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Habs @ Bruins


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Not sure what the big controversy is on Laps. He's not a "tough guy," never pretended to be - and in that sense he has nothing in common with the Great Pretender Komisarek. Komi bills himself as an "intimidator" but of course got totally pulverized by Lucic and has not shown any interest since in taking on anyone except people half his size. He might be a good physical defenceman but as a tough guy he is a total fraud.

Laps is NOT an intimidator, pretend or otherwise, and doesn't try to be. He's a pest. Pests are notorious for goading, prodding, annoying, cheap-shotting, etc., and *not* dropping 'em. Indeed, I watched guys like Carbo and Skrudland do this game after game back in the day. Nobody minded except the opposition, and few Habs fans got on their moral high horse about their antics; we were too busy worrying about things like Stanley Cups, winning our division/Conference, and Jennings Trophies.

Laps is exactly the kind of player he should be. I just want to see him be more effective, that's all.

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Lapierre should be a better player, he has shown very little this year compared to last. he may go down to the 4th line with AK46 showing up last night. Lats and Lapierre are becoming 4th liners at this point.

As i mentioned earlier, with his speed and size he should be the same player as Armstrong, a hitting and checking machine.

Brobin, you can't give up 43 shots to a team that doesn't have a first line. It's unaccaeptable to give up that many shots period, regardless of where they come from. I do agree they kept the middle of the ice clear for the most part.

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It's funny reading through some of the posts that people were watching and obviously listened to McGuire bashing Laps for not fighting. I don't mind Laps being the thorn.

The Habs should have had a 2 goal lead late in the game, with the early goal being disallowed. This game also showed how road games are going to be more difficult for the Habs without any real secondary scoring. By having the last change, Chara was always out there against the energizer bunnies. There were also multiple times that the 4th was hemmed in for long periods against the 1st line, mostly by insanely bizarre failed clearing attempts (geometry lessons might be in order). The forwards were collapsing quite a bit and leaving a ton of space at the blue line for puck movement.

Price finally made a few good saves out there. A few of the difficult saves that he hadn't been making. That said, I'm always still a little nervous after he gives up his first goal of the night.

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After this game, I can honestly say that, for sure, Price's confidence is now back at 100%. His confidence has never been that high. I know it, I can read his mind.


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Off topic but I'm not starting a thread on this:

I heard a rumour that the Habs will be wearing the Xmas tree 1910-11 jersey when the Flames visit on November 10th. Anyone else hear about this?

Yep, it's true - that is the next date of the Centennial Jersey games. For the record, here's the rest of the schedule (bracketed years are the jersey that'll be worn):

Nov. 10 vs Calgary (1910-11)

Nov. 21 vs Detroit (1909-10)

Jan. 23 vs NY Rangers (1910-11)

Feb. 13 vs Philadelphia (1909-10)

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Lapierre should be a better player, he has shown very little this year compared to last. he may go down to the 4th line with AK46 showing up last night. Lats and Lapierre are becoming 4th liners at this point.

As i mentioned earlier, with his speed and size he should be the same player as Armstrong, a hitting and checking machine.

Brobin, you can't give up 43 shots to a team that doesn't have a first line. It's unaccaeptable to give up that many shots period, regardless of where they come from. I do agree they kept the middle of the ice clear for the most part.

Why not? What if everytime the team gained the zone, they wound up and shot? Can't let the other team have the puck 43 times a game in your end? I'd rather allow 43 low quality shots which my goalie will save %.950 of them than allow 20 high quality shots and have my goalie save %.850 of them.

Remember when we won the east? One knock on that team was the amount of shots allowed. The key was that the team was effective at forcing the opposition into low percentage shots, rather than high percentage goal-mouth passing plays. That's the key.

Last night wasn't bad. It helped that Carey played well, but I think a heavy workload helps him be more involved. The Bruins controlled but didn't threaten all that much.

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And it's also better to allow 10 shots a period than one every 3-4 minutes. Your goalie gets cold and once the big scoring opportunity comes, he lets one in and eveybody shits on him.

