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Apr. 9/09 | Canadiens vs. Bruins | Game Thread

Spider-Man NL

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His effort is there, but that seems to be about it.

Many times getting caught out of position trying for the hit.

Done very little to chip in offensively. With the way Laps and Lats are playing someone like S.Kostitsyn(if healthy) would add some more offense to the line.

Especially if the Habs play Boston, then i think you gotta sit him down for BGL at least once.

At least twice. One game to assault Lucic, the other to assault Chara.

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Shitty ending, but very good game overall for the boys.

Koivu played his best game of the season. He was dangling like he hasnt done in years and he was throwing his body around. He's at his best against the Bruins.

Finally the 2nd line started to develop some chemistry. I think they're not too far from being consistent.

3rd line is a real playoff line. Along with Komo, they got into the B's mind and distracted them in the 2nd period.

4th line is still playing over their head. I think the reason Higgins is doing so well when on the 4th is that he's got two guys more defensive minded than him so he can be the "missile" that skates full-throttle in the offensive zone.

Gotta give props to Dandenault. He played a great game on the back end. I hope it means we'll never see O'Burned ever again. That guy is just so f*ckin' dumb. Habs scouting staff should pass IQ tests to draft prospects from now on. Back to Dandy, he was physical, made a good first pass when he wasnt rushing the puck out of the zone himself and was supporting the offense really well. For a guy everybody wrote-off not so long ago, he's plugging a huge hole right now.

Price was quicker in his decision making with the puck around his net tonight and it showed. Less turnovers and near-goals.

Overall some good signs. It's kinda ironic that Gainey used the old Carbo tactic to beat the Bruins: let them try to play tough and make them pay by scoring on the PP. Worked like a charm.

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Shitty ending, but very good game overall for the boys.

Koivu played his best game of the season. He was dangling like he hasnt done in years and he was throwing his body around. He's at his best against the Bruins.

Finally the 2nd line started to develop some chemistry. I think they're not too far from being consistent.

3rd line is a real playoff line. Along with Komo, they got into the B's mind and distracted them in the 2nd period.

4th line is still playing over their head. I think the reason Higgins is doing so well when on the 4th is that he's got two guys more defensive minded than him so he can be the "missile" that skates full-throttle in the offensive zone.

Gotta give props to Dandenault. He played a great game on the back end. I hope it means we'll never see O'Burned ever again. That guy is just so f*ckin' dumb. Habs scouting staff should pass IQ tests to draft prospects from now on. Back to Dandy, he was physical, made a good first pass when he wasnt rushing the puck out of the zone himself and was supporting the offense really well. For a guy everybody wrote-off not so long ago, he's plugging a huge hole right now.

Price was quicker in his decision making with the puck around his net tonight and it showed. Less turnovers and near-goals.

Overall some good signs. It's kinda ironic that Gainey used the old Carbo tactic to beat the Bruins: let them try to play tough and make them pay by scoring on the PP. Worked like a charm.

Well stated about the play of Dandy.

He has looked really solid whether back on D or on forward. We knew he was fast, but he is playing very physical. No doubt he should be on D for the playoffs.

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Shitty ending, but very good game overall for the boys.

Koivu played his best game of the season. He was dangling like he hasnt done in years and he was throwing his body around. He's at his best against the Bruins.

Finally the 2nd line started to develop some chemistry. I think they're not too far from being consistent.

3rd line is a real playoff line. Along with Komo, they got into the B's mind and distracted them in the 2nd period.

4th line is still playing over their head. I think the reason Higgins is doing so well when on the 4th is that he's got two guys more defensive minded than him so he can be the "missile" that skates full-throttle in the offensive zone.

Gotta give props to Dandenault. He played a great game on the back end. I hope it means we'll never see O'Burned ever again. That guy is just so f*ckin' dumb. Habs scouting staff should pass IQ tests to draft prospects from now on. Back to Dandy, he was physical, made a good first pass when he wasnt rushing the puck out of the zone himself and was supporting the offense really well. For a guy everybody wrote-off not so long ago, he's plugging a huge hole right now.

