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[Game Thread] MONTREAL CANADIENS @ Pittsburgh Penguins


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same as monday, this game is not on TSN... can someone please edit the first post.

TSN is showing Leafs/Stars and TSN2 has Sens/Pathers... ridiculous choice of which games to cover.

Otherwise GO HABS GO!

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Gomer's absence hurts big time.

I'm really surprised that Halak is in. Martin is sending a ridiculously clear signal: any privileging of Price is definitively over. Quite a change to the Gainey-dominated philosophy of maximizing Price's "rich game experiences."

I guess we have to trust Martin on this, given that he's The Man now and that he was a goalie himself. On the other hand, I'd feel better about trusting Martin if his actual track record in developing goalies were better (his coaching tenures in Flordia and Ottawa were marked by unending problems in nets).

Anyway, the Halak/Price file is proving to be fascinating. If this keeps up, I will be very interested to see whether Gainey ends up doing to Martin what he did to Carbo: i.e., trade Price's rival out of town and by default force the coach to play Price.

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I am predicting a loss tonight. Gomez ill, the pens are a much better team...etc.

I think they had to go with Halak. They were not going to throw Price back in against the top team in the league. It they blow us out the media will go nuts on Price. In my mind, Halak has nothing to prove tonight.

I expect Price either Friday or Saturday.

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I've got a bad feeling about this...

It'll be interesting to see how this team fares on the road after so long at home. Any victory will have to be earned by outworking the Pens, because even before Gomez was out of the lineup, they dwarfed the Habs in talent.

Nevertheless, GO HABS GO!!!!

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I am predicting a loss tonight. Gomez ill, the pens are a much better team...etc.

I think they had to go with Halak. They were not going to throw Price back in against the top team in the league. It they blow us out the media will go nuts on Price. In my mind, Halak has nothing to prove tonight.

I expect Price either Friday or Saturday.

Exactly, I bet this is what Martin is thinking as well, trying to protect Price from the wolves a bit.

Problem is, some people will write shite regardless, I can just imagine Jack Todd's next column about "How can Price be ok with another goalie starting over him, he doesn't have the fire, Roy would've never said something like that blah blah"......And of course if he spoke out against it, he'd write something like "bad team player, how can he not support his fellow goalie, blah blah blah". You just can't win with some folks......

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I'm really surprised that Halak is in. Martin is sending a ridiculously clear signal: any privileging of Price is definitively over. Quite a change to the Gainey-dominated philosophy of maximizing Price's "rich game experiences."

Personally, I think he backed himself into a corner and pretty much had to start Halak. If started him after giving up 4 goals against the Rangers, he has to keep him in after the Islander game. I know we won the game, but it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get Price back in net. Nobody would have questioned going back to Price for that game, and depending on how he played that game, there would be no issue concerning who gets the start tonight. Now, we're left debating whether it is good or bad for Price to be sitting for so long. All that being said, it's nice knowing that Martin isn't afraid to sit Price.

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I think they had to go with Halak. They were not going to throw Price back in against the top team in the league. It they blow us out the media will go nuts on Price. In my mind, Halak has nothing to prove tonight.

Agreed. Price plays on Friday and if he wins, he should play on Saturday as well. He's 21 years old, it's not like he can't play 2 games back to back!

If the habs can come out of this game with 1 point, i,ll be satisfied...unless they blow a 3 goal lead heading into the 3rd period..

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On the other hand, I'd feel better about trusting Martin if his actual track record in developing goalies were better (his coaching tenures in Flordia and Ottawa were marked by unending problems in nets).

don't you actually have to have a goalie to have a problem?

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Agreed. Price plays on Friday and if he wins, he should play on Saturday as well. He's 21 years old, it's not like he can't play 2 games back to back!

But he's 21 years old (and Halak is 24) so neither should Martin need to worry about his mental development first and foremost. As someone said in an earlier thread, Martin's sole job is to bring the Cup back to Montreal. If that means sitting out (Price) or trading (Koivu, Kovalev) sentimental favourites, and making the choices based on performance, then I'm good with that.

We have two young goalies with high potential -- make them prove their worth by competing for the #1 position.

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I also am surprised that Halak is starting. Gives us a better chance, though. Martin is impressing me more and more as the season wears on.

Surprisingly, I also think Price has to get back in soon. I'm hoping that the competition for playing time will improve his game. I'd much rather have *2* young good goalies, than one.

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Ok. Listen up, the game plan in simple. Keep playing the defensive game that has kept our shots down for our current winning streak. No unnecessary and needless penalties. Then when they least expect it. Jump all over their mistakes and score! The Pens have multiple weapons so expect this game be to hard fought. Get the puck out of our zone when ever possible. Do NOT! make a MAB like give away in the defensive zone tonight. Finally, everyone get your lucky charms out. And I want all your fingers, legs, toes and arms crossed for this one.

If we pull out two points tonight. It will be a miracle and I for one believe in miracles. So GO HABS GO!

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I also am surprised that Halak is starting. Gives us a better chance, though. Martin is impressing me more and more as the season wears on.

Surprisingly, I also think Price has to get back in soon. I'm hoping that the competition for playing time will improve his game. I'd much rather have *2* young good goalies, than one.

Price will get in for one of the back-to-backs. He'll get Toronto if Halak wins tonight, Chicago if Halak loses.

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I also am surprised that Halak is starting. Gives us a better chance, though. Martin is impressing me more and more as the season wears on.

Surprisingly, I also think Price has to get back in soon. I'm hoping that the competition for playing time will improve his game. I'd much rather have *2* young good goalies, than one.

Surprisingly?? he's our future, sitting out can be viewed as a teaching technique, but he's got to play, that's all there is to it. Two good goalies is a great situation, but Price can't sit for too long.

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Gomer's absence hurts big time.

I'm really surprised that Halak is in. Martin is sending a ridiculously clear signal: any privileging of Price is definitively over. Quite a change to the Gainey-dominated philosophy of maximizing Price's "rich game experiences."

I guess we have to trust Martin on this, given that he's The Man now and that he was a goalie himself. On the other hand, I'd feel better about trusting Martin if his actual track record in developing goalies were better (his coaching tenures in Flordia and Ottawa were marked by unending problems in nets).

Anyway, the Halak/Price file is proving to be fascinating. If this keeps up, I will be very interested to see whether Gainey ends up doing to Martin what he did to Carbo: i.e., trade Price's rival out of town and by default force the coach to play Price.

First of all,nice pun (intended or not): the coach has to play the Price ^_^

I don't think Gainey will "Carbo" Martin.

Since Martin has more experience than Carbo as a head coach and also has GM experience, he must have more credibility in Gainey's eyes than Carbo ever did.

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The best way, now that the Isles game has passed, is to play Halak tonight and in Chicago, and dress Price against Toronto. As for tonight's game, I thought the team looked lethargic against the Isles. I bet half of them are sick. I precict a loss. Hopefully it's not a blowout.

Go Habs Go

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Frankly I don't think either Gainey or Martin care about any kind of goalie controversy that the media drums up. The play whoever they think will give them the best shot at winning.

Anyways, can't really expect a win tonight. Even with Markov and Gomez, taking on the best team in the league would be a real battle. If we lose, I won't be upset, but if we get some points, that hey, all the better.

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Anyways, can't really expect a win tonight. Even with Markov and Gomez, taking on the best team in the league would be a real battle. If we lose, I won't be upset, but if we get some points, that hey, all the better.

I don't understand all the negativity. In the past, we've done quite well against this team. We have a good chance of winning

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