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Yep, it's true - that is the next date of the Centennial Jersey games. For the record, here's the rest of the schedule (bracketed years are the jersey that'll be worn):

Nov. 10 vs Calgary (1910-11)

Nov. 21 vs Detroit (1909-10)

Jan. 23 vs NY Rangers (1910-11)

Feb. 13 vs Philadelphia (1909-10)

Did they ever wear the white jerseys with the thick blue stripe from the 1940s? I thought those were supposed to be in the rotation, but I don't remember them being worn.

Cool that we'll finally see the first two jerseys this month. But I was kind of hoping by Dec. 4 we'd be done with the Centennial jerseys.

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Not sure what the big controversy is on Laps. He's not a "tough guy," never pretended to be - and in that sense he has nothing in common with the Great Pretender Komisarek. Komi bills himself as an "intimidator" but of course got totally pulverized by Lucic and has not shown any interest since in taking on anyone except people half his size. He might be a good physical defenceman but as a tough guy he is a total fraud.

Laps is NOT an intimidator, pretend or otherwise, and doesn't try to be. He's a pest. Pests are notorious for goading, prodding, annoying, cheap-shotting, etc., and *not* dropping 'em. Indeed, I watched guys like Carbo and Skrudland do this game after game back in the day. Nobody minded except the opposition, and few Habs fans got on their moral high horse about their antics; we were too busy worrying about things like Stanley Cups, winning our division/Conference, and Jennings Trophies.

Laps and Komi do have something in common though: both are right in the middle of 50% of the scrums every game, and they both drop the gloves .001% of the time in these scrums. Ya, thats right its probably aboot 1 in every 1000 scrums they might actually fight. Both are complete jokes in this regard. If you arent going to fight, get out of the scrums.

Sure its OK for Laps to be a pest and have the other team swarm him and start a scrum, but wtf does he go into the middle of every scrum he didnt cause? Whats he going to do? beak off, thats it, just like Komi and everybody knows it - both are all bark and no bite. Does anybody actually think that the entire NHL is in fear of knocking Komi's goalie because he will come "push" them, and nobody wants to hit 1 of Laps teammates from behind for fear over the wrath of Laps big mouth. :P

In several games I've heard the announcer in between the benches saying they have to hit the mute button like crazy when Laps is near by because of the mouth he has. Laps will either eventually be creamed by somebody, or he will be the reason why another habs player gets creamed. Players will take out their frustration caused by Laps on other Habs. Agitators agitate, thats right, but when the other team gets totally riled up and fed up with the agitating, they fight. Avery is a super pest, you dont think he fights? Same with lil Dirty #ucker, etc. All eventually fight after they've agitated the other team enough, well except Laps.

Quite a few of you guys claim Chips is big, and Chips has been in how many fights this year? More than Laps will ever be in during his entire career. The real joke is that they are the same size. They are really only at the high end of "average size" players but Chips doesnt run off at the mouth and he is willing to throw down. Its funny that McGuire is always going on aboot Patches saying Patches is big yet Chips and Laps both have over 10 lbs on Patches. The people who think the Habs have big forward prospects are idiots. Its a damn good thing that Bob signed Moen for 3 years, its just to bad it wasnt for longer.

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Here's Laps response to McGuire.


Lapierre répond à McGuire

Vendredi 06 novembre 2009


Au lendemain de la victoire du Canadien à Boston, l’attaquant Maxim Lapierre a répliqué aux critiques effectuées par l’analyste Pierre McGuire à son sujet.

McGuire, analyste de TSN, a laissé croire que Lapierre aurait dû jeter les gants contre Andrew Ference lors d’une mêlée. Il a ajouté que Lapierre avait une réputation à travers la Ligue nationale.

Le numéro 40 du Canadien a préféré répondre avec un brin d’ironie.

«Venant d’un gars comme lui qui s’est battu souvent dans la LNH, je devrais l’écouter, a lancé Lapierre. Je pense que je n’avais pas à me battre sur cette séquence durant laquelle il n’y a eu aucun coup vicieux. De plus, avec un pointage de 1-0, il n’y avait pas de raison pour engager un combat.»

LaPierre basically says that he doesn't have to listen to a guy who never fought in the NHL. He goes on to say that there was no reason for him to drop the gloves. No cheap shots were given and with a score of 1-0, it was definitely not the time to drop'em!

