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Game Thread | Canadiens de Montréal vs. Boston Bruins | 04/13/08


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We're missing Koivu, especially on the powerplay. If he was back, we'd be seeing some different looks as the first line is getting nothing done. Like Koivu, Kovalev, Higgins or something.

Brisebois is sort of wearing out his welcome in my opinion. He rarely wins battles. Would definitely rather have O'Byrne in there.

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We are in a little bit of trouble here. So far, we've forced Boston to play our game ONCE, and they've forced us to play their game TWICE. If this trend continues, we lose the series. (If we didn't have Price, we'd already be down 2 games to 1.)

Latendresse needs to sit as does Sergei Kostitsyn. So does Dandenault. Latendresse looks like the first 20 games he played in the NHL - LOST! Kostitsyn is more interested in hitting people than the puck. Dandenault is trying but is mostly ineffective. They should bring in Stewart, Grabowski, and O'Byrne. The message should be: you don't want to play? Then you sit.

You can't sit your biggest star, but Kovalev deserves it. One can only hope he finds his game before it's too late. Actually that whole line has gone south. Carbo tried to shake them up by briefly splitting them up. Didn't work.

I repeat: things need to change, or we lose, pure and simple...

- Jack

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We are in a little bit of trouble here. So far, we've forced Boston to play our game ONCE, and they've forced us to play their game TWICE. If this trend continues, we lose the series. (If we didn't have Price, we'd already be down 2 games to 1.)

Latendresse needs to sit as does Sergei Kostitsyn. So does Dandenault. Latendresse looks like the first 20 games he played in the NHL - LOST! Kostitsyn is more interested in hitting people than the puck. Dandenault is trying but is mostly ineffective. They should bring in Stewart, Grabowski, and O'Byrne. The message should be: you don't want to play? Then you sit.

You can't sit your biggest star, but Kovalev deserves it. One can only hope he finds his game before it's too late. Actually that whole line has gone south. Carbo tried to shake them up by briefly splitting them up. Didn't work.

I repeat: things need to change, or we lose, pure and simple...

- Jack

I would not go that far. The Bruins have played two straight desperate games. The Habs win game 4 and everything changes.

I mean, one break tonight and it is 3-0. There are some things that are disconcerning but they are leading a series in which

the number 1 PP has gone 1 for 18? 20? The number 1 line is essentially invisible and they have lacked intensity for 5 of the last 8 periods.

And they were inches away from 3-0 in the series.

For the Bruins to win they are going to have to win 3 more tight games like the last 2 out of the next 4. Thomas is going to have to outplay Price

and the Bruins 28th PK is going to have to continue to suppress the number 1 PP. I don't think they can do it 3 more times.

Edited by Wamsley01
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You can't sit your biggest star, but Kovalev deserves it.

Dont think you should sit Sergie and Lats, but Dandy YES! He is useless.

As for Kovy, he's not playing like a leader, it's as if he doesn't want to win. His bad play might be a result to Plex and A. Kosty's awful efforts.

That line won us so many games in the regular season, and when they aren't hot, then we lose.

If it weren't for the grinders, we'd be down 3-0 :( :( :(

Thank God for them and Price. Also a :clap: to Laps, but everyone else hasn't been good.

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We are in a little bit of trouble here. So far, we've forced Boston to play our game ONCE, and they've forced us to play their game TWICE. If this trend continues, we lose the series. (If we didn't have Price, we'd already be down 2 games to 1.)

Latendresse needs to sit as does Sergei Kostitsyn. So does Dandenault. Latendresse looks like the first 20 games he played in the NHL - LOST! Kostitsyn is more interested in hitting people than the puck. Dandenault is trying but is mostly ineffective. They should bring in Stewart, Grabowski, and O'Byrne. The message should be: you don't want to play? Then you sit.

You can't sit your biggest star, but Kovalev deserves it. One can only hope he finds his game before it's too late. Actually that whole line has gone south. Carbo tried to shake them up by briefly splitting them up. Didn't work.

I repeat: things need to change, or we lose, pure and simple...

- Jack

That would look pretty panicky.

Lats & S-Kost are in their first playoffs. Have they cost us any game? No. Have they been lazy? No.

These kids have to get experience one way or another. You don't change that, especially when your replacement options are as inexperienced and have less talent.

O'Byrne is a different story. Carbo clearly has lost some trust in Streit, at least as an even-strenght d-man. And O'Byrne would actually bring something we could use and that's better size on defense.

