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Who is more and more pissed by the Ribero trade?


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I can honestly say that I'm not disappointed because we lost Ribs but because we got Niinimaa in return. I don't think Ribeiro would have put up the numbers in Montreal like he has in Dallas... but Janne, what good has he done for the team?

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Janne Niinnama!!!! Tired of reading he wouldnt of played the same here! Arrgh!

Ribs was a punk when he was with us, he seems to have become a man.

With us, he would still be a punk, more power to him.

I'myexcited by our youth...........

2-0 in Florida.

Damn, we're going to have to wait another month for that melt-



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Well I'm still pissed about the Garon for Huet and Bonk deal ... I mean, that one was clearly not in LA's favour! We robbed them ... all deals should come out even, right!?! There should be no disadvantage to any team! Waaah! Waaah!

As another poster said, get over it. You win some, you lose some. We should have gotten better return on Ribiero, but we didn't. We got great return on Garon! It all comes out in the wash!

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He is in a contract year when he signs his big deal I will be excited to see how he plays also I want to see playoff production before I start thinking this is a Leclair or Roy type deal.

He is in a contract year when he signs his big deal I will be excited to see how he plays also I want to see playoff production before I start thinking this is a Leclair or Roy type deal.

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I like how people forget how a player was for their team when he gets traded and starts doing well. I for one remember hearing how much of a cancer Ribs was in the dressing room as well on the ice. Remember him faking the injury on the ice? Writhing in pain as if he was shot. Then getting up, winking and laughing about it. I don't know about you, but I got alot of ribbing about that from my co-workers, who are all Leaf fans.

When someone gets traded, I wish them well, but I don't care how they do. They're not part of the team anymore.

Edited by Hab4life
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I still dont think that he would of put up the numbers in montreal. He coulnt deal with the pressure of playing in montreal. Its a litle bit easier playing in Dallas. In Dallas he has someone to set him up as well.

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Bring back Zednik! Bring back Bonk! Bring back Dagenais! Bring back Samsonov! Bring back Garon! Bring back Hainsey! Bring back Vokoun! Bring back Conroy! Bring back Tucker! Let's bring everyone back!

I think we need to start a policy about closing these threads. The same ones pop up year after year. It's ridiculous. Move on.

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Writhing in pain as if he was shot.
That was (IMO) indignant, blasphemy, desecration and a mockery to the CH. He even outdid Claude Lemieux on the antics-o-metre.

I got over it long ago. I really don't care how good he is now. If he was as disruptive in the locker room as was speculated by some, his worth on our team was MOOT!

Also, if you believe in the "old school" rules of GM's, the trade cannot be judged yet. It's possible that Dallas might have a "We Owe You" on deck for Gainey. Mind you, one must have faith that it's an "old school" deal and Armstrong not being around anymore might pose a problem. I have often wondered if the "We Owe You" tradition is what led to Hossa going to the Rangers. Did Gainey say to Sather, "Hey, If Balej doesn't work out for you Glen, I can give you a skilled prospect for a meat and potatoes one. Let's see how Balej works out first though."

Maybe the same thing will happen here. Maybe Dallas helps us at the deadline. If not, the sky is not falling here.

Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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Ribs was a punk when he was with us, he seems to have become a man.

With us, he would still be a punk, more power to him.

I'myexcited by our youth...........

2-0 in Florida.

Damn, we're going to have to wait another month for that melt-



exactly. As good as he is in Dallas, at the time of the trade, he was a smart-alecky, problem and controversy causing player who only made things MORE insane in montreal then they already were.

Good for him that he's improved and I think the trade shook him up. If he was still here, I DOUBT he would be putting up anywhere near these numbers.

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Well, is Plekanec so much worse than Ribeiro? Because if we still had Ribs, Pleks would never have been elevated to the second line. So the question is, would you rather have Ribeiro or Pleks as your second line C? Me, I'm not so sure that Ribs is *that* much better than Pleks.

It was a reasonable gamble that didn't pan out. Niniimaa had been an all-star D who might just have needed a change of scenery; and if the gamble HAD panned out, the Habs would have acquired a top-4 blueliner.