Edited by Habsfan
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This Laps thing is so ridiculous. He's an agitator. He's not a fighter. It's just that simple. Why should he have to fight? To prove something to fans and Pierre McGuire? I promise you he doesn't care about that. All he cares about is winning, which is what agitating the other team helps the Habs do.

What is so complicated about that?

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This Laps thing is so ridiculous. He's an agitator. He's not a fighter. It's just that simple. Why should he have to fight? To prove something to fans and Pierre McGuire? I promise you he doesn't care about that. All he cares about is winning, which is what agitating the other team helps the Habs do.

What is so complicated about that?

Like I've already mentioned... kill your centre speaker and you won't have to listen to McGuire. Most of my friends (exception 1 guy) agree that it's much better watching and listening to a game like this.

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The shots were misleading. first, the shots came from the boston guys, and they were rather generous. Second, our D did keep the vast majority from the outside. The Bruins have been snakebit and were shooting constantly, from anywhere. That ran up the shot clock. Price made some very good saves, but our D was much better tonight, despite the shot clock. They were in the slot and clearing rebounds (I counted 5 that would have been a scoring opportunity off a rebound if our D did not get to it first and clear it).

Given our defensive injuries, I thought the team was much better tonight in protecting the slot and making things a bit easier on Price (something he hasn't gotten much of this season!).

The only concern I have is it was pretty clear they sat back in the third. They stopped forechecking and were only sending one guy in. I know Boston is shooting blanks lately, but that kind of attitude with a one goal lead will lead to a lot of comebacks from other teams if they keep that up. The best support for Price would have been a two goal lead. ;)

I agree wholeheartedly with this Brobin. We *were* dominated for large stretches of the 2nd period though and Price came through for us then.

I do not agree with those who say Price *stole* the game for us. He *was* great, no argument, but we weren't as bad as I'm sure the TSN announcers (whom I didn't hear) were probably saying we were. Don't forget that we actually scored 2 goals in this game and it easily could have been 3 with that fluky/miracle save Thomas made on the goal line.

Price *did* come through when we needed him. He *did* make big, NHL-type saves. But don't be misled by the shot count. Many of them were harmless, perimeter shots. I'd like to see a count of actual good scoring chances in this game. We *were* out-chanced, no doubt about it, but not by much.

What I saw from Price makes me hopeful. His attitude was simply *wonderful.* I doubt if I ever enjoyed a shootout as much as I did that one. You just knew they weren't gonna score on him. I only hope he can keep it up.

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Laps and Komi do have something in common though: both are right in the middle of 50% of the scrums every game, and they both drop the gloves .001% of the time in these scrums. Ya, thats right its probably aboot 1 in every 1000 scrums they might actually fight. Both are complete jokes in this regard. If you arent going to fight, get out of the scrums.

Sure its OK for Laps to be a pest and have the other team swarm him and start a scrum, but wtf does he go into the middle of every scrum he didnt cause? Whats he going to do? beak off, thats it, just like Komi and everybody knows it - both are all bark and no bite. Does anybody actually think that the entire NHL is in fear of knocking Komi's goalie because he will come "push" them, and nobody wants to hit 1 of Laps teammates from behind for fear over the wrath of Laps big mouth. :P

In several games I've heard the announcer in between the benches saying they have to hit the mute button like crazy when Laps is near by because of the mouth he has. Laps will either eventually be creamed by somebody, or he will be the reason why another habs player gets creamed. Players will take out their frustration caused by Laps on other Habs. Agitators agitate, thats right, but when the other team gets totally riled up and fed up with the agitating, they fight. Avery is a super pest, you dont think he fights? Same with lil Dirty #ucker, etc. All eventually fight after they've agitated the other team enough, well except Laps.

Quite a few of you guys claim Chips is big, and Chips has been in how many fights this year? More than Laps will ever be in during his entire career. The real joke is that they are the same size. They are really only at the high end of "average size" players but Chips doesnt run off at the mouth and he is willing to throw down. Its funny that McGuire is always going on aboot Patches saying Patches is big yet Chips and Laps both have over 10 lbs on Patches. The people who think the Habs have big forward prospects are idiots. Its a damn good thing that Bob signed Moen for 3 years, its just to bad it wasnt for longer.

