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Habs @ Bruins


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Oh ya, I forgot to mention Lappiere. Bad form my friend...bad form. Gonna have to agree with Mcguire on that one.

Agreed, Lapierre should take lessons from Big George. He'll need to drop his gloves once in a while!

I don't think they sat on it. They were outplayed and did not want to put themselves out of position in the offensive zone. If there was nobody to pass to, and they couldn't hang onto it, they just dumped and changed.

I thought they didn't forecheck enough in the 3rd period.

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Am I the only one who is somewhat miffed by the fact that The Habs sat on a freakin' one goal lead for about 25 minutes??? It came back to bite them in the ass again!! Carey DESERVED the shutout tonight, and the boys did nothing to make it easier for him.

Carle played a great game, and White and Pyatt were decent out there. It's nice to see the Habs only give up 1 goal tonight, but they can thank Carey for that.

Also nice to see Kostitsyn playing better...keep pushing in the right direction Andrei, good things will happen!

We *were* sitting back a bit but the team played pretty well. I'm sure the TSN announcers were doing their one-sided bit again tonight. But if you have control of your centre speaker, turn it off, and you'll get all the sounds of the game without the annoying announcers. Doesn't work all the time but when it does, I much prefer to watch a game like that. it's like you're there, without the constant drivel coming from McGuire, etc.

Perhaps I'm belaboring a point here, but a perfect example was McKenzie et. al. justifying the refs taking away a perfectly good goal from us. While our guy initially went into the crease on his own steam, he was being held there by a Bruins defenceman when we scored the goal.

Price played great tonight. I was hoping he'd get his shutout but I loved his attitude in the shootout. Despite giving the Bruins a point, it was a treat seeing him play like that in the shootout. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially his save on Recchi (whom I despise). It was like he was saying, "Not on my watch, buddy!"

All in all, a great game to watch - especially without the TSN announcers...

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What I loved about this game is that we didn't crack under the pressure of defending a tenuous one goal lead all game (until the end but whatever). Like the Atlanta game where we had to play catch-up all game, it showed a lot of character! Even if the execution is not always there, this new squad has heart!

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Gotta disagree with you guy's. everyone hated the fact that Lucic wouldn't go with Laraque.

This is the same thing. If you are going to run around and throw hits, get in peoples faces etc, be man enough to drop the gloves.

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Carle was 10x better tonight then he was against Atlanta.

IMO, Carle is a lot better than Bergeron. I'll make a prediction: when Gill and O'Byrne will be back, Bergeron will seat down before him.

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Boston was down 1-0, if Lapierre had of fought and lost, the crowd would have gotten back into the game, it's was smart of him to no accept the invitation.

I concur.

He never needs to fight when the Habs are winning.

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I concur.

He never needs to fight when the Habs are winning.

These are very good points. If it was Morris or Wideman, he should have fought. Take a better player out for 5 minutes. Also, why let the crowd get into the game?

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Price played exactly how we need him to play, standing tall and being aggressive. Showed alot more confidence after he got settled in. There weren't any sketchy redirect goals off a skate to get him rattled. He's played relatively well this season but made some key saves tonight and that was the much needed difference.

Kostitsyn was surprisingly visible all night. He played probably his best game of the year, making plays on both offense and defense. Made a couple dumb give aways but thats par for course.

If M.A Bergeron didn't have a cannon of a shot, he'd be playing in my Sunday night beer league instead of the NHL.

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Gotta disagree with you guy's. everyone hated the fact that Lucic wouldn't go with Laraque.

This is the same thing. If you are going to run around and throw hits, get in peoples faces etc, be man enough to drop the gloves.

I think that's actually the point. Look how many people it bothered? It makes the fans restless, adds tension to the game, and bothers the players and takes their head out of it.

Lapierre obviously bothered Ference enough to drop the gloves and try to call Lapierre out.

But his role is to not drop the gloves until it's advantageous for him to drop them.

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Nice, we got the monkey off our backs as far as the streak against Boston. Mind you, we shouldn't get too excited, as this Bruins squad was about as decimated at forward as we are on D, but still. We will be scratching and clawing for these wins until guys are tuned into Martin's system AND we get our key guys (Markov+++) back, but a win is a win. The shots against are worrisome and so is the play in our own end, we need to learn to play more of a posession game, even moreso with the lead. MAB is scary at times, Pyatt with a decent first game, Kostitsyn looked like he cared, Price with a well deserved win. I'll take it.

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the thing i didnt like about this game is price had to be great again for us to win...we got to start winning games by putting the pucks it the net and keeping the other team from getting 40 shots a night on us...if we dont start doing that it going to be a long year for our goalies...and for me on this forum listening to, my god trade price, after every game he dont win..

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Loving the attitude from Price.

This game ended: a) the 9-game losing streak against Boston, b) the Habs 5-game road losing streak, and c) Price's 6-game losing streak.

Forget the details, this was an IMPORTANT win.

For sure. This game must be huge for Prices confidence.

For the 1st time in a while Price actually looked on his game. It is to bad the Habs werent able to get him the shutout but the SO saves would probably be a bigger boost to his morale anyway but Bos walked away with 1 point.

Carle, Pyatt and White all played really well and at no point during the game did I curse them for stupid plays . :clap:

Laps is a joke of a tough guy, same goes for Komi. At some point you just have to drop the gloves or you will eventually become a laughing stock.

