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Game Thread | Boston Bruins vs. Canadiens de Montréal | 04/10/08

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What a game.

It was so loud in the Bell Centre last night. I loved it. I also loved when we sang the US natianal anthem but i especially loved when we song the Canadian anthem. I think next game the guy who sings should start the Canadian anthem off and let the crowd finish.

That was the best start the habs could of asked for.

What a game and i feel the crowd played a huge roll in this win.

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Some great moments

- Andrei Kost checking Chara and the tower went down.

- Lucic getting hammered by Sergei Kost and barely make it to his bench.

-Mark Stuart spear Plekanek, Plek hit back the stick and Stuart injures his wrist. :clap:

- Kovalev magic pass to Plek with 3 players on him, Plek who missed the net but never expected a pass.

Some shaky moments

- Streit fighting with the puck in his zone.

- Komo few first shifts, then it was all right.

- PP is beautiful, fancy but the puck has to go in. PP is a master key.

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OK, I understand why snooty monolinguals watched it, but what about the rest?

I watched on CBC because my cable package doesn't include RDS.

And 'snooty monolinguals'? Being monolingual doesn't make one 'snooty', just like being bilingual doesn't prevent idiotic comments, as you just proved.

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We're you one of the many booing Chara :lol:

I wish I was there, I might buy tickets to a round two game (considering we are there)

sure. good luck for Round 2.

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Boston had some strong moments in the game so lets not get too cocky.

Bob Cole, it is time to retire. God love him but he is loosing it. Andre Kostopolous over and over again (it was Kostitsyn with the puck). Atleast he got half of his name right.

lol... so happy right now. Doesn't matter what Bob Cole does.

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Agreed. I'm sure we'll see a better Boston team on Saturday. I'm alittle blown away how shit they played tonight. Chara is playing hurt, same with Savard, they need help. I'm sure Bergeron will be around on Sat......I don't mind but I was hoping for a little more intensity.

I am not writing off this series in any way but why does everybody keep expecting a better Boston team next game?

Every time the Habs play them the board says the same shit. The Bruins are due, they have something to prove, they

will come out even stronger next game. And game after game the Habs win.

I understand that momentum can shift on a dime (1993 Stanely Cup FInals anyone?)

But the Bruins have now lost 12 straight, the fear was that things would be different in Game 1, the Bruins had a lot to prove

and they create very little offense and struggle with the Canadiens speed off the rush, their aggressive forecheck, Price

coming out and neutralizing their forecheck. They shut down the Habs PP and still lose by 3 goals.

Higgins missed a gimme, Kovy missed a gimme. That could have been 6 or 7-1.

At what point does everybody come to the realization that Boston does not match up well with Montreal? After the series?

All of these comments are based in fear and not common sense. I am worried that the momentum can shift, I am worried that

inexperience and overconfidence sets in. But common sense has shown that Price is better than Thomas, the Bruins D can't handle

the Habs forwards and the Habs D has been able to contain the Bruins and force them to the outside for the last 12 GAMES!!

Last night the only time I worried the Bruins would score was them throwing pucks at the net and getting a deflection like they did on

the first goal. How many point blank chances did they get? How many chances did their offense create? Not many

Add to the fact that the CBC tossed up a graphic saying that the Bruins have not lead any of the 9 games for even 1 second.

1 SECOND! The Bruins have now played 545 straight minutes without a lead and people are afraid????

WTF? Talk about a pessimistic fear based attitude.

This series will not be lost on what Boston does, it would be lost on what Montreal doesn't do.

Edited by Wamsley01
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I am not writing off this series in any way but why does everybody keep expecting a better Boston team next game?

Every time the Habs play them the board says the same shit. The Bruins are due, they have something to prove, they

will come out even stronger next game. And game after game the Habs win.

I understand that momentum can shift on a dime (1993 Stanely Cup FInals anyone?)

But the Bruins have now lost 12 straight, the fear was that things would be different in Game 1, the Bruins had a lot to prove

and they create very little offense and struggle with the Canadiens speed off the rush, their aggressive forecheck, Price

coming out and neutralizing their forecheck. They shut down the Habs PP and still lose by 3 goals.

Higgins missed a gimme, Kovy missed a gimme. That could have been 6 or 7-1.

At what point does everybody come to the realization that Boston does not match up well with Montreal? After the series?