I don't believe that I ever saw Carbo or Skrudland - or even Chelios (?) - drop the gloves. Not sure Ken Linsman - for a while the ultimate pest - did that much either. However, they were always in the middle of scrums, yapping away, driving the other team batty. In fact, part of what makes them so agitating is precisely that they don't drop the gloves. Lapierre is obviously not in the same class as any of these player (maybe he'll get to Skrudland's level eventually) but the principle is the same. I've got no problem with his being a non-stop irritant.

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I don't believe that I ever saw Carbo or Skrudland - or even Chelios (?) - drop the gloves. Not sure Ken Linsman - for a while the ultimate pest - did that much either. However, they were always in the middle of scrums, yapping away, driving the other team batty. In fact, part of what makes them so agitating is precisely that they don't drop the gloves. Lapierre is obviously not in the same class as any of these player (maybe he'll get to Skrudland's level eventually) but the principle is the same. I've got no problem with his being a non-stop irritant.

Dale Hunter played tough and cheap, but he never dropped the gloves either.

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Dale Hunter played tough and cheap, but he never dropped the gloves either.

Good call. Yes, it's a well-established and highly successful player type. No point in berating Laps for conforming to type.

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This is foolishness really. I don't get Pierre McGuire at all. Sometimes he can do an admirable job comentating. And then he does something like this to ruin his own performance. :blink: This isn't the 1st time McGuire has mentioned Lapierre. McGuire has on many occasions mentioned that Lapierre is hated around the league. So, if he's hated, who cares? Lots of players are hated in the same role as Lapierre. I feel like saying to Pierre McGuire, "Uh yeah pal, you established this newsflash last season about 10 times in the different games. Or was it 80 times? We get it! Move on!"

I guess someone is going to get Lapierre or try and teach him a lesson. Fans aren't stupid. Seriously, if Colton Orr all of a sudden grabbed Lapierre would we think, "why Lapierre? He's the last player I'd expect to get mugged?'

What other brilliant fodder is going to come from this guy? Get new material McGuire :lol:



Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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This is foolishness really. I don't get Pierre McGuire at all. Sometimes he can do an admirable job comentating. And then he does something like this to ruin his own performance. :blink: This isn't the 1st time McGuire has mentioned Lapierre. McGuire has on many occasions mentioned that Lapierre is hated around the league. So, if he's hated, who cares? Lots of players are hated in the same role as Lapierre. I feel like saying to Pierre McGuire, "Uh yeah pal, you established this newsflash last season about 10 times in the different games. Or was it 80 times? We get it! Move on!"

I guess someone is going to get Lapierre or try and teach him a lesson. Fans aren't stupid. Seriously, if Colton Orr all of a sudden grabbed Lapierre would we think, "why Lapierre? He's the last player I'd expect to get mugged?'

What other brilliant fodder is going to come from this guy? Get new material McGuire :lol:



To be fair, I have watched TSN games where Mcguire was drooling over Laps for the whole game. He did say he was hated, but also how well he played the top forwards and what an effective player he was. He doesn't typically get a hate on for a guy, and that is it. He tends to praise or punish in a fair manner. He should have realized that this wasn't much different than Lucic turtling last year though. And Lucic was praised for his discipline.

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Claude Lemieux. Esa Tikkanen was probably the greatest pest of all time, but he didn't fight really.

I'm only 25 and I can remember many Claude Lemieux fights. Including one for team Canada in a brawl against the USA. Youtube that, it's cool !!!

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Personally, I think Mcguire is the best commentator in all of hockey. He shows passion, knowledge and a respect for the game and the viewing public. Ever watch the NFL and see how passionate those commentators are - particularly Sunday and Monday nights? Mcguire is at that level. I don't think anyone can argue his knowledge of the game. Sure, some may like to see the game played differently, or approached differently, but then, did everyone like Madden's approach? No, but he was passionate.

IMO, Mcguire is easily the best colour commentator and brings coverage of the NHL from a semi-amateur state to the professional ranks.

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