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Dont think you should sit Sergie and Lats, but Dandy YES! He is useless.

As for Kovy, he's not playing like a leader, it's as if he doesn't want to win. His bad play might be a result to Plex and A. Kosty's awful efforts.

What game are you watching?? Kovalev IS playing like a leader...did you watch the game on Saturday night? his effort on the Little T.its goal was remarkable, and he is playing to his highest potential...Hes drawn penalties, hes digging for the puck every chance he gets, and he's scoring goals and getting assists. What more do you possibly want out of the guy? He's only human..You think he looks like sh.it out there because Julien has told his players to SHADOW him...next game why don't you just watch...every time Kovalev gets the puck he has 2 or 3 guys barreling in on him!! Because the Bruins will roll the dice and dance with the fact that Big T.its and Plex are virtually invisible out there. As for Dandenault...he worked his ass off tonight as well as pretty much every other game you see him play, and he's got 2 cup rings..that experience we need out there.

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What game are you watching?? Kovalev IS playing like a leader...did you watch the game on Saturday night?

I watched all of the games and yes Kovy has made some great plays, but he hasn't been a big factor in the series.

Our number 1 line, is consistantly lazy on the backcheck, and I don't know why but they just have lost their fire :(

They are not willing to go into the corners like our other lines do (maybe because pylon Chara is there).

I'm not mad at Kovy (mainly because were ahead in the series), but if continues to give an average effort out there, then I'll be then first to let him know.

Anyways, :ghg:

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This is where our lack of depth up the middle is killing us. The number one line is playing so so at best, and we have no second line.

We really need Koivu back, but he won't be rushed. If we can hang on until he is back we should be able to ease the checking on Kovy.

It doesn't help that Plekanec was absolutely useless out there. Higgins didn't look too hot either...looking forward to him being back on the wing where he belongs when Saku gets back.

Markov looks bad, and Latendresse is a waste of a roster spot playing the way he has been. No drive to the net, no willingness to pay the price and screen...good for nothing.

I'm not mad at Kovy (mainly because were ahead in the series), but if continues to give an average effort out there, then I'll be then first to let him know.

I don't know what you're watching, but Kovalev isn't the problem. Plekanec is absoultely ######ing useless out there, and that's screwing up Kovalev and Big Titz.

Edited by sbhatt
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We are in a little bit of trouble here. So far, we've forced Boston to play our game ONCE, and they've forced us to play their game TWICE. If this trend continues, we lose the series. (If we didn't have Price, we'd already be down 2 games to 1.)

Latendresse needs to sit as does Sergei Kostitsyn. So does Dandenault. Latendresse looks like the first 20 games he played in the NHL - LOST! Kostitsyn is more interested in hitting people than the puck. Dandenault is trying but is mostly ineffective. They should bring in Stewart, Grabowski, and O'Byrne. The message should be: you don't want to play? Then you sit.

You can't sit your biggest star, but Kovalev deserves it. One can only hope he finds his game before it's too late. Actually that whole line has gone south. Carbo tried to shake them up by briefly splitting them up. Didn't work.

I repeat: things need to change, or we lose, pure and simple...

- Jack

Whoa, you need some relaxation pills there, bud. Sergei has scored two goals already this series, and you'll bench him for one bad play? Lats has been playing with intensity, and like someone pointed out, he hasn't cost us this series. Him and Lapierre work hard, the latter who I think has been one of our best guys this series. Dandenault hasn't done much either way in my view, so I wouldn't have a problem with him sitting, but on the other hand it's good to have that experience in the lineup.

I guess it's to be expected that some people here will panic after a single setback, considering the comments after each loss this season. :lol:

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The incompetence of the PP is a surprise (and likely a testament to Julien's coaching). But one of our question-marks going into the series was the inexperience of our young guns. Plekanec in particular - despite a PPG pace - seems to be showing huge signs of the 'raw playoff rookie' syndrome. This leaves Kovy looking more like a solo act than usual. Lats is dubious, Lapierre is so-so, Streit has been erratically up-and-down, Higgins started strong and dipped after missing some great chances (which seems to be a pattern with him); while the Kostytsins and obviously Price have brought it.

But really, we should be looking to the vets. Our non-offensive vets (Smoke, Hamrlik, Kostopolous) have been outstanding. The veteran offensive leaders, not so much. Ryder has had some strong shifts, but it's the same old story with him: if he ain't scoring he might as well be in Hibernia. Most importantly, Markov is really feeling the pinch of aggresive Bruins coverage on the point.