Price was quicker in his decision making with the puck around his net tonight and it showed. Less turnovers and near-goals.

Overall some good signs. It's kinda ironic that Gainey used the old Carbo tactic to beat the Bruins: let them try to play tough and make them pay by scoring on the PP. Worked like a charm.

That game ended for me as soon as it hit OT. Funny, it feels like a win.

I totally agree on O'Byrne's decision making. The guy is clueless. I would rather have Dandenault back there.

The guy is a vet and has won Stanley Cups. Weber was solid, and Schneider was a huge upgrade.

I have zero expectations for the playoffs, but at least I get to watch them.

Edited by Wamsley01
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Well boys, you will have to forgive me...i watched the game! I know i wasn't supposed to, but I just couldn't miss it!

I don't care what you might think about my boy Komisarek, but you have to admit he played ONE HELLUVA game tonight. He took Chara, Thornton and Lucic and managed to get Lucic out of the game ofr about 15 minutes!

The Boys did what they needed to do and got the point they needed. Sure, they lost in OT, but who cares, we're in the playoffs. I would like to face the Capitals, but even if we play against the Bruins, if Markov can make it back by game #2 or #3 we have a chance.

According to the RDS guys, if the habs do play against the Bruins in the 1st round, the series wouldn't start until next Thrusday(the Celtics are playing at TD Banknorth on wednesday. That's one week away and Markov will have been out for 2 weeks, so he could be back by game #2 or #3. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Oh! and if we do play the Bruins, I hope Bob won't make the mistake of sitting Laraque while the rest of the team gets their asses beaten.

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I have zero expectations for the playoffs, but at least I get to watch them.

At least Leafs and Sens fans won't be able to talk any shit about how we're not any better than they are because we missed the playoffs too. That in itself is huge for me.

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The big question is... if we do play the Bruins in the first round, do you dress Laraque if you're Gainey?

Yes, withouth a doubt! Especially for the Games in Boston!

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At least Leafs and Sens fans won't be able to talk any shit about how we're not any better than they are because we missed the playoffs too. That in itself is huge for me.

My best friends is a Bruins fan.. I can't take a loss to them in the opening round. :)

Give me Washington and let Avery and the Rangers beat the bruins up a bit before we play them in the 2nd round. :clap:

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Schneider looks like he's a new man, not injured. That was nice :)

Schneider's shoulder was probably frozen for the game! I'm willing to bet he won't play saturday agains the penguins!

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Habs looked like thay can stay with the Broons but remember tonight was a no-pressure game for them. If a Broons series, play Laraque? Why, so he can politely inquire to opposing players if they are familiar with the Marquis de Queensbury rules of conduct? If we are going to dress a fighter he should be a monster not a gentleman. Dunno Stewart, would he go?

Schneider's shoulder was probably frozen for the game! I'm willing to bet he won't play saturday agains the penguins!

We pray his arm does not fall off before June...

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That was one of the most stressful games I have watched in years.

No kidding, the Last 10 minutes were unbearable! My heart was pounding in my chest!!! I think I started to breath again when the Pooh Bears got the penalty with 1 minute to go!

Edited by Habsfan
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Schneider's shoulder was probably frozen for the game! I'm willing to bet he won't play saturday agains the penguins!

That's a gimme. I wouldn't play Komi either.

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Are you kidding?!? Julien will want revenge on Gainey for firing him! Not to mention the bruins have totally outplayed us this year! If I were them, I,d definitely wanna face the Habs, especially now that markov and Lang are out for at least 2-3 weeks!

I told you man, they don't want to play us in the 1st round; tonight was a proof

We are not afraid of Boston, and we can compete with them

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At least Leafs and Sens fans won't be able to talk any shit about how we're not any better than they are because we missed the playoffs too. That in itself is huge for me.

Agreed. Where I live I'm vastly outnumbered. Any anything can happen in the playoffs. I can't say that I'm overly optimistic, but at least we've got a shot.

