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2014 Trade deadline: who do we want?


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This Wednesday is the trade deadline and I'm curious what people think the Habs will do? Does MB stock up for a playoff run OR does he continue to build for the future?

I'm of the mindset to continue to rebuild. This is a Habs team that I don't think can go very far in the playoffs even if Price stands on his head. That being said, I'd like MB to unload some vets and bring in younger prospects to build a better team for 2-3 years down the road.

Move out at deadline:






I would make a pitch for Yakupov. If it requires trading guys like Eller and/or Bournival I would do it.

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Very little will happen. We will not be sellers. I believe there is a good chance Bourque will go, though, and if I had to bet on a "name" player coming to us, it'd of course be Parenteau. Most likely more of the same, minor tweaks.

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I will be surprised if much changes. But based on how they have been bringing up D-men from Hamilton and the waiver of Drewiske, I would not be surprised if they move Bouillon or a Bulldog D to either make room for Pateryn or to bring a right shooting D prospect to Hamilton.

Up front, with Weise's acquisition and the reliable play of Bournival, Moen becomes expendable over Bourque. Bourque is inconsistent but can generate more offense, an OK player for the third line.

I do not think they will shop Briere nor Gionta, but will move them if the return makes the team better in the mid/long term. I do not think they'll move them for picks. Which means that I believe they will let Gionta's contract expire.

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Move out at deadline:






I would make a pitch for Yakupov. If it requires trading guys like Eller and/or Bournival I would do it.

We signed Briere for his veteran presence and playoff production.

Gionta is our captain.

Bourque, although is a piece of crap at times, is useful in the playoffs and can raise his game.

What is wrong with Moen as long as he is on the fourth line or subs on the third every once in awhile?

Gorges is our best shot blocker and will be important in the playoffs.

Edmonton will laugh in our face if we offered Eller and Bournival for Yakupov.

This team is in third place in a suspect Eastern Conference and it makes no sense to trade away vets while we are are gearing up for a playoff run. What exactly do you want to rebuild for in a couple years? To hopefully have a third place team that will have weak opponents in the first couple rounds? The mentality of some people baffles me.

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I know there is a lot of negativity surrounding his contract, but I would like to see Bergevin get Bickell from the BlackHawks. He has size, toughness, and some scoring upside and we all know what he did when the chips were down last year's play offs. He commanded a hefty raise to be retained by the Hawks, and has had a terrible season, maybe we could trade a couple of our own owners of terrible seasons..... not saying we should give up valuable pieces, but maybe we could trade an expiring contract on him and take a chance that he will regain his form of a year ago, and he may come quite cheap so the Hawks can rid themselves of his contract.
I guess I just think he is a better player, and a bigger player than the rest of our third and fourth liners, and would give us a physical force up front?

Other than that, if anyone is bargaining out a big RH defense that is capable of playing 25 a game.... I dunno, I'd rather sell off what we can replace easily, keep what we are stuck with for this year, play our younger D, play our veterans we don't trade for this years playoffs, and continue to rebuild as we watch Price steal us a cup because we get every break in this years playoffs. :halm:

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I'd like to see a Fleishmann Plekanec Hemsky 1st line. Best semi-legit scoring line that can be assemble for cheap and almost straight up swaps. They might have some sick chemistry or just go through the motions regardless. Roll them there dice, MB!

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LIke to see Byfuglien-Kesler or Eberle added.

But expect maybe adding a Malhotra or fringe NHL/AHLer will be Habs only dealings, which also is fine by me and wait till summer to make any significant dealing/upgrade.

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With the team basically needing to go 500 in the last 20 to get in the playoffs i doubt MB does anything. He actually has depth once Prust and Bournival come back, he also has Beailuea and Boullon on D for depth. .

i would like to add a 2nd or first rounder but don't see anyone being moved who could land the habs that.

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Even though we won't be and shouldn't be sellers, I would still like to see Bourque moved, just because he's becoming more of a liability on the ice and his minutes would be better distributed among the younger guys.

That being said, I'd be happy if we could bring in a top winger to help with the scoring. If the Sabres are willing to slip Chris Stewart like some people are suggesting they might, we maybe be able to get him for picks and/or prospects.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we can't trade Gorges. Like Pleks, he fills a role no one else on our current roster has the ability to step into.

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We signed Briere for his veteran presence and playoff production.

Gionta is our captain.

Bourque, although is a piece of crap at times, is useful in the playoffs and can raise his game.

What is wrong with Moen as long as he is on the fourth line or subs on the third every once in awhile?

Gorges is our best shot blocker and will be important in the playoffs.

