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Apr. 9/09 | Canadiens vs. Bruins | Game Thread

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but that was a gutless point earned by men playing like bratty children.

What??? Did you even watch the game! When a respected guy like Bob mackenzie says that the Habs showed alot of guts last night and stood up for each other it's cause that's what really happened. For you to say that the habs were gutless says that you either did not watch teh game, or you don't know what you're talking about! :rolleyes:

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One point was needed they had to fight for it, they came back from 2 goal behind.

They got it. The job has been done.

Who should have been sit for Laraque to play this game ????

Weber ?

D'Agostini ?

Laraque fists cannot put point on the score board.

I agree that the next game these two team meet Laraque has to play to fight Thornton.

that in should stand in front of Chara and hit him with his gloves until Chara drops.

That game someone else will sit, there will be a day after, if the habs lost that point there would

no chance of seing that.

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Sounds like it (it wasn't by choice, I had other obligations). But ya know what? I don't feel that bad. At the risk of sounding like a spoilsport, I have to say that I'm sick and tired of having heart attacks over watching the Habs desperately scrape to achieve pathetic objectives. Seriously - making the playoffs? I'm glad they're in, but I'm so tired of living and dying watching this team battle for 8th place. It's just been too many years of that for me.

Nonetheless: good to hear such positives. If you're doomed to lose, at least go down swinging, with some fire and passion, for chrissakes.

I too don't understand sitting Laraque. I took for granted that he'd be in. This is a minor version of the Huet trade, a rare Gainey head-scratcher.

Laroque wins fights, not hockey games. don't worry, we'll see plenty of him early in the playoffs.

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Well I stand corrected. They played a good game at times. Mostly it was the good, bad and the ugly last night. The competed hard for most of the game which was nice to see. Dandy tried to give it away but somehow they played even the last 10 minutes or so.

I agree, why is Ryan O'Turtle even playing? What a pussy turtleing like that. He is 6'5", what a joke. Like McKenzie said, they tried to stand up physically against the Bruins but they just are tough enough to finish the job. I also don't get why the toughest guy in the league always sits against tough teams?


Price (it's ashame his D hangs him out so much)

Hamrlik and Komi played pretty well

They actually showed some character with a comeback

Offense from a couple of lines


Gave up another lead in the third

Dunb penalties Dandy with no pressure on him just threw it over the glass

O'Byrne again, what a pussy. Drop them if you want to be tough

D zone coverage, will they ever learn. 2 on 1's the goalie gets the shooter.


Lapierre turnover, what was that guy thinking? I think thta play sums up the habs season, too slow to move the puck, last man back turnover, lost a physical battle, D takes the wrong guy, tap in goal, everyone blames Price.

I agree about sitting some folks on Saturday, Weber should get a shot on D, i liked what i saw but i would like to see him in his own end. Scneider, Komi, Kovy and Koivu will probably sit, which will mean the Bruins if they lose (i think).

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""From my perspective, it was one of the longest games ever and it didn't even seem like there was much action in my end," Bruins goalie Tim Thomas said."


From TSN.ca.

That would describe his play. This guy is not the best goaltender in the league.

A defensive system in Boston made Andrew Raycroft the rookie of the year, we all know how that played

out in the playoffs. Claude Julien has had 3 jobs in the NHL, and 2 of them he cut a ton of goals from the defensive

totals, the other was NJ, where he kept the status quo. If you want an explanation for Thomas, start scratching around there.

Edited by Wamsley01
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I agree, why is Ryan O'Turtle even playing? What a pussy turtleing like that. He is 6'5", what a joke.

It was obvious from the start of the game that Gainey told ALL THE PLAYERS NOT to drop the gloves. O'Byrne wasn't the only one who had an opportunity to fight. Komisarek, Kovalev, Latendresse etc.. could have dropped the gloves, but none of them did.

Don't get me wrong, O'Byrne didn't play a good game, but I don't think we can blame him for not fighting in that situation. Give the poor kid a break!

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I agree, why is Ryan O'Turtle even playing? What a pussy turtleing like that. He is 6'5", what a joke.

O'Byrne got SCREWED in that confrontation. Thornton is the one who dropped his gloves and started throwing punches. O'Byrne did a great job of trying to draw an instigator or some other penalty. Thornton easily could have been given five minutes for fighting which would have given us a lengthy powerplay. (Yes, you can calling fighting on a single player.) Instead, they give O'Byrne 2 minutes for the original bump and another 2 minutes for getting punched in the face, not to mention the misconduct. I still don't understand how Thornton got away with only 2 minutes for dropping the gloves and throwing punches.

I thought we got screwed in a number of those scrums. Lucic should have been kicked out of the game and given 5 minutes for attempt to injure, got away with 2 and 10. Third man in, jumped him from behind, took him down nearly head first to the ice.