And I'm so glad I don't have to stress out about this on Saturday.

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You missed one of the best and most exciting games of the season.

Sounds like it (it wasn't by choice, I had other obligations). But ya know what? I don't feel that bad. At the risk of sounding like a spoilsport, I have to say that I'm sick and tired of having heart attacks over watching the Habs desperately scrape to achieve pathetic objectives. Seriously - making the playoffs? I'm glad they're in, but I'm so tired of living and dying watching this team battle for 8th place. It's just been too many years of that for me.

Nonetheless: good to hear such positives. If you're doomed to lose, at least go down swinging, with some fire and passion, for chrissakes.

I too don't understand sitting Laraque. I took for granted that he'd be in. This is a minor version of the Huet trade, a rare Gainey head-scratcher.

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""From my perspective, it was one of the longest games ever and it didn't even seem like there was much action in my end," Bruins goalie Tim Thomas said."


From TSN.ca.

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I too don't understand sitting Laraque. I took for granted that he'd be in. This is a minor version of the Huet trade, a rare Gainey head-scratcher.

After going over it a hundred times in my head, the only thing I can think of is that Gainey's first and foremost goal was to get a point or two from this game, and thought our best chance to do so would be with a 'play the victim, draw as many powerplays as possible' strategy.

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I hope you're happy watching the Habs play nice, clean hockey.

I wanted toughness in the lineup, but not dirty, cheap shots a lot of you were clamoring for. Komisarek and O'Byrne looked like Sean Avery out there. I'm happy Montreal is in the playoffs, but that was a gutless point earned by men playing like bratty children.

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I wanted toughness in the lineup, but not dirty, cheap shots a lot of you were clamoring for. Komisarek and O'Byrne looked like Sean Avery out there. I'm happy Montreal is in the playoffs, but that was a gutless point earned by men playing like bratty children.

What? You think that Montreal was the dirtier team on the ice?

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The most exciting game of the year.

We play with such emotion and determination against the Bruins. They may be a better team but they are our best chance at a first round upset.

Theo may be suspect but Washington is way too powerful offensively. They would chop our defense to death.

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That's a gimme. I wouldn't play Komi either.

Agreed. Komisarek took a beating in last night. Everybody in a bruins uniform was after him, but he stood up and didn't back down. He even made Lucic go nuts(which is a good thing) Now we know we can get to the kid!

Komi will need a rest before the playoffs start.

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I wanted toughness in the lineup, but not dirty, cheap shots a lot of you were clamoring for. Komisarek and O'Byrne looked like Sean Avery out there. I'm happy Montreal is in the playoffs, but that was a gutless point earned by men playing like bratty children.

Err...nice Leafs avatar. You're right, we should play a much more gentlemanly and civil game, like, um, they did? I hear the Kings are very civil.

Wow, what a game by an undermanned and limping team. We'll get the scum again in the first round, and it will be a full-blooded tilt. Loved Kovalev jumping right into the sh*t at one point, that is what we need. Forget the Pens game, rest up. My Ma texted me from the game, said it was amazing, the inbreds clueless and desperate, sh*tting themselves after 2. Also some of them 'thinking' (with them the term is used excessively liberally) that Lucic was within his 'rights' to mug Komi from behind. Was that the sort of guts and manliness you were admiring Trizzak?

I have thought from the outset that Higgins would be better on the 3rd line and Kosto on the 4th; even more so now. Kosto offers zero with Lapierre and Latendresse offensively, essentially reducing them to a two-man attack; Higgins would be a greater asset, and the line is responsible enough defensively all the way through. However, Higgins does at least provide some threat from the 4th; maybe that is the thinking behind it, I don't know.

O'Byrne looks to be EXACTLY the same player as when he came up. I can't see one ounce of improvement in him. Dandy one bad play but real character and proper play back there. And this looks to be the kind of game where the brothers disappear.

I am very impressed that we are in, based on the last few days; too bad about the season overall, but hey, lowered expectations for the playoffs, like, um, the cup?

Go Habs!

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