pissed trade him right now cuz he is a whiny bitch...he gets paid the bucks to go where the team sends him and right now the Canadiens are all about Price and getting him ready to be our future....

...dont feel bad one bit for Halak!

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Halak hasn't seen action in a month, he needs to so he has to be sent down. Not uncommon for backups to be up and down. I expect to see Price vs Laughs because he owns them Huet otherwise. Therefore the timing for a switch on the bench is perfect.

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I suspect they might trade Halak now. He's not happy. He said he would suck it up to go to Hamilton after Price got the nod over him at the beginning of the season. He also made it clear he wants out if playing second fiddle to Price. How much he or his agent demand is anyone's guess but this might just be writing in stone, or the straw that broke the camels back.

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Poor guy, he basically play like a saviour last year, and how does the organization thank him? By not letting him play in thelast game of the year, and by sending him to Hamilton this year.

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Poor guy. I think he has all the tools to be a full time starter in the NHL, but in this team all he's always going to be in the shadow of Price and Huet. Deal him to Tampa or something.

Ya bummer....... I can't help but feel Halak out of desperation might have beat tha rangers all by himself on Sunday....we'll never know.

It's the fate of many talented goalies to get left in the dust. Halak is someone you pay attention to that's all. That is the life of a goalie. If he can stay strong mentally and he really is that great he'll be fine.

It can get dark in a snap of the fingers, and those shadows of Price and Huet can disappear just as quick as they were created, as Halak finds himself number 1 in Montreal in 2 years. You never can tell.

Huet won't be around too much longer so at least Halak knows he'll be a back-up with the big club soon. Unless Gainey signs a vet in the off season as a back-up.

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PRICE is only coming up for the Toronto game

But it is mean to Halak, he came and left without playing a full game


yeah, I feel it's a bit unfair to Halak... Although I shouldn't care since there is no doubt in my mind that Price is the savior.

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Halak just stopped 31/32 for the OT win over the lake erie monsters. :clap:

final score 2-1

Good for him. I really do think that this guy is a diamond in the rough. I hope he keeps quiet and deals with everything on a day to day basis. He will get his chance. If he Keeps a lid on it, Gainey will have even more respect for him. The future one two punch will be him and Price, should Price fail, Halak can benefit from that. Keep your cool and keep working Jaro.....we all know you're worthy.

Danis is the guy you really have to feel bad for.

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No way 2,500 people were at that game, the arena was freaking empty. There were entire sections with nobody in them. And they think this city can handle a NHL team? Hell, even Columbus averaged over 4,000 when they had an ECHL team here and had a sellout streak that lasted over two seasons (5,000+ capacity). Never thought I'd see such an empty arena for a hockey game in Canada.

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No way 2,500 people were at that game, the arena was freaking empty. There were entire sections with nobody in them. And they think this city can handle a NHL team? Hell, even Columbus averaged over 4,000 when they had an ECHL team here and had a sellout streak that lasted over two seasons (5,000+ capacity). Never thought I'd see such an empty arena for a hockey game in Canada.

I take it you were there. Well? How were our prospects?

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No way 2,500 people were at that game, the arena was freaking empty. There were entire sections with nobody in them. And they think this city can handle a NHL team? Hell, even Columbus averaged over 4,000 when they had an ECHL team here and had a sellout streak that lasted over two seasons (5,000+ capacity). Never thought I'd see such an empty arena for a hockey game in Canada.

I think the bad weather kept a lot of people from showing up.

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Halak goaled 2 great game since he's back from Hamilton due to Huet trade. With a respectable 1.13 GAA and 0.965 with 1 So in 160min

I think that he deserve's an other start, he might start to force Carbo's hand if play an other great game. He showed some pressure controle last year when Huet got hurt and had to perform to get the Habs in the playoff's. And this season in Hamilton was one if not the best goalie of the league

So my question is: will he get more game's until the end of the season than it was planed. I think that he will

P.S.: Sorry for the double post

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He has earned another start but not necessarily right away.

Lets remember his 2 wins were good but they were against the worst team in the West and his shutout was against the lowest scoring team in the league.

Halak has done what has been asked of him and should Price not perform I am confident he can do a great job .

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