All of these comments are based in fear and not common sense. I am worried that the momentum can shift, I am worried that

inexperience and overconfidence sets in. But common sense has shown that Price is better than Thomas, the Bruins D can't handle

the Habs forwards and the Habs D has been able to contain the Bruins and force them to the outside for the last 12 GAMES!!

Last night the only time I worried the Bruins would score was them throwing pucks at the net and getting a deflection like they did on

the first goal. How many point blank chances did they get? How many chances did their offense create? Not many

Add to the fact that the CBC tossed up a graphic saying that the Bruins have not lead any of the 9 games for even 1 second.

1 SECOND! The Bruins have now played 545 straight minutes without a lead and people are afraid????

WTF? Talk about a pessimistic fear based attitude.

This series will not be lost on what Boston does, it would be lost on what Montreal doesn't do.



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I watched on CBC because my cable package doesn't include RDS.

And 'snooty monolinguals'? Being monolingual doesn't make one 'snooty', just like being bilingual doesn't prevent idiotic comments, as you just proved.

I am monolingual with grade 11 French, and I wanted to switch to RDS anyway. I can only understand 1/4 of the vocabulary, but usually it's enough that I can follow the game. Boob Cole and Dung Cherry are a discrace to National television. It's called Hockey night in Canada, not Inept moron night in Leafland. I friggen hate both those idiots. In the 2nd and third you could tell that bastard wanted Boston to score. Couldn't get names right and didn't give the Habs credit for anything.

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I am monolingual with grade 11 French, and I wanted to switch to RDS anyway. I can only understand 1/4 of the vocabulary, but usually it's enough that I can follow the game. Boob Cole and Dung Cherry are a discrace to National television. It's called Hockey night in Canada, not Inept moron night in Leafland. I friggen hate both those idiots. In the 2nd and third you could tell that bastard wanted Boston to score. Couldn't get names right and didn't give the Habs credit for anything.

Bob Cole calls an exciting game, the guy has an exciting voice. Unfortunately he rarely calls the game that is happening before his eyes.

Millen works for LeafsTV, so you figure it out.

I am hoping for Hughson, but that is probably a pipe dream.

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That was a great game. Very good forecheck, physical play, using there speed very well. Both teams looked nervous in the first. Hopefully that's all the nerves the habs show in the series. All 4 lines looked good. Thye just need to keep rolling.

A minor negative, a little shakey getting the puck out of the zone at times.

Why do people bash Cherry? I don't get it, he has done more for hockey in your country then just about anyone else. So he's not a habs fan, atleast he tells it how it is.

I get the CBC feed, it's fine with me. Better then the Boston guys that's for sure.

If they come out with a win in game 2 they can sit Begin and Brisbois for the back to back and get Stewart and O'Byrne a playoff game.

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Let's see here, maybe because not everyone understands French and finds it more enjoyable to know what the announcers are saying?

I don't understand much French...but I'm thinking of RDS next game just to not have to listen to Bob Cole again...worst announcer in sports history.

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I am monolingual with grade 11 French, and I wanted to switch to RDS anyway. I can only understand 1/4 of the vocabulary, but usually it's enough that I can follow the game. Boob Cole and Dung Cherry are a discrace to National television. It's called Hockey night in Canada, not Inept moron night in Leafland. I friggen hate both those idiots. In the 2nd and third you could tell that bastard wanted Boston to score. Couldn't get names right and didn't give the Habs credit for anything.

Apparently you need to re-read shortcat1's lecture. :rolleyes:

I'm monolingual as well and have watched plenty of games in French (mainly when it was the only way I could see the Habs on SRC, way back when), and enjoyed it. My point wasn't to defend Bob Cole (who has certainly lost a step, but isn't nearly as bad as you've described) or Don Cherry (who I have no use for), but to point out the ridiculous characterization of monolingual people.

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That was a great game. Very good forecheck, physical play, using there speed very well. Both teams looked nervous in the first. Hopefully that's all the nerves the habs show in the series. All 4 lines looked good. Thye just need to keep rolling.

A minor negative, a little shakey getting the puck out of the zone at times.

Why do people bash Cherry? I don't get it, he has done more for hockey in your country then just about anyone else. So he's not a habs fan, atleast he tells it how it is.

I get the CBC feed, it's fine with me. Better then the Boston guys that's for sure.

If they come out with a win in game 2 they can sit Begin and Brisbois for the back to back and get Stewart and O'Byrne a playoff game.

