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GDT: Game 2: Habs vs Flyers


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Not this again....

Price didn't look any better when he came in on relief and he is rusty..

Halak is seriously not the problem.. we were shutout twice...

I say, put in Price next time. What the hell. Also, price might be better suited for this kind of game.
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Habs need to approach game 3 as a do or die, we have nothing to lose mentality

I mean what if they lose some teeth in the process, they have $$$$$

Get in their face, get the crowd in it, send 10 guys in front of Leighton, intimidate them, that`s right, put pressure on them

Win both home games, carry the momentum over to Philly and steal home-ice

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Blame, panic, meh

Welcome to how the Caps and Pens fans felt. I don't care how many shots were taken

on goal, the Flyers are dictating the pace of this series. They have decided to take away

all the Canadiens strengths and it is working so far.

Halak got all the accolades when they were outshot, yet nobody is saying that he is being

outplayed by Leighton right now. If you flipped goalies Halak would have a 1.000 SV% too.

The Flyers are not padding his stats with long bombs, they are being poised

and patient. They allow the Canadiens to shot from the outside, they allow them to dump and

chase and muscle them off the puck. They make it difficult to go to the front of the net and

nobody is willing to pay the price to get there.

They are replicating the Habs recipe but in more dominant fashion. Score first, wait for either

a PP or a poor pinch and bury it.

All this is showing is that this team is still flawed, that is much as nobody wants to admit it, they still lack a dominant

forward who doesn't require the rush to create offense. As much as Subban filled in admirably, their offense is way to dependant

on the transition and power play ability of a 21 year old.

We will see how the Habs respond when they control the matchups. This series is far from over, what

the Habs need right now is to counter the Flyers. An early goal will help them dictate the pace, something

the Flyers struggled with for a lot of the Boston series.

Why is everybody giving up? Did you not just witness the Habs survive 5 elimination games? Did you not

witness the Flyers go down 3-0 and win a series?

This is playoff hockey. If they lose, I will give them a hand for getting 2 rounds further than anybody thought,

it they win, the ride continues. Win on Thursday and Sat and away we go.

Edited by Wamsley01
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O'Byrne simply isn't good enough as a RD to take the other 3 out of the line up.

Spacek, Subban and Gorges have been excellent. (except last game obviously)

You can't keep asking guys to switch positions. O'Byrne is not a LD.

JM has made good adjustments the last 2 series. Hopefully he'll do it again.

Goaltending is the only advantage the habs have on paper and the Flyers got the shut out.

let's see if they can step up tonight. Someone other then Cammi needs to chip in, he will have Pronger on him all night.

So you are saying that OB as a RD is less effective then MAB? I think OB without a stick would be more effective then MAB!!!

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Not this again....

Price didn't look any better when he came in on relief and he is rusty..

Halak is seriously not the problem.. we were shutout twice...

Halak is certainly not the reason we are losing, however he could potentially be the reason we lose a future game based on that horrible 3rd goal. His positioning was way off and perhaps he is rattled mentally. I think we should go back with Halak for game 3 and see how he does to begin the game. If he lets in two early ones put in Price. We have all seen how a team can respond with a simple goalie change, its worth a shot if nothing else is working. And Price is more than capable of being able to steal a game. He has been working hard all playoffs at practice, Cammalleri had said in an interview that he hadn't been scored on in weeks. I just think he deserves another chance, remember, he's working for a contract too just like Halak.

Edited by illWill
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The Flyers are doing what the Habs did through the first two rounds. And the Habs are doing what Washington and Pittsburgh did...

All the shots are coming from the outside.


I am puking on my keyboard by the way...

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This has nothing to do with lack of desire or Halak or anything else along those lines. We are simple being outplayed and out coached so far.

As soon as our player touches the puck there is a Philly guy hitting him. No exceptions, every time, every play.

Our turtle/counter attack style will not work against Philly. We need to open wide up and turn this into firewagon hockey and see who's goalie can make the bigger stops.

Unless Halak is injured you keep him in there.

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Flyers think they have some ghost on their side with their God bless America

phantom and we have to reverse that curse.

- First bring back the Vietnamese girl behind near the Molson seat.

- Buy back Carbo lucky tie and tie it to JM turtle neck.

- Oh Canada by Montreal symphonic brass Ken Nagano.

- Mister Béliveau presence of course

Suggestions ?