Edmonton will laugh in our face if we offered Eller and Bournival for Yakupov.

This team is in third place in a suspect Eastern Conference and it makes no sense to trade away vets while we are are gearing up for a playoff run. What exactly do you want to rebuild for in a couple years? To hopefully have a third place team that will have weak opponents in the first couple rounds? The mentality of some people baffles me.

If MB has a plan to rebuild then it's surely not with the vet core of this team. Guys like Gionta, Briere and Bourque don't have a future here so trade them and get something we need for the future. Hey, I get it - you want to watch the Habs in the playoffs and get beat in the first round. I don't. Which is why I say play the kids and trade the vets. Losing in the first round with this collection of misfit toys gets us nowehere. It's time to retool this team. Standing pat is not the answer.
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If MB has a plan to rebuild then it's surely not with the vet core of this team. Guys like Gionta, Briere and Bourque don't have a future here so trade them and get something we need for the future. Hey, I get it - you want to watch the Habs in the playoffs and get beat in the first round. I don't. Which is why I say play the kids and trade the vets. Losing in the first round gets us nowehere. It's time to retool this team. Standing pat is not the answer.

I would rather see us lose in the playoffs than intentionally tank.

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I would rather see us lose in the playoffs than intentionally tank.


Chicago, Edmonton, NYI, Pittsburg and Washington. No respect. Niet. Shitty franchises. I give 100x more credits to the Bruins for their recent SC. 1000x more.

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I would rather see us lose in the playoffs than intentionally tank.

Just because I want the younger players to get more ice time doesn't mean I want the team to tank. I don't see the benefit of playing guys like Gionta, Briere and Bourque - anyone of our younger assets would benefit more from that ice team IMO. And I would argue that the team has a better chance of winning if guys like Gionta and Bourque played less. But hey, we're in second place in the division so expectations are now high and a lot of people think Price can win us a cup by himself. Please. If MB had some guts, he pull off a bold move and trade Eller, Bournival and a 1st for Yakupov.

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This Wednesday is the trade deadline and I'm curious what people think the Habs will do? Does MB stock up for a playoff run OR does he continue to build for the future?

I'm of the mindset to continue to rebuild. This is a Habs team that I don't think can go very far in the playoffs even if Price stands on his head. That being said, I'd like MB to unload some vets and bring in younger prospects to build a better team for 2-3 years down the road.

Move out at deadline:






I would make a pitch for Yakupov. If it requires trading guys like Eller and/or Bournival I would do it.

add Markov to that list and we are in complete agreement.

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if were talking edmanton we should be talking nugent-hopkins, hall, eberle, perron,petry or shultz.

MTL: gorges eller hudon and a 1st and 3rd round pick

EDM: hall and petry.

this would make us better.

That would also never be accepted. Edmonton wouldn't trade Hall for even Patches.

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you kidding me? every team in the NHL would take 2 patches for sure in that deal! ;) but why would we be trading a 35+ goalscorer on the cheap?

i also did mention 4 forwards and 2 defensemen

Quantity does not equal quality.

If I'm Edmonton I don't accept anything from Montreal for Yak/Eberle/Hopkins/Yakupov/Hall that isn't Galchenyuk or Subban.

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That would also never be accepted. Edmonton wouldn't trade Hall for even Patches.

Really? Well, as much as I like Hall I agree that EDM won't trade him. Which is why I want Yakupov for Gorges/Eller/Moen.

Who wouldn't want to see a no. 1 line like this producing in two years, let alone now:

Yakupov - Galchenyuk - Gallagher

Then, trade Gionta to NJ for Jagr:

Briere - Plekanec - Jagr

I still think Bourque and Bournival could be enough to get Parenteau:

Pacioretty - Desharnais - Parenteau

The 4th line is set with:

Prust - White - Wiesse

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Since it looks like if the Habs play .500 hockey from here on out they will make the playoffs, and it would cost much more than what you have said to acquire these 3 players, with Jagr's value being real high right now, let alone what Yakupov(unproven, headcase?)would cost. Jagr, Parenteau, and Yakupov, really you think these 3 will take us farther in playoff time than Eller, Gorges, Gionta, Bourque, Bournival and Moen? I don't think so bud....

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I want Bourque gone. If Bergevin does that, I'll be happy. Heck he could trade for a loser like Hemsky or Stempniak but as long as Bourque is gone I won't care.

I think there's a half-decent chance he's in a Montreal uniform by the deadline.

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I think there's a half-decent chance he's in a Montreal uniform by the deadline.

Why him? I know little about him. RWer?

(I want V. Nichushkin, what would that cost I wonder??)

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