For me it has nothing to do with him being a Leaf fan.

It is the same show over and over again. Times have changed Don. Drop the racist BS and stop pushing forward your agenda

on a station that is publicly funded. I used to love Cherry, but how many times must I hear a rationalization about the Maple Leafs

plight. How many times must I hear him diss the Canadiens when if the Leafs had Price and the Habs youth and finished first

he would be touting them as Cup contenders. How many shout outs do I need to hear to the Armed Forces? I appreciate

what they are sacrificing for their country, and have all the respect in the world for those doing it, but not everybody feels they should be there.

I don't want to hear your political BS about Al Gore and David Suzuki etc etc.

The CBC is not a platform for rednecks to espouse their beliefs. Nobody else could get away with his behaviour, jesus Dave Hodge

tosses a pencil in the air and says this is how we do things at the CBC and is immediately fired, Cherry racially blasts Swedes, Fins,

Russians for 20+ years and you call it speaking the truth?

Would he keep his job if he said Anson Carter will never be a succesful NHLer because Black people are lazy? Would anybody put

up with this ridiculous stereotyping?

The guy is a ######ing sideshow who has long since passed his usefullness. What does he contribute to any of our hockey knowledge?

Does he break down plays? Does he give insight into being a player? All he does is tell stories and rant about how things were better in his day

and bring the english language back to the Cro-Magnon days.

Bias, racism, Flag waving and political agendas are not things I look for in my intermissions.

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I like him, i think he's funny. I especially like it when he calls out soft players and ones who won't drop there gloves.

With all the media Bias the other other way, especially in America, i don't mind him praising the military. Freedom isn't free.

He's alot better then Mclean almost crying when someone gets hit or isn't wearing a visor.

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I like him, i think he's funny. I especially like it when he calls out soft players and ones who won't drop there gloves.

With all the media Bias the other other way, especially in America, i don't mind him praising the military. Freedom isn't free.

He's alot better then Mclean almost crying when someone gets hit or isn't wearing a visor.

But he is not there for comedy purposes. You may be personally amused, but when I hear a joke for 10 years

it ceases to be funny.

As far as Freedom not being free, I am not getting into that political quagmire

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I personally like Cherry as someone you 'love to hate', haha his comments get me fired up. He has his male crushes on certain players and it doesn't bother me. His support of the troops is refreshing in these days where everyone has to be careful about every little comment.

As to the worst commentators ever, Cole isn't even close...ever listen to the Sportsnet Ottawa saps? I swear they all think Komi like punched their babies or something for all their negatives against him.

About the game, my bias is gonna show, but damn didn't the Higgins/Ryder/Kost line fly out there? Ryder was looking like his old self.

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I personally like Cherry as someone you 'love to hate', haha his comments get me fired up. He has his male crushes on certain players and it doesn't bother me. His support of the troops is refreshing in these days where everyone has to be careful about every little comment.

As to the worst commentators ever, Cole isn't even close...ever listen to the Sportsnet Ottawa saps? I swear they all think Komi like punched their babies or something for all their negatives against him.

About the game, my bias is gonna show, but damn didn't the Higgins/Ryder/Kost line fly out there? Ryder was looking like his old self.

Cole is nowhere near as bad as half the american homers they have out there. It is painful to have the centre Ice package some nights.

But Cole has no idea what is happening half the time. Millen is useless as well. I can't believe the CBC employs the Ottawa guys,

they are brutal homers.

Cherry doesn't fire me up with what he says. I just get irritated that the CBC employs everyone's crazy uncle and he has a publicly funded

forum. That being said, alot of people probably love his ridiculous rants and nonsensical ramblings, so he probably represents

the people better than what I prefer.

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I watched on CBC because my cable package doesn't include RDS.

And 'snooty monolinguals'? Being monolingual doesn't make one 'snooty', just like being bilingual doesn't prevent idiotic comments, as you just proved.

Where did I imply that being monolinigual makes one snooty? I did not; the implication was that he was snooty, following that post of his. So whatever number of languages you know, that didn't prevent you from making your very own misguided leap of logic - or idiotic comment, if you prefer.

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For me it has nothing to do with him being a Leaf fan.