What we're seeing IMHO is a series in which an immensely superior team is confronting a very well-devised game plan by the opposing coach, coupled with desperation by his team. I'm in no way ragging on Carbo, but the edge in coaching thus far goes to Julien by some distance, if only because Julien seems to have worked out a plan to partially neutralize several - not all - of our key elements, while Carbo has not yet shown a response.

Koivu would definitely be the extra ingredient we need. But really, we should be fine without him. I like what Benoit Brunet said: if the Habs match the Bruins' work ethic, their talent will practically guarantee victory. Nonetheless this loss adds a dangerous X-factor into the equation: how stoked will the Bruins be to finally have beaten us? How important a psychological threshold was crossed tonight? Dangerous questions - the last thing we need is a hyper-mobilized opponent that truly believes itself to be giant-killers.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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I will not judge this team until I see them perform on Tuesday. They have yet to have time to prepare and plan for the Bruins' new style, so I will give them a mulligan on last night. I fully expect wins on Tuesday and Thursday, however.

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It doesn't help that Plekanec was absolutely useless out there. Higgins didn't look too hot either...looking forward to him being back on the wing where he belongs when Saku gets back.

Markov looks bad, and Latendresse is a waste of a roster spot playing the way he has been. No drive to the net, no willingness to pay the price and screen...good for nothing.

I don't know what you're watching, but Kovalev isn't the problem. Plekanec is absoultely ######ing useless out there, and that's screwing up Kovalev and Big Titz.

Our first two lines have been fairly useless. The Plekanec line is simply being pounded to death. We knew that this would happen...Having Koivu back will make a huge difference.

Markov and Komisarek are both playing far below their usual levels. Streit is a better forward than defenceman and considering Dandenault's performance so far, it might be worth sitting Dandy in favor of Streit. Hamrlik has been our best player so far this series.

We have been dominated for two games in a row. The loss might be a good thing for the team. A sharp kick in the balls to remind them that they aren't as hot as they think they are so they better start working for it.

I expect a totally different team on Tuesday.

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Tough lost, and Price was phenomenal. It could have been worst.

This was an off game at the wrong time.

They have to skate down the zone and shoot to Thomas.

And defense players have to rush in offense more.

It's as simple as that.

Pointing Markov as under performing is unfair, he hasn't done any mistake yet in this serie.

That is what we ask of a defensemen.

Latendresse-Dandenault-Lapierre had their best game yet. Still no results but it's coming.

Habs players are working hard, so does Boston, but overall we have more talent and this will

blossom anytime soon.

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I can'T belive there are some who are bitchin' about Kovy. the guy has a HUGE target on his back. Every single Bruins player is aiming for him. The guy is continually checked and has no room to maneuver. People are bitchin' yet he has 2 point in 3 games.

The only player who has been disappointing up to now is Markov. Andrei has been struggling for the past 2 games.

In any case, this is just one victory for the Pooh Bears, and I don't expect them to win 3 more. The Habs will have to give a better effort, but in the end, we should prevail!

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They will definitely need a better effort. 21 shots on goal before overttime? That is redicolous. Atleast the Smoke line and Price has showed up every game.

The reason the PP doesn't work is simple, the playoffs are tighter, more players willing to block shots and stand in the lanes. The Habs refusal to move there feet is killing them, they just stand around wait for someone to do something, but knowone has yet. Streit missing the net 4 out every 5 shots doesn't help either.

They are lucky to be up 2-1. They could be down 2-1.

If someone could tell the top 2 lines the playoffs have started that would be nice. SK has been pretty good, Kovy had an ok game.

The top 6 need to start skating and driving the net. They need to STOP flopping around and waiting for calls, fight through it.

Is it just me or do the D men now look scared to go get the puck in the corners?

GC normally gets this team playing well after a loss, so let's see what happens, this is a pretty critical game.

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I too am concerned with Pleks. Kovy is getting all the attention (as expected) and Pleks can break that by stepping up and making use of the space he is being given. If he plays like he should, he would have several goals and Kovy would be smiling ear to ear, saying.. go ahead, over play me. :)

I think Pleks is lost out there at the moment and he needs to adjust. (same with ####).

When Koivu gets back, it will also help as you then have the line to line room. You put your best guys on Pleks and Kovalev, then Koivu's line will burn you.