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Yeah, that was a botched call if I ever saw one. The media needs to be able to interview Refs so we can understand what they are thinking. They are never held accountable.

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Or the turtle could have manned up and dropped the gloves with Thornton.

My guess is the turtle is the kind of player who pushes people after the whistle, acts tough when the refs get in between them then when it's 1 on 1 he turtles. I doubt he was trying to draw a penalty.

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Why was it obvious that BG told them not to drop the gloves? They never drop the gloves. Why would Bg have to tell them that. Laraque and Kosto are the only 2 who even drop them, Kosto does it to rotect his team mates.

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That would describe his play. This guy is not the best goaltender in the league.

A defensive system in Boston made Andrew Raycroft the rookie of the year, we all know how that played

out in the playoffs. Claude Julien has had 3 jobs in the NHL, and 2 of them he cut a ton of goals from the defensive

totals, the other was NJ, where he kept the status quo. If you want an explanation for Thomas, start scratching around there.

Best goalie? Maybe, maybe not. Top 5 for sure. He didn't have a great night, but he didn't get a .93 save percentage all season long by accident. His defense is not the only reason he looks good most nights. People use to say this about Hasak all the time too.

One thing is for sure. Boston has better goaltending then we do. Washington doesn't.

Washington is an injury or two from being out of it because they don't have the goaltending or defense to survive a drop in offensive production. We were an offensive powerhouse last year, that was shut down easy enough and then crappy goaltending killed us.

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O'Byrne got SCREWED in that confrontation. Thornton is the one who dropped his gloves and started throwing punches. O'Byrne did a great job of trying to draw an instigator or some other penalty. Thornton easily could have been given five minutes for fighting which would have given us a lengthy powerplay. (Yes, you can calling fighting on a single player.) Instead, they give O'Byrne 2 minutes for the original bump and another 2 minutes for getting punched in the face, not to mention the misconduct. I still don't understand how Thornton got away with only 2 minutes for dropping the gloves and throwing punches.

I thought we got screwed in a number of those scrums. Lucic should have been kicked out of the game and given 5 minutes for attempt to injure, got away with 2 and 10. Third man in, jumped him from behind, took him down nearly head first to the ice.

This league has some brutal reffing. Watch the highlights of the Philly game and explain how even a beer league ref would allow the goal the rangers got after Biron was on the puck.. and they slowly pushed him in the net for a goal. What a joke.

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This league has some brutal reffing. Watch the highlights of the Philly game and explain how even a beer league ref would allow the goal the rangers got after Biron was on the puck.. and they slowly pushed him in the net for a goal. What a joke.

One of the jokes in this league has been that the 'new' NHL rules (against obstruction, etc.) have NOT been consistently applied in the playoffs, when it actually matters. This is a systematic disadvantage that the Gainey-model Habs are going to face for the forseeable future (and it was painfully clear against Boston last season in the playoffs). Speed, skill, these qualities will not be consistently rewarded at playoff time. Something to think about going forward.

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One of the jokes in this league has been that the 'new' NHL rules (against obstruction, etc.) have NOT been consistently applied in the playoffs, when it actually matters. This is a systematic disadvantage that the Gainey-model Habs are going to face for the forseeable future (and it was painfully clear against Boston last season in the playoffs). Speed, skill, these qualities will not be consistently rewarded at playoff time. Something to think about going forward.

I don't think it affects us as much as people think, primarily because I don't think the Habs are as fast as people seem to think.

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Why was it obvious that BG told them not to drop the gloves? They never drop the gloves. Why would Bg have to tell them that. Laraque and Kosto are the only 2 who even drop them, Kosto does it to rotect his team mates.

Because NOBODY fought. It was obvious the habs were doing everything they could to get the bruins to take stupid penalties so we could go on the PP. they did a great job cause we scored 3 goals on the PP.

To say that our players never drop the gloves is silly. Komi dropped them once or twice, laPierre dropped them twice, Latendresse dropped them once, and a few others that I can't remember at the moment dropped their gloves as well!

This league has some brutal reffing. Watch the highlights of the Philly game and explain how even a beer league ref would allow the goal the rangers got after Biron was on the puck.. and they slowly pushed him in the net for a goal. What a joke.

Agreed. i watched that goal on the highlights, and i couldnt believe the refs allowed it!

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Wait a minute.

For you claiming the Habs players were bratty and child-like, you seriously need to reconsider your perspective. I agree that this wasn't their greatest game, but it was not a "normal" game either. Extremely heightened emotions, a game in which the Broons clearly tried to intimidate them out of the rink, and guess what? It didn't work. For that I am proud of how these guys played, just to be clear, the Habs I mean.