It is the same show over and over again. Times have changed Don. Drop the racist BS and stop pushing forward your agenda

on a station that is publicly funded. I used to love Cherry, but how many times must I hear a rationalization about the Maple Leafs

plight. How many times must I hear him diss the Canadiens when if the Leafs had Price and the Habs youth and finished first

he would be touting them as Cup contenders. How many shout outs do I need to hear to the Armed Forces? I appreciate

what they are sacrificing for their country, and have all the respect in the world for those doing it, but not everybody feels they should be there.

I don't want to hear your political BS about Al Gore and David Suzuki etc etc.

The CBC is not a platform for rednecks to espouse their beliefs. Nobody else could get away with his behaviour, jesus Dave Hodge

tosses a pencil in the air and says this is how we do things at the CBC and is immediately fired, Cherry racially blasts Swedes, Fins,

Russians for 20+ years and you call it speaking the truth?

Would he keep his job if he said Anson Carter will never be a succesful NHLer because Black people are lazy? Would anybody put

up with this ridiculous stereotyping?

The guy is a ######ing sideshow who has long since passed his usefullness. What does he contribute to any of our hockey knowledge?

Does he break down plays? Does he give insight into being a player? All he does is tell stories and rant about how things were better in his day

and bring the english language back to the Cro-Magnon days.

Bias, racism, Flag waving and political agendas are not things I look for in my intermissions.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I like him, i think he's funny. I especially like it when he calls out soft players and ones who won't drop there gloves.

With all the media Bias the other other way, especially in America, i don't mind him praising the military. Freedom isn't free.

He's alot better then Mclean almost crying when someone gets hit or isn't wearing a visor.

:lol: Does he make you feel like a bigger man or something? He is stubborn macho stupidity personified.

And a media bias in America against the military? :lol:

As far as Freedom not being free, I am not getting into that political quagmire

A wise choice, most likely. :lol:

Cole is nowhere near as bad as half the american homers they have out there. It is painful to have the centre Ice package some nights.

But Cole has no idea what is happening half the time. Millen is useless as well. I can't believe the CBC employs the Ottawa guys,

they are brutal homers.

Not only are they homers, but they're terrible broadcasters. They're whiny and lifeless, no wonder they're Sens fans.

Cherry doesn't fire me up with what he says. I just get irritated that the CBC employs everyone's crazy uncle and he has a publicly funded

forum. That being said, alot of people probably love his ridiculous rants and nonsensical ramblings, so he probably represents

the people better than what I prefer.

I watch him now and then, but it's only worth it when he has a Trailer Park Boys moment (which is common enough). Actually most of those guys are more articulate than he is. So I do find him amusing, and even occasionally laugh at his backward opinions.

Yeah, Cherry's too much of a moron to take seriously. He does represent many people across the country, simply because they identify with a stubborn, proud, xenophobic conservative, and there aren't too many famous ones who are Canadian.

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I only got to watch the final 5 minutes of the game but from what I've read, it was total domination. A Boston writer says that the score (already kind of lopsided) doesn't represent what actually went on.

Very encouraging stuff for Game 2, it's nice to see that we actually tore them apart. I really think we can set the Boston streak to 15 with a sweep. :hlogo:

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Cole is nowhere near as bad as half the american homers they have out there. It is painful to have the centre Ice package some nights.

But Cole has no idea what is happening half the time.

Umm, duh? Center Ice mostly carries feeds from the teams home station, of course they root for their team. Their job is to cover the home town team. That's what thing I dislike about the CJAD announcers, they seem equally excited when either team scores. If I'm listening to a game, I am doing other things and only listen for big things. Every time a goal is scored, I initially thinks it's us since they're so excited.

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I only got to watch the final 5 minutes of the game but from what I've read, it was total domination. A Boston writer says that the score (already kind of lopsided) doesn't represent what actually went on.

Very encouraging stuff for Game 2, it's nice to see that we actually tore them apart. I really think we can set the Boston streak to 15 with a sweep. :hlogo:

It wasn't total domination, and we didn't tear them apart. We were the superior team, but there we long stretches when Boston was controlling the play. We were pretty good in our own zone, however, and they had very few scoring chances. Our powerplay was anemic, we even had a two minute 5 on 3 that was barely threatening.

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Why did you guys watch it on CBC? Would you take senile Bob Cole over our beloved Pierre and Yvon? If it was Jim Hughson it would be a different story.

The ONLY reason I watch on CBC is that my cable provider doesnt provide RDS-HD. Apparently it will be here next year.

Even then I still flick to hear the RDS call sometimes. But you cant beat HD..

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