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This is the same thing thta happened the last time time Philly and the habs met in the playoffs. It's just a bad match up for the habs. I guess the only difference is everyone isn't blaming Price.

I have been saying the habs need more size, and this is why. The habs are too small to compete against the boards and in front of the net. I am not talking about Cammi, Gionta, Gomez, They have a history of producing in the playoffs, cups, Cammi is relativley new to the playofffs and he is leading in goal scoring.

It''s all the 3rd and 4th liners who need to pound the Philly D. The D need to move the puck faster and win some battles down low. This is where you miss a healthy MArkov, they would at least have 2 puck movers back there.

Hopefully they will respond at home, or maybe score a goal would be nice.

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One thing I'm tired of reading is about Leighton's size (just read some of the Gazoo articles). If his size really was the reason he was playing well, then I'd say slap the bigger Price in nets for Montreal and voila! Leighton's size is not why the Flyers are winning. It's the lack of Montreal to generate any kind of traffic, unable to get any kind of dangerous shots on net. I have yet to say "woa, great save!" on a Leighton stop. He's got it easy right now, nobody crowding him, bumping, heck, at this point, I'd take someone even attempting a screen.

Of course, probably just like the team last night, I had delusions the Habs could maybe still muster something until that Leino goal. Ugh.

Energy. Hopefully the Bell Centre crowd can give them some. I still have faith that the Habs can take the next 2 at home and make this a series.

I still don't get why Timonen wasn't penalized for punching Plekanec in the face twice.

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Pretty hard to start a goalie in the most important game of the season when has has only

played 135 minutes in the last 6 weeks.

Win or lose, this is Halak's journey now.

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Blame, panic, meh

Welcome to how the Caps and Pens fans felt. I don't care how many shots were taken

on goal, the Flyers are dictating the pace of this series. They have decided to take away

all the Canadiens strengths and it is working so far.

Halak got all the accolades when they were outshot, yet nobody is saying that he is being

outplayed by Leighton right now. If you flipped goalies Halak would have a 1.000 SV% too.

The Flyers are not padding his stats with long bombs, they are being poised

and patient. They allow the Canadiens to shot from the outside, they allow them to dump and

chase and muscle them off the puck. They make it difficult to go to the front of the net and

nobody is willing to pay the price to get there.

They are replicating the Habs recipe but in more dominant fashion. Score first, wait for either

a PP or a poor pinch and bury it.

All this is showing is that this team is still flawed, that is much as nobody wants to admit it, they still lack a dominant

forward who doesn't require the rush to create offense. As much as Subban filled in admirably, their offense is way to dependant

on the transition and power play ability of a 21 year old.

We will see how the Habs respond when they control the matchups. This series is far from over, what

the Habs need right now is to counter the Flyers. An early goal will help them dictate the pace, something

the Flyers struggled with for a lot of the Boston series.

Why is everybody giving up? Did you not just witness the Habs survive 5 elimination games? Did you not

witness the Flyers go down 3-0 and win a series?

This is playoff hockey. If they lose, I will give them a hand for getting 2 rounds further than anybody thought,

it they win, the ride continues. Win on Thursday and Sat and away we go.

I agree with this.

Mea culpa. My 'play Price' comment last night was classic fan overreaction of the sort I usually decry. Although I *do* think Price is better suited for this kind of hockey (Halak is clearly best as a high-SOG goalie) it's also true that dropping Halak at this juncture would amount to a panic move and, psychologically, a kind of surrender to the Flyers. I was wrong to write that, so count me as suitably abashed.

The main thing I would do at this point is put Moen in the top-6 and tell him to go to the net like crazy. To me this is a no-brainer. I *might* also re-insert Pouliot on the view that if he can use his size and talent on even a couple of shifts we're better off. And I'd consider using Spacek a little more on the PP, especially if MAB keeps playing like a Bantam-level reject. As unedifying as it sounds, though, the bottom line is that the players just have to play better.

The stuff coming out of the Habs locker room last night sounded about right. Somehow their game totally deserted them in Game One. They made real progress in Game Two. They have to keep building on that, shift after shift. In effect, treat it like a mini-slump. If they keep improving AND get a break or two, we may yet come out of this thing. (The real mystery is why their game evaporated so dramatically in the first place, but that's water under the bridge at this point).

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The real story here is the sheer number of Habs on the roster that have not scored a single goal in 10+ games....