The ice looked terrible outhere. So many players were falling at any moment.

Everybody should forget aboot firing Bob for now and focus their attention on the true problem: the Habs skate sharpener. :lol:

For some crazy reason in lots of the games so far quite a few Habs players keep falling down for no reason, and I'm not refering to the Rangers game were they were allowed to trip at will either.

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The shots were misleading. first, the shots came from the boston guys, and they were rather generous. Second, our D did keep the vast majority from the outside. The Bruins have been snakebit and were shooting constantly, from anywhere. That ran up the shot clock. Price made some very good saves, but our D was much better tonight, despite the shot clock. They were in the slot and clearing rebounds (I counted 5 that would have been a scoring opportunity off a rebound if our D did not get to it first and clear it).

Given our defensive injuries, I thought the team was much better tonight in protecting the slot and making things a bit easier on Price (something he hasn't gotten much of this season!).

The only concern I have is it was pretty clear they sat back in the third. They stopped forechecking and were only sending one guy in. I know Boston is shooting blanks lately, but that kind of attitude with a one goal lead will lead to a lot of comebacks from other teams if they keep that up. The best support for Price would have been a two goal lead. ;)

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Every team needs a douche bag. Lapierre is ours.

Every teams hates him but every team wants a guy like him.

Enjoy it! :D

Price played great. I'm sure everyone is back on board the wagon now.

The media and fans are too fickle. He's a kid and he's going to be great in the future. People have to learn not to freak out over every game. The kid has talent and that cannot be denied. He's growing up more and more every day.

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Well i'm sure if Price didn't play the habs would have won. Oh, wait a minute, he stole a win 3rd time this year. I swear the team hates the guy, They score like 1 goal a game for him.

Anyway, They were pretty much dominated the last 2 periods, but they hung on and scored a win. I don't know if these guys are tired, lazy, out of shape, have the flu or what but you aren't going to win many getting outshot 2-1 to a depleted team. Wasit me or once they went up 1-0 they tried to win 1-0.

I liked the 3 new guys, they did some good things and as someone mentioned no real bad errors. Stewart can go down no problem.

I agree on Lapierre, it's one thing to be a pest but at some point he needs to drop them. He should be playing like Armstrong in Atlanta, not Avery.

AK46 was ok, had a few good offensive plays but did make some brutal turnovers at the blue line.

The D wasn't great, especially Bergeron, but the one thing thye did do was keep the front of the net clear for the most part.

Just a tip for the defenders, STOP WATCHING THE PUCK, take the body, you learn that at age 8. 3 different D men were undressed last night.

I'm hoping for a much better effort Saturday.

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Bergeron was the biggest weak link last night for sure. Spacek make some mistakes, but he didn't look right. I think it was a choice of him playing hurt, or giving Bergeron even more ice time.

Half a Spacek is about equal to a Bergeron. ;)

Still, there was almost no "gimmee goal" chances allowed by the D last night. The actually protected the front of the net for a change.

Unfortunately, these team seems to have only two game plans. Wide open shootouts with zero team defense, or team defense with little offensive pressure. Need to find that sweet spot where they can forecheck without being brutal in their own end.

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The shots were misleading. first, the shots came from the boston guys, and they were rather generous. Second, our D did keep the vast majority from the outside. The Bruins have been snakebit and were shooting constantly, from anywhere. That ran up the shot clock. Price made some very good saves, but our D was much better tonight, despite the shot clock. They were in the slot and clearing rebounds (I counted 5 that would have been a scoring opportunity off a rebound if our D did not get to it first and clear it).

Given our defensive injuries, I thought the team was much better tonight in protecting the slot and making things a bit easier on Price (something he hasn't gotten much of this season!).

The only concern I have is it was pretty clear they sat back in the third. They stopped forechecking and were only sending one guy in. I know Boston is shooting blanks lately, but that kind of attitude with a one goal lead will lead to a lot of comebacks from other teams if they keep that up. The best support for Price would have been a two goal lead. ;)

LOL :rolleyes:

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LOL :rolleyes:

What do you find funny?

I have stated about 8 times in this thread that Price played great. I am simply stating that the shots were not indicative of a terrible defensive breakdown and that our Defense did a better job of protecting the slot, which they have sucked at for about 5 games.

I don't get you. If there are 30 shots against and he lets in 5, then you make the argument that it was all the defenses fault because the shots were "unstoppable". When he faces 40 and lets in 1, then he is a miracle worker?

Can it not be possible that Price played great and the team did better at eliminating the "impossible shots" you constantly mention? Don't we want both?

By point was rather simple. The number of shots was caused by the Bruins shooting from everywhere, not our D being brutal. It had nothing do to with Price. Do you disagree? Did you see cross ice passes to wide open Bruins who had all kinds of time to pick the corners. I saw only a few instances of our D out to lunch (MAB being the primary offender, plus Spacek after he was rocked). Mostly I saw our guys crowding the slot for a change which along with Price playing aggressively is a good thing.

In any case, I am not happy with the team sitting back on a one goal lead, nor am I going to get excited about our goaltending until Price or Hakak put together more then one good game. Same goes for our D. If they revert to the mess we saw earlier in the week, then we should be concerned.

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