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Next one to be recalled


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dlbalr, you do realize that if Laraque is supended he won't count against the cap anyways, so we'd be saving cap space in any scenario. I guess simply recalling Stewart would save us the most, but I'd rather call up the guy that will give us the best chance to win. We're 11-11-1... cap space won't mean crap come the deadline if this pace keeps up.

Yep, I'm aware of that which is why I said Stewart would be ideal - it'd take the team back below the daily max thus delaying LTIR usage. (The longer they can delay actually using the LTIR that's accruing, the easier it should be to get Markov off it). Here's the question though, is there anyone in Hamilton that can step in right away and make a positive impact? I'm not so sure of that. Sure, Kostitsyn has NHL experience, but he was next to useless when he was up last year. Desharnais? (My #2 preference by the way)... A little undersized and doesn't skate particularly well for a top-6 forward. The list goes on really, there's major flaws to every option left.

Of course, they could always dress Leach (7 d-men) and curtail Bergeron's 5-on-5 ice time...hey, that's not a half bad idea!

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I've been saying dress 7 D forever!! That was when we had Gio and Gomez in the lineup, saying we could double shift those two on the fourth line to get them more in the game, although I think thats not really an option.

dlbalr, who would you think about double shifting on the 4th line? Or are you saying keep the 12 forwards as well?

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I've been saying dress 7 D forever!! That was when we had Gio and Gomez in the lineup, saying we could double shift those two on the fourth line to get them more in the game, although I think thats not really an option.

dlbalr, who would you think about double shifting on the 4th line? Or are you saying keep the 12 forwards as well?

Well, obviously you can't dress 7 D and 12 F at the same time. I'd essentially have a 4th line (using the 7th D) as follows:

Bergeron (D) - Chipchura - Latendresse

In terms of who to double shift if you don't want to use Bergeron on a regular shift as a forward, you'd have to give the extra shift to Plekanec/Cammalleri. It's not ideal as they're playing too much as is, but you've gotta go with what you've got.

I'd have Bergeron playing about 8-10 minutes, ideally 3-4 of which would be on the PP. Since Martin doesn't like playing the 4th for more than about 6-8 minutes, you may not even need someone to double shift provided they're comfortable with Bergeron (or Leach of course) up front.

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Well, obviously you can't dress 7 D and 12 F at the same time. I'd essentially have a 4th line (using the 7th D) as follows:

Bergeron (D) - Chipchura - Latendresse

In terms of who to double shift if you don't want to use Bergeron on a regular shift as a forward, you'd have to give the extra shift to Plekanec/Cammalleri. It's not ideal as they're playing too much as is, but you've gotta go with what you've got.

I'd have Bergeron playing about 8-10 minutes, ideally 3-4 of which would be on the PP. Since Martin doesn't like playing the 4th for more than about 6-8 minutes, you may not even need someone to double shift provided they're comfortable with Bergeron (or Leach of course) up front.

I agree, except for your idea to work, we'd have to at least draw 2 minors in a game! ^_^

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Interesting timing. Lats shipped out and Mini-K called up. Perhaps one of the unheard of spats was between the Kosts and Lats? Bob deciding on the skill of the senior K as the ultimate key?

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Interesting timing. Lats shipped out and Mini-K called up. Perhaps one of the unheard of spats was between the Kosts and Lats? Bob deciding on the skill of the senior K as the ultimate key?

I guess so.

Or maybe the two moves have nothing to do with eachother.

If Gui did not like Sergei does that mean Laps does not either?

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Interesting timing. Lats shipped out and Mini-K called up. Perhaps one of the unheard of spats was between the Kosts and Lats? Bob deciding on the skill of the senior K as the ultimate key?

I would guess Sergei was simply next in line for a call up. Pouliot is on IR, so there was an open roster spot.

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Conspiracy theory time. Did the whole "Andre" and "Serge" thing lead to a rift between Lats and Sergei? I wonder, Lats gets moved and voila, Sergei is back???

Hmmm? We'll probably never know and I'm probably a mile off here :lol:

GO #74 GO :hlogo:

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Interesting timing. Lats shipped out and Mini-K called up. Perhaps one of the unheard of spats was between the Kosts and Lats? Bob deciding on the skill of the senior K as the ultimate key?

Don't read too much in this move. Obviously Gomez won't play next game and Laraque will be suspended, hence the need to recall somebody from Hamilton.

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Well, SK being called up is not a surprise, it was only a matter of time

Don't read too much in this move. Obviously Gomez won't play next game and Laraque will be suspended, hence the need to recall somebody from Hamilton.


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Conspiracy theory time. Did the whole "Andre" and "Serge" thing lead to a rift between Lats and Sergei? I wonder, Lats gets moved and voila, Sergei is back???

Hmmm? We'll probably never know and I'm probably a mile off here :lol:

GO #74 GO :hlogo:

if #74 and #47 can put it together and gear up their game; we could be in for a nice second quarter boost! GO HABS GO!

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I don't think we should be too excited. Two months is not enough to change the kid. My guess is we'll get a sustained burst of good play from him followed by recidivism into bad habits.

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I don't think we should be too excited. Two months is not enough to change the kid. My guess is we'll get a sustained burst of good play from him followed by recidivism into bad habits.

well, now that andre is learning the system, he should be able to help sk. i believe the language barrier is affecting them. well i think it affect ak, sk actually understands english quite well from his interviews.

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Interesting timing. Lats shipped out and Mini-K called up. Perhaps one of the unheard of spats was between the Kosts and Lats? Bob deciding on the skill of the senior K as the ultimate key?

LOL. The French medias have nothing on you... 

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Sergei Kostitsyn and T. J. Wyman recalled.

S.K. is not a surprise, as far as I am concerned, because Gainey promised him to call him back if he was not able to trade him. He got injured at the beginning of his stay in Hamilton and since his return, I would say that he has improved slowly but surely. Still, Gainey has made it clear today that he will have to earn his place in Mtl. Obviously, it's tough love with Sergei. Management likes his skills, but he has to prove his desire and elevate his play. Not sure if he has the heart to do that.

Wyman is a different story. I remember having read that he had, let's say, a rough talent. Good speed on a large frame, but not so great level of skills as far as playing with a hockey stick. I would say that he would not be in Mtl if it was not for the incredible amount of injuries the team is experiencing at the same time.

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Wyman is a different story. I remember having read that he had, let's say, a rough talent. Good speed on a large frame, but not so great level of skills as far as playing with a hockey stick. I would say that he would not be in Mtl if it was not for the incredible amount of injuries the team is experiencing at the same time.

Big, speedy, will dump the puck then run after it = Jacques Martin's type of player.

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Desharnais recalled. Well, the next one should be Subban. After that, you guess is as good as mine...

Doubt they'll recall Subban. First of all, if it's another forward going down next, they'd recall a forward. Second, there are defensemen ahead of Subban in line to get called. As we saw earlier this year, they're more likely to call up one of Weber, Carle or Belle before Subban. Clearly they've committed to leaving him in Hamilton for the entire season so he can work on his game without distractions.

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If Mara and Spacek aren't available for the next game, who is going to be recalled from Hamilton?

Probably Mathieu Carle, now that Jay Leach is no longer with the team. But what about P.K. Subban? He's improved his game quite a bit lately. I think that it would be nice for him to get a taste of the NHL, just for a game or two...

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