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Habs vs. Ducks | Game Thread


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3cf6996f.gifvs. a4107c1c.gif
5-0-1 for 11 points....................3-5-0 for 6 points
(4th East)...............................(15th West)

Forecaster.ca's Tale of the Tape
TSN's Ice Chips

Projected Lineup

(74) S.Kostitsyn- (14) Plekanec- (27)Kovalev
(84) Latendresse- (11) Koivu- (13) Tanguay
(22) Begin- (20) Lang- (