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GAME THREAD: Habs vs. Sabres | April 3rd


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Bell destroys Alfreddson with an elbow and then Tucker tells Heatley to watch his knee.

Also Fisher left and didn't return with a knee injury.

Brian Murray says that Fish and Alfie have Signifigent Knee injuries, and Alfie also has a Concussion. They will miss tomorrow's game vs Boston and very likely some of the first round, and theres a chance the top centers will miss the entire playoffs.

Huge blow to Sens :)

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Might be why we called up Stewart... ;)

I hope so.

I'll be more focused on March Madness on Saturday, but I just hope we get through the game smoothly. A win would be nice, but if we give points to Toronto it further hurts their draft position.

This game was a good one. D'Agostini had a solid first game. Li'l #### needs to ease up on the penalties, but that sort of thing is to be expected of him. It was nice to see the fourth line have a big game, and hopefully Smolinski continues to contribute. And of course, Carey, our hero, keep it up!! :hlogo:

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Yah, I cant wait to play them saturday :rolleyes:

Toronto Star calls the hit clean, Ottawa Sun calls the hit dirty LOL

I slowed it on the PVR and it was not a shoulder. It was either an elbow or a forearm headshot.

Cheap shot in a nothing game for the Leafs.

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Cheap shot in a nothing game for the Leafs.

Are you really surprised?!

I'm a bit worried for our good players saturday. THe leaves will come into town and will most likely be head-hunting.

If I were Carbo, i'd sit down our important guys. Don't take any chances!

In any case, even if the Leaves win, it pushes them further away from the 1st overall pick!

IOt would be a "win-win" situation for the Habs!

Edited by Habsfan
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Are you really surprised?!

I'm a bit worried for our good players saturday. THe leaves will come into town and will most likely be head-hunting.

If I were Carbo, i'd sit down our important guys. Don't take any chances!

In any case, even if the Leaves win, it pushes them further away from the 1st overall pick!

IOt would be a "win-win" situation for the Habs!

Not only would it push the Leafs higher up the draft table but we'd let Pittsburg clinch 1st overall. I don't know about u guys but the Caps are really starting to freak me out a bit....from the looks of it, they'll finish either 8th or 3rd...

We lose and we finish 2nd, Caps probably finish 8th - we face Boston (hopefully), the NHL gets Crosby vs Ovechkin and everyone lives happily ever after.

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Not only would it push the Leafs higher up the draft table but we'd let Pittsburg clinch 1st overall. I don't know about u guys but the Caps are really starting to freak me out a bit....from the looks of it, they'll finish either 8th or 3rd...

We lose and we finish 2nd, Caps probably finish 8th - we face Boston (hopefully), the NHL gets Crosby vs Ovechkin and everyone lives happily ever after.

Be careful what you wish for, Boston was number 1 and Montreal was number 8 and guess who won that series? It was not the number 1 rated team. Was that 1971? I was in the military at the time and I may have the year wrong but the scenario is correct.

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We lose and we finish 2nd, Caps probably finish 8th - we face Boston (hopefully), the NHL gets Crosby vs Ovechkin and everyone lives happily ever after.

That is definitly the best scenario

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Be careful what you wish for, Boston was number 1 and Montreal was number 8 and guess who won that series? It was not the number 1 rated team. Was that 1971? I was in the military at the time and I may have the year wrong but the scenario is correct.

also happened in 2002, no? The difference, though, is that the habs are the habs and the bruins are the bruins. Could the bruins upset us in the first round? sure. Do they represent our best first round matchup possibility? Absolutely.

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Well that was a great TEAM effort last night. Great forechecking, hitting, solid D and the top line was dangerous although sometimes they pass too much. Still some dumb hooking and holding (Sk). Maybe since he is taking Koivu's spot he should take a dumb penalty per game. ;)

It may be a good idea to rest Kovy and either Markov or Hamrlik.

It will be interesting to see who they match up with in the first round. I don't think anyone wants the caps, rangers are tough for the habs (second round) and boston has been playing very well of late. Plus the law of averages should have people worried.

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I do not care about Toronto head hunters.

The focus should be on winning the game and have a chance to be first in the Conference.