You want bratty? How about the multiple glove drops in scrums by the bruins, or on the opposite end "tough-guy" Lucic continuously punching our guys with his gloves on. P*ssies - the lot of them. Again, just to be clear, Boston, I mean.

I do not advocate for violent hockey, but when a team tries to run every player out of the rink and puts a target on a few, you have to stand up and fight back, and that my friends is exactly what happened.

I read these boards all year - mostly like staring at a train wreck during the bad times, but I don't post as much as I once did. Many posters were bashing these guys for not playing like a team yet that is exactly what they did last night. Someone said it earlier, I think it was Wamsley, that didn't feel like a loss to us, and I am sure it didn't feel like the worst loss ever to these guys either. At this time of year, we reached two objectives, we made it to the dance(barely), and showed those cheap Bruins that we won't back down.

Bring on those babies. And let the PP's multiply if they want to continue their shenanigans. Turtling? Maybe, in some cases but in others I don't think so. Does every dance offer need to get accepted? I say no, not when one of our most potent weapons is lurking. I call it strategy. You may disagree, but there is a bigger picture that some of you may not have considered.

Let's hope we planted a seed of doubt into those clowns, 'cause some of you may be too young to remember, but THEY are the Bruins, and WE are the Habs and funny things have happened for decades when these teams have played head-to-head.

Disappointing the Bruins faithful is a part of our teams history, wouldn't it play out great in this, of all seasons our shitty year, their dream season.

C'mon! Let's hear it for OUR guys!

Edited by The Saint
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Dude, that was beautiful. You almost brought a tear to my eye!

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What? You think that Montreal was the dirtier team on the ice?

Nope, about the same. Boston got away with a lot and better officiating would have made the game much more enjoyable, as it would have led to more hockey and less playground tactics. O'Byrne bumping Thornton and then turtling? Gorges hitting Bergeron into the net after the goal? Montreal lost their cool out there and were lucky that the Bruins lost theirs as well. For everyone that pisses and moans about what Sean Avery gets away with, you saw Montreal play right from his book. A little consistency in your views, please!

Err...nice Leafs avatar. You're right, we should play a much more gentlemanly and civil game, like, um, they did? I hear the Kings are very civil.

I GM the Leafs in HWL. Bringing up my avatar is an irrelevant as, well, the Leafs.

Wow, what a game by an undermanned and limping team. We'll get the scum again in the first round, and it will be a full-blooded tilt. Loved Kovalev jumping right into the sh*t at one point, that is what we need. Forget the Pens game, rest up. My Ma texted me from the game, said it was amazing, the inbreds clueless and desperate, sh*tting themselves after 2. Also some of them 'thinking' (with them the term is used excessively liberally) that Lucic was within his 'rights' to mug Komi from behind. Was that the sort of guts and manliness you were admiring Trizzak?

Obviously not. Why should you assume that because I didn't like the way Montreal played, I must like how Boston played? Same shit, different pile. I like high emotion games. I like high intensity games. I don't like goading and cheap shots. Is that team toughness? I guess I have a different definition.

Edited by Trizzak
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O'Byrne got SCREWED in that confrontation. Thornton is the one who dropped his gloves and started throwing punches. O'Byrne did a great job of trying to draw an instigator or some other penalty. Thornton easily could have been given five minutes for fighting which would have given us a lengthy powerplay. (Yes, you can calling fighting on a single player.) Instead, they give O'Byrne 2 minutes for the original bump and another 2 minutes for getting punched in the face, not to mention the misconduct. I still don't understand how Thornton got away with only 2 minutes for dropping the gloves and throwing punches.

I thought we got screwed in a number of those scrums. Lucic should have been kicked out of the game and given 5 minutes for attempt to injure, got away with 2 and 10. Third man in, jumped him from behind, took him down nearly head first to the ice.

Agree 100%, I was thinking the same things during the game.

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Boston has better goaltending the Montreal?

Um, no. Tim Thomas is this years version of Jim Carey.

If Gainey traded Price for Thomas he would be the laughing stock of the NHL.

We'll see who's got better goaltending... :hlogo:

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Boston has better goaltending the Montreal?

Um, no. Tim Thomas is this years version of Jim Carey.

If Gainey traded Price for Thomas he would be the laughing stock of the NHL.

We'll see who's got better goaltending... :hlogo:

Um, that comparison is absurd. This is Thomas' 4th good NHL season, he's been around for a while. People would laugh at Gainey because Price is 21 and Thomas is 35. Right now, though, anyone in their right mind would take Thomas over Price for the next two months. Who wouldn't take a Vezina candidate over a struggling 21 year old? Long term the story is obviously different, but if we're talking about the present, Boston clearly has the better goaltending.

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