Secondary scoring is the only way to beat this and I can't complain about the grinder lines, they are doing their job. What we need now is a productive number 2 line, which we simply don't have.

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There is really no need to panic. 2-1 lead after 3 games is not the end of the world.

It has been accomplished with little contribution from the number 1 line, essentially nothing from the PP

and with the team sleepwalking through 2 of the 3 games.

I agree 100% about what Brunet said. If they match the intensity the Bruins will lose. Look at last night,

the Bruins dominated the first left the ice like they won the game and the Habs matched the work ethic

and lo and behold the ice opened up in the final 3 periods.

Thomas will break their back at some time in this series. Price will outplay him.

The Habs need a reality check. They need to know that you can't win in the playoffs unless you give

it 110% every night. There will be changes for Tuesday and adjustments. I will not even consider panic

until I see what happens Tuesday night.

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Anyone watch the Flames/Sharks game after our OT loss?

That was a good game, I especially likes the Flames and how they ALL were skating hard EVERY SHIFT. They were agressive on the forecheck and hustled back to help out in their own end. It was a quick game to watch, 2 (sometimes 3) guys attacking on the forecheck, and playing the body almost everytime a Shark player had the puck.

We on the other hand were standing around too much, on the PP, on our breakouts, our 5-on5 coverage in our own end we were 2-3 steps behind them getting to pucks or getting to the guy with the puck.

Where was all the speed this team is suppose to have? Ya, I know the Bruins were clogging up the neutral zone, but at least THEY made adjustments from teh reg season.......adjusting their PK etc while were still on gameplan 101.....

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When Koivu gets back, it will also help as you then have the line to line room. You put your best guys on Pleks and Kovalev, then Koivu's line will burn you.

Agreed! However, i'm starting to worry that Koivu might not be ready to come back before the series is over. His injury looks more serious than we thought!

As far as everyone paniking, i think we should wait and see how the boys do on tuesday. If they show up and play hard, we will be fine, but if they sleepwalk through another game, then we will have a reason to worry.

Plex will wake up sooner or later, and when that happens, the Bruins will get their asses handed to them.

I also expect GC to bring in O'Byrne. We NEED his size and strength. Komisarek got hit hard last night by Lucic. If Komi and O'Byrne get together and make a point of hitting Lucic, he will calm down and won't be as eager to hit our players!

On a positive note, I am pleasantly surprised by the play of Smokes, Kosto and Bégin. They have been our most consistent line in teh 3 games.

Also, Carey Price has been playing like a star goalie. The Kid is money in the bank. If we lose this series, it will certainly not be because of him!

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Whoa, you need some relaxation pills there, bud. Sergei has scored two goals already this series, and you'll bench him for one bad play? Lats has been playing with intensity, and like someone pointed out, he hasn't cost us this series. Him and Lapierre work hard, the latter who I think has been one of our best guys this series. Dandenault hasn't done much either way in my view, so I wouldn't have a problem with him sitting, but on the other hand it's good to have that experience in the lineup.

I guess it's to be expected that some people here will panic after a single setback, considering the comments after each loss this season. :lol:

You know, it's amazing how some people look at things through rose-coloured glasses. "Single setback"? "one bad play"? Take off those glasses! This is not panic. This is seeing what's going on out there. Boston should be ahead 2 games to 1. Price has saved our bacon so far. Even the players admitted Boston should have won game 2. You think the players on *both* teams don't know this?

Game 1, I saw a bunch of hungry Habs chasing down every loose puck, using our speed to create big problems for the B's. Since then? "Ummm, I think I'll let you get the puck first, and then I'll ram you into the boards." How many times in the last 2 games have you seen a Habs with inside position on the puck, allow a Bruin to get to it first? You think we can win playing like this? Well I don't. If they don't want it enough, then they won't win, pure and simple. Playoffs are all about self-sacrifice and wanting it enough. The team who wants it more, will win. It's as simple as that.

Now I didn't say we were done. What I actually said was that if we play like we have the last 2 games, *then* we're done. We need to get back to the determination and courage we showed in game 1. We have the ability to do it, the only question is, do we have the will? Watch the next game carefully, especially when there's a loose puck. That will tell you who's gonna win the series. And I damn-well hope that it's us who's pouncing on those loose pucks and not them...

(As far as Latendresse is concerned, he's been one of the worse. Watch what happens when there's a loose puck near him. It's god-awful shameful.)

- Jack

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