Kovy should play, he is the captain. Habs shouldn't be afraid of anyone any team anytime.

This is how they'll become winners, they have won nothing yet. The playoffs are the true season.

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Anyone kow what Higgins' face off percentage was? I was watching and saaw him win few faceoffs, but I don't even know if he was the centre for the whole game. I was distracted by taxes.

I watched on the Buffalo channel. Man is that guy biased. One thing he pointed out was his disapointment at the cheering when it looked like Begin injured Sekera. You can't cheer when someone is injured. It's in poor taste.

Anyone kow what Higgins' face off percentage was? I was watching and saw him win a few faceoffs, but I don't even know if he was the centre for the whole game. I was distracted by taxes.

I watched on the Buffalo channel. Man is that guy biased. One thing he pointed out, was his disapointment at the cheering when it looked like Begin injured Sekera. You can't cheer when someone is injured. It's in poor taste.

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I do not care about Toronto head hunters.

They took out Alfredsson and Fisher, hopefully for 'a few weeks' (in case we can play them in the first round). But I'm hoping the Leafs don't try it with us as well.

TSN: "Leafs Excited to Play Spoilers"

I'm hoping we can play Ottawa now, even if we're without Koivu, I still think we'd be strong enough to take them. I didn't think so before.

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Be careful what you wish for, Boston was number 1 and Montreal was number 8 and guess who won that series? It was not the number 1 rated team. Was that 1971? I was in the military at the time and I may have the year wrong but the scenario is correct.

It happenned in 2002 and in 2004. In 2004 Boston finished 2nd in the conference and the Habs finished 7th. We still took them out in 6 games!

I know the law of averages is gonna catch up to us sooner or later, but I'd still rather face the pooh-Bears in the 1st round rather than Ovechkin-Huet and the Capitals!

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It happenned in 2002 and in 2004. In 2004 Boston finished 2nd in the conference and the Habs finished 7th. We still took them out in 6 games!

I know the law of averages is gonna catch up to us sooner or later, but I'd still rather face the pooh-Bears in the 1st round rather than Ovechkin-Huet and the Capitals!

One thing I have learned over the years is if the media picks the upset, it ain't going to happen.

Nobody called Edmonton, Calgary etc. When the media jumps on a team that is so obvious, they will miss the real darkhorse.

I am not afraid of a Caps team that has beaten up on Florida, Carolina and Tampa Bay for 3 weeks. All the other wins came against

Toronto, Boston, Buffalo, Nashville.

If the Habs can't beat the Caps in the first round, then they were never going to beat a top team to get to the Final anyways.

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Toronto Star calls the hit clean, Ottawa Sun calls the hit dirty LOL

I slowed it on the PVR and it was not a shoulder. It was either an elbow or a forearm headshot.

Cheap shot in a nothing game for the Leafs.

Thanks for taking a close look. I saw it on the tube without replay and it was fast and looked clean. alfie was sort of looking down which may of been why a forearm/elbow.

Bell is a dirty bugger but the Sens brought it on themselves going after the Toronto young callups in the first period. The Ottawa goons like Neil and the rest of the brain dead started this mess. Of course Mr. Innocent Tucker the Hack was doing his part.....

Hopefully Habs don't get beat up by the Toronto hacks trying to impress the brass. The talent level on toronto is very low so they will resort to this to prove something????

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Thanks for taking a close look. I saw it on the tube without replay and it was fast and looked clean. alfie was sort of looking down which may of been why a forearm/elbow.

Bell is a dirty bugger but the Sens brought it on themselves going after the Toronto young callups in the first period. The Ottawa goons like Neil and the rest of the brain dead started this mess. Of course Mr. Innocent Tucker the Hack was doing his part.....

Hopefully Habs don't get beat up by the Toronto hacks trying to impress the brass. The talent level on toronto is very low so they will resort to this to prove something????

It is one of those hits that is really hard to tell. Half the people I talk to think it was clean, half thought it was dirty.

All I know is it was a headshot, and at best it was borderline.

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Did you guys catch Heatly kicking Tucker?

No, just caught all the stuff on SportsCenter.

I read somebody mentioning that though.

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