-Plex (that contract is reducing in value the longer you can't score when it actually matters)

-Gomer (if you take one more idiotic penalty I'm gonna snap)

-AK46 (out of excuses and lives for this guy, cya)

There are more to name but those are the big three. It is inexcusable to go an entire MONTH in the playoffs without any of these guys scoring a single goal, period.

We can talk about Halak's shot totals all we want, or how much this team "really misses" Markov, but none of those is factoring in as much as these core guys simply being along for the ride at the most crucial time of the season.

Philly's top 6 are producing and ours aren't.

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Core guys not producing? What are you talking about?

Cammi is leading the playoffs in goals, Gomez has 11 points, Gionta has 8 goals and a few assists i believe. Markov is out. Gorges and Gill are defensive Dmen.

What core players are you speaking of? Those players i mentioned are the core. The floaters are the rest of the team.

Moen, Moore, Lapierre have scored a bit, a few more is definatley needed. Subban has even chipped in some.

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Core guys not producing? What are you talking about?

Cammi is leading the playoffs in goals, Gomez has 11 points, Gionta has 8 goals and a few assists i believe. Markov is out. Gorges and Gill are defensive Dmen.

What core players are you speaking of? Those players i mentioned are the core. The floaters are the rest of the team.

Moen, Moore, Lapierre have scored a bit, a few more is definatley needed. Subban has even chipped in some.

Plex, no goals in 14 games, I think it is. How's that for a core player? oh, and a beer league goalie has shut us out twice, back to back no less.

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Core guys not producing? What are you talking about?

Cammi is leading the playoffs in goals, Gomez has 11 points, Gionta has 8 goals and a few assists i believe. Markov is out. Gorges and Gill are defensive Dmen.

What core players are you speaking of? Those players i mentioned are the core. The floaters are the rest of the team.

Moen, Moore, Lapierre have scored a bit, a few more is definatley needed. Subban has even chipped in some.

Congratulations on completely dancing around the subject of my entire post.

Plekanec - 0 goals

Gomez - 0 goals

AK46 - 0 goals

Combined they haven't score in 39 games. They are 50% of your top 6 forwards currently. Enough said.

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I don't really think Pleks as a core guy. A good player but i believe he is a goner.

Oh, and how do you propose we replace his 70 points next year??

Halak is not the problem. We need to get big guys in front of Leighton. Any decent goalie can stop a puck if he can see it! Stop him from seeing the puck and they'll score!

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Gomer should get a bit of a pass because he is primarily a playmaker, and has been doing a superb job in that role until the Philly series. In effect, he's not a goal scorer, and *demanding* goals from him is a bit much. Plekanec is another matter; while he drew checking duties against Crosby, this fails to explain his uselessness against Philly. He REALLY needs to step it up - and fast. Pleks is part of the core of THIS group, whatever the future may bring.

AK46, what can you say. Of course we need real production out of him.

I still say the collapse of Pouliot is a major factor behind the loss of secondary scoring. Without him, we are one top-6 forward short, just as we were in October. Add to that A. Kostityn's spaceman act, and really, we have ONE solid offensive line + a good C (Pleks). (In fact, Pleks's vanishing may be directly linked to the incompetence of his line-mates). This series is really helping to bring out weaknesses that have been present all season in terms of second-line talent, but which were partially disguised by Pouliot's play for much of the season.

The short term fix is to throw Moen into the top-6 as a net-crasher and banger (JM used Pyatt in this role, but I really think the stronger and more experienced Moen is a better choice). And then hope that Pouliot (or maybe Sergei Kostitysn) can recover some kind of mojo on in the bottom-6, at which point we can move them up.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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If Benoit Pouliot isn't careful, he'll be playing in europe. Sure he'll represent Canada, but it'll be in the Spengler Cup. He has, as expected, gone back to his Minnesota form.

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If Benoit Pouliot isn't careful, he'll be playing in europe. Sure he'll represent Canada, but it'll be in the Spengler Cup. He has, as expected, gone back to his Minnesota form.

Yeah, but it pays to remember that young players often hit rough patches and often look lost in their first playoff or two. I'm as frustrated as anyone, but let's keep in mind that Pouliot is 23, and if he had just come up from Hamilton and scored 24 points in 39 games we'd probably be emphasizing his potential and cutting him some slack for this playoff. If you ask me, this kid was probably brought up too soon and should have been left to develop his game in the minors by Minny.

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