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Habs @ Canucks | Game Thread


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Well, don't know if I am the only one with this impression, but I have the feeling that it would have been worse if Price had not make four or five excellent saves...

Edited by JCPetit
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I had to they were gassed and dominated for 5/6ths of the game.

Great job. I have one thing i would suggest. The coach grade.

Martin does every call from lines to D.

In Calgary he was outcoached by Sutter.

Vignault put him in his back pocket, with speed in the middle of the ice the D was useless.

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Well that was a total team flop, too bad they had a no show. They still have the opportunity to go 3-2 on a long road trip, especially when you consider they have been dominated all but 1 period or so in 4 games.

After 4 games, a few complaints:

For a defensive coach, this team is awfull defensively.

Pk is pathetic,

No sustained offense

The good news:

They aren't being pushed around

The uniforms are still cool

I am expecting a much better effort in Edmonton

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I went to bed after Gill tied a fight with someone 8 inches shorter than him (and like a thousand pounds lighter).

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The most frustrating thing from last year is starting to creep back into the habs. The dreaded back pass to start a rush, this frustrates me to no end. All the teams we've played so far get the puck and pass it up and out of their zone, we fiddle around with it and back pass to the other D-man who's usually not expecting it. I know this could be because the other team is forechecking hard, and thats we do...with the first line, the rest of the team does not do this.

Our d-man are not great puck handlers, I would dare say (no flames) Gorges is one of our better d at getting the puck out of the zone.

Also what the heck is up with these weak backhand attempts to clear the puck out of the zone, our D are big they should stand in there, take the hit to make a better clearing attempt.

Price did not deserve the fate he had last night, bad bounces on a few plays, he was clearly beaten on a few goals though, I think there's nothing to worry about.

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Our d-man are not great puck handlers, I would dare say (no flames) Gorges is one of our better d at getting the puck out of the zone.

He is... when he doesnt caught up the puck, give it away, get nailed in the board, get the puck stolen from him, get outskated to a loose puck or fall on his ass for no reason, which all takes about 80% of his time. So yeah, for that 20% left, he's one of our better D at getting the puck out of the zone.

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I can handle mistakes like that, it's when Vets like Mara (who btw whys he on the PP?) and Gill cannot manage to get the puck out of the zone, is when it sends our team scrambling which usually leads to like 3-4 shots, hence why our shot totals against always looks bloated, we give up too many second, third, four chances, due to a weak in-zone clearances or break outs.

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I can handle mistakes like that, it's when Vets like Mara (who btw whys he on the PP?) and Gill cannot manage to get the puck out of the zone, is when it sends our team scrambling which usually leads to like 3-4 shots, hence why our shot totals against always looks bloated, we give up too many second, third, four chances, due to a weak in-zone clearances or break outs.

Mara has been solid so far. No comparisons to Gill and Gorges handling the puck like it was a live grenade.

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I think Mara has 3 assists as well. The big problem is Gill is playing too much. He should be a 3rd pairing guy playing with a puck mover.

I think MA Bergeron is a RD, so play him with Gill on the third pairing.

I would put Mara on RD, with Spacel on the LD

Gorges RD, Hamrlik Ld.

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I think Mara has 3 assists as well. The big problem is Gill is playing too much. He should be a 3rd pairing guy playing with a puck mover.

4 assists in 4 games for Mara, tied with Plex for most pts on the team.

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The most frustrating thing from last year is starting to creep back into the habs. The dreaded back pass to start a rush, this frustrates me to no end. All the teams we've played so far get the puck and pass it up and out of their zone, we fiddle around with it and back pass to the other D-man who's usually not expecting it. I know this could be because the other team is forechecking hard, and thats we do...with the first line, the rest of the team does not do this.

Agreed. I don't remember ever seeing a team have so much trouble getting the damn puck out of their zone. Boy am I glad I didn't stay up to watch teh 3rd period....nd why is it this team can't seem to win a ######ing game out west. The Habs haven'T won in Vancouver since 2000 and haven't won in Calgary since 2002...pretty pathetic!

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This game has 'POTENTIAL BLOWOUT' stamped on it in big red letters. Hungry, near-desperate Canucks team...angry Luongo motivated to make a statement...meeting a tired Habs squad on the road that was short-benched in the last game and reduced to 5 D the game before, and playing its second game in two nights.


^_^ At least I can legitimately claim to have seen it coming. Oy vey.

These things will happen, especially with a new team. They can make it all go away with a convincing effort in Edmonton. If they don't bounce back strong, then the first-half crisis I predicted may be upon us sooner than we thought. Please God, no more drama!! Let's have a bounce-back effort!!!

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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Agreed. I don't remember ever seeing a team have so much trouble getting the damn puck out of their zone. Boy am I glad I didn't stay up to watch teh 3rd period....nd why is it this team can't seem to win a ######ing game out west. The Habs haven'T won in Vancouver since 2000 and haven't won in Calgary since 2002...pretty pathetic!

No Kovalev to carry it out. No Markov.

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I read somewhere that Martin had an old school, 1 on 1 battle and skate til you drop practice yesterday after the no show in Vancouver.

Good for you Martin, keep it up. You'll figure out soon enough who are keepers and who you can get rid of.

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I read somewhere that Martin had an old school, 1 on 1 battle and skate til you drop practice yesterday after the no show in Vancouver.

Good for you Martin, keep it up. You'll figure out soon enough who are keepers and who you can get rid of.

I read about it in the papers and I was happy to hear that Martin made them skate hard for 90 minutes yesterday! Maybe the guys will remember what it was like to exercise to the point of having to puke the next time they decide to not show up for a game!

It it makes you feel any better, Bruins lost 6-1 at home to the Ducks yesterday.

Strangely enough, yes it does!!! :clap:

A win in Edmonton will make us all forget the horrible loss in Vancouver!

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I read somewhere that Martin had an old school, 1 on 1 battle and skate til you drop practice yesterday after the no show in Vancouver.

Good for you Martin, keep it up. You'll figure out soon enough who are keepers and who you can get rid of.

I was pleased when I heard this. Price was saying that he though he was going to puke, they were worked so hard.

Carbo probably would have given them the day off last season.

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It's definatley going to take a while, I suspect there will be plenty more of those practices this year.

When you had a culture of no dicipline, no work ethic, locker room problems, partying problems, overall acceptance of fighting for an 8 seed every year you have to change the culture. Especially with the young players.

I am not too worried about The new guys, they have all been winners in the past, it just takes some time to change the culture and expectations.

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I was initially surprised by Martin's response, because to me it was obvious the team would be exhausted playing the second game in two nights after having been short-benched in Calgary, getting a superhuman effort from 5 defencemen in Buffalo, and generally straining all around to replace Markov. A blowout was predictable, and thus - it's fatally easy to conclude - excusable.

On further reflection, though, I think it's a sound coaching decision. The message it sends is that it doesn't matter how tired you are - you HAVE to find those extra reserves, you HAVE to find a way to bring it, because if you don't the coach will make you suffer even worse. It's exactly the kind of no-excuses-no-compromises attitude that championship teams instil and that we haven't had in Montreal since Pat Burns left. Well done Jacques! :clap:

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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