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All things HALAK


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true that L.A and NYI are not big team, but if you take in fact his last year + the few he have this year he's has better,

Halak : .915 / 2.63 GAA / 3 SO / *Undefeated Home*

Price : .915 / 2.69 GAA / 2 SO / *scare's other player's* ( :P )

I would give Halak a shot vs Ottawa, #1 would maybe whip the troops a little , #2 Halak showed last year he could handle big teams

* meaning less

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Id say he's most likely to start Tuesday.. ride the shutout. I would understand if Carbo had some reasons for playing Price though.

Normally i'd agree, but in this case, I'd go with Price. True that Halak got the SO, but it was against a weak team.

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Price is the Number 1. He needs lots of icetime for the playoffs. Montreal will sink or swim with Price and Halak as the backup. This is a good young tandem which time will tell if it is our Fuhr/Moog goalie combo answer to the great Oiler teams of the past.

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Halak is the backup, Price is the starter.

Strange decision

Not really that strange. Halak is rewarded for his shutout but I doubt he'd have gotten the start if we'd have been facing a tougher team than STL.

That being said, seems that the Habs played a very tight game in front of Halak. Maybe Carbo's trying to use that in hope the team will be more alert with Halak in nets than they would with Price, considering we're facing a weaker team.

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Not really that strange. Halak is rewarded for his shutout but I doubt he'd have gotten the start if we'd have been facing a tougher team than STL.

That being said, seems that the Habs played a very tight game in front of Halak. Maybe Carbo's trying to use that in hope the team will be more alert with Halak in nets than they would with Price, considering we're facing a weaker team.

I don't understand the rationale. But that is under the understanding that Price is number 1.

Maybe Price is not really number 1. In a town like Montreal with a fanbase like Montreal it is probably a better

idea to establish the number 1. This is the town that wanted Red Light to be number 1 over Roy.

Until one of them becomes a Superstar I guess I am going to have to sift through (insert Goalie here) should get the next start

because he got a shutout threads for the next 5 years.

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I don't understand the rationale. But that is under the understanding that Price is number 1.

Maybe Price is not really number 1. In a town like Montreal with a fanbase like Montreal it is probably a better

idea to establish the number 1. This is the town that wanted Red Light to be number 1 over Roy.

Until one of them becomes a Superstar I guess I am going to have to sift through (insert Goalie here) should get the next start

because he got a shutout threads for the next 5 years.

Yup, I am in the same camp as you on this. I like Halak, however Price needs ice time to hone his timing with the puck and the guys that play in front of him. The team has to be comfortable with their starting goalie, so once again I have questions about this decision.

I guess I should just br happy for a win! :hlogo: :hockey: :hlogo:

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When Huet was number 1 and Price the backup, most of you were all in favour of the "ride the hot goalie"...

Now that Price is number 1 and Halak is the backup, suddenly backups only play rarely regardless of their performance.

Oh how the winds can change...

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When Huet was number 1 and Price the backup, most of you were all in favour of the "ride the hot goalie"...

Now that Price is number 1 and Halak is the backup, suddenly backups only play rarely regardless of their performance.

Oh how the winds can change...

Not me I think you have to go to Halak after a shutout, nothing wrong with competition.

Halak will have to OUTpreform Price but nothign wrong with him starting.

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When Huet was number 1 and Price the backup, most of you were all in favour of the "ride the hot goalie"...

Now that Price is number 1 and Halak is the backup, suddenly backups only play rarely regardless of their performance.

Oh how the winds can change...

Personnaly I'll just side with Carbo. He explained it best: "Halak played an almost perfect game after not playing for 10 days. He didn't deserve to sit on the bench"

It's been the coaches' motto all season long that player needed to earn their ice-time (or starts) and they're sticking to it by starting Halak again.

No ifs, no buts. It's how we roll, so get on board.

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When Huet was number 1 and Price the backup, most of you were all in favour of the "ride the hot goalie"...

Now that Price is number 1 and Halak is the backup, suddenly backups only play rarely regardless of their performance.

Oh how the winds can change...

But then again they're both pretty hot, no? Gotta go with Jaro after a shutout and I think Price even understands that. Price is our number one, but Halak is a very strong backup. We probably have the best young goalie tandem in the league in a decade right now...I for one can find zero reasons to complain. Huet was a different story, personally I didn't believe he was a big game guy and obvuiously Gainey & Carbo felt the same way. It doesn't change that Huet was a great team player...I for one never liked the win and you're in philosiphy...but you have to ride a hot goalie, not doing it would be silly.


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I also think that St. Louis has a lot to do with it. In addition, I believe Price is breaking in new pads for the weekend, so why not give him more time in practice to get use to his equipment.

It is not going to kill Price to sit for a couple games against weak teams. He will need his rest coming up for the stretch run. And as Carbo said, Halak doesn't deserve to sit after that performance. I am sure Price understands, he was in the same boat a few months ago.

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Only in Montreal do we make such a huge fuss over the Goalie situation!

WE have two very good young goalies. Let's use them both!

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When Huet was number 1 and Price the backup, most of you were all in favour of the "ride the hot goalie"...

Now that Price is number 1 and Halak is the backup, suddenly backups only play rarely regardless of their performance.

Oh how the winds can change...

Give it a rest. Your hero plays on the Capitals now.

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I have seen nothing out of Halak since he was called up last year to make me think he is anything but a future star goalie. Where is that Blues Gm guy now? Funny how he disappears when Halak does well. How is that for riding the pines kid?

Halak him alot.

Not saying anything against Price, he is also a star in the making, but Halak has been living in the shadows and is now breaking out I think.

"If" we hadn't drafted Price and had taken say Kopitar, Halak would be the top young goalie now. We all felt at the time that Bob had blundered as we were deep in goal. Halak and Danis were atop that prospect depth chart.

I am not in the least bit surprised by his performances this year and believe that given the chance he will shine and we can trade Price next year for Tavares. Joking of course, about the trade.

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I have seen nothing out of Halak since he was called up last year to make me think he is anything but a future star goalie. Where is that Blues Gm guy now? Funny how he disappears when Halak does well. How is that for riding the pines kid?

Halak him alot.

Not saying anything against Price, he is also a star in the making, but Halak has been living in the shadows and is now breaking out I think.

"If" we hadn't drafted Price and had taken say Kopitar, Halak would be the top young goalie now. We all felt at the time that Bob had blundered as we were deep in goal. Halak and Danis were atop that prospect depth chart.

I am not in the least bit surprised by his performances this year and believe that given the chance he will shine and we can trade Price next year for Tavares. Joking of course, about the trade.

Who knows, maybe we'll trade Halak and get something good in return?

If Halak get to play 25-30 games next year and he has incredible statistics, his value will increase. If he can keep it up for a couple of years, we might be able to get something good in return.

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I have seen nothing out of Halak since he was called up last year to make me think he is anything but a future star goalie. Where is that Blues Gm guy now? Funny how he disappears when Halak does well. How is that for riding the pines kid?

Halak him alot.

Not saying anything against Price, he is also a star in the making, but Halak has been living in the shadows and is now breaking out I think.

"If" we hadn't drafted Price and had taken say Kopitar, Halak would be the top young goalie now. We all felt at the time that Bob had blundered as we were deep in goal. Halak and Danis were atop that prospect depth chart.

I am not in the least bit surprised by his performances this year and believe that given the chance he will shine and we can trade Price next year for Tavares. Joking of course, about the trade.

I think I will wait to see Halak play against the top teams in the league before I call him breaking out.

He has 3 career wins against Boston, 2 against Washington,Toronto, Columbus, LA and NYI. All teams below .500.

(I don't consider 31-31-10 as .500, if that was the case the Leafs are a .500 team this season)

He has a couple big wins against Nashville, Buffalo and the Rangers on his resume but each one of those contains

a sub .900 SV % and +4.00 GAA. So I think I will shade my eyes from the hype as I make my assesment.

I like Jaro, but he has far to go before I believe that he is a future star.

The only reason I believe in Price so much is because of what he did in Hamilton last season. Before that I just had high expectations.

But Price has at the age of 20 put together an unreal resume and has had dominant stretches in the NHL already.

Who know, maybe we'll trade Halak and get something good in return?

If Halak get to play 25-30 games next year and he has incredible statistics, his value will increase. If he can keep it up for a couple of years, we might be able to get something good in return.

Well Toskala had fantastic stats with the Sharks and returned a mid round first rounder.

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I think I will wait to see Halak play against the top teams in the league before I call him breaking out.

He has 3 career wins against Boston, 2 against Washington,Toronto, Columbus, LA and NYI. All teams below .500.

(I don't consider 31-31-10 as .500, if that was the case the Leafs are a .500 team this season)

He has a couple big wins against Nashville, Buffalo and the Rangers on his resume but each one of those contains

a sub .900 SV % and +4.00 GAA. So I think I will shade my eyes from the hype as I make my assesment.

I like Jaro, but he has far to go before I believe that he is a future star.

The only reason I believe in Price so much is because of what he did in Hamilton last season. Before that I just had high expectations.

But Price has at the age of 20 put together an unreal resume and has had dominant stretches in the NHL already.

Well Toskala had fantastic stats with the Sharks and returned a mid round first rounder.

That would be awesome especially in next years draft.

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Well Toskala had fantastic stats with the Sharks and returned a mid round first rounder

True, but that's mostly because there was no market for goalies(or almost none). Who's to say that in 3-4 years, a few teams won'T be desperate for a solid goalie?!?! You never know! Like you said, let's wait and see in a couple of years once Halak will have played against the elite teams in the league before we judge him too fast!

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true but that's mostly because there was no market for goalies(or almost none) but who's to say that in 3-4 years, a few teams won'T be desperate for a solid goalie?!?! You never know! Like you said, let's wait and see in a couple of years once Halak will have played against the elite teams in the league before we judge him too fast!


True, but that's mostly because there was no market for goalies(or almost none). Who's to say that in 3-4 years, a few teams won'T be desperate for a solid goalie?!?! You never know! Like you said, let's wait and see in a couple of years once Halak will have played against the elite teams in the league before we judge him too fast!

I hope the kid is great. And he has a good opportunity to become a great player in this league, but I can't remember the last time a backup goalie returned anything really significant. Kipprusoff, Toskala, Bryzgalov, Hasek etc. I may be wrong, can anybody think of a backup who had not established himself as a bonafide number 1 returning anything significant?

That would be awesome especially in next years draft.

Ya never know. Some GMs do unpredictably crazy things.

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Ya never know. Some GMs do unpredictably crazy things.

Yeah! Like drafting some goalie fifth overall, and ignoring the next Lemieux, Angelo Esposito.

Seriously, who does that?

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