I would note, though, that at the time he was being roasted by Montreal fans, Ribs pointed out that he was only 24 or 25. Turns out that it's a mistake to give up on young players as they're heading into their prime! Go figure.

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Speaking of Bob Gainey,

I had a dream last night that Bob Gainey was still a player for the Canadiens and i was a rookie on the team. Bob was considered exalted by everyone and i was honored one day before a game to eat with him at the same table and he gave me advice.

This has nothing to do with anything but i felt compelled to share that. :P

But yeah... Ribs was a punk, good riddance, Portuguese or not. I have Tavares to cheer on instead.

Edited by Cataclaw
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Speaking of Bob Gainey,

I had a dream last night that Bob Gainey was still a player for the Canadiens and i was a rookie on the team. Bob was considered exalted by everyone and i was honored one day before a game to eat with him at the same table and he gave me advice.


I had an odd dream that the NHL had decided to expand to Hamilton and Houston.

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Getting rid of Ribeiro was a step forward for the team. Yes, we could have gotten a better player than Niinimaa, but it was still a move that left the team better off afterwards than beforehand.

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Get over it.


I was extremely happy when we got rid of Ribs.

One positive thing it did is that it let room for Pleks.

Now, Dallas have "converted" him into a good player... what can we do?

Would it be Ribs or Mietinen, I wouldn't care less... It's their "morphing" work that did it. Would ribs have stayed here one more year, he'd have been as arrogant and as soft...

IF there is one thing I could be mad about... it'd be Ribs for his UNWILLINGNESS to change his game and to learn from the coaches while he was here... He does all he's asked for in Dallas now, that's what makes him good.

Ribs is a bitch.

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Perhaps people who lament the loss of Ribs should consider the switch in party scenes between MTL and Dallas. In Montreal you have beautiful women, bars open until late, available drugs, and connections that wanna party with you always. In Dallas, you have the two step, bar brawls, and the favourite beer is budweisser (drugs will land you in jail post-haste!).

Maybe a change in scenery is what he needed!

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Perhaps people who lament the loss of Ribs should consider the switch in party scenes between MTL and Dallas. In Montreal you have beautiful women, bars open until late, available drugs, and connections that wanna party with you always. In Dallas, you have the two step, bar brawls, and the favourite beer is budweisser (drugs will land you in jail post-haste!).

Maybe a change in scenery is what he needed!

yes it's exactly what he needed to become a great player.

but the thread title is " by the Ribeiro Trade" and that trade sucked. Even a 3rd pick would have been better than Niinimaa, but we couldn't know it at this time, same for Samsonov...

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-Gainey knew Ribs had to go because he was a cancer. He knew he had to deal him for a "D" man. When Dallas took Ribs, they knew, as did BG, that Ribs was very talented, but small and slow, and there was the punk factor which I'm sure the Dallas management was aware of. This was considered by both sides when the deal was made. Ninimaa was the best they could come up with. I'm sure if there was a better deal, BG would have taken it, but he wanted Ribs out more than he wanted someone else in. It didn't work out. The End.

IMO the reason Ribs is doing well is Because he was traded. I'm sure it made him think. "Wow, they traded me for Ninimaa? I must have really p!ssed them off!" He was a punk, and he matured. Would he have matured as a habs? Who cares! It's over.

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-Gainey knew Ribs had to go because he was a cancer. He knew he had to deal him for a "D" man. When Dallas took Ribs, they knew, as did BG, that Ribs was very talented, but small and slow, and there was the punk factor which I'm sure the Dallas management was aware of. This was considered by both sides when the deal was made. Ninimaa was the best they could come up with. I'm sure if there was a better deal, BG would have taken it, but he wanted Ribs out more than he wanted someone else in. It didn't work out. The End.

IMO the reason Ribs is doing well is Because he was traded. I'm sure it made him think. "Wow, they traded me for Ninimaa? I must have really p!ssed them off!" He was a punk, and he matured. Would he have matured as a habs? Who cares! It's over.

i am so happy to hear someone make an intelligent post on this matter. YOU ARE DEAD ON RIGHT. now lets get off this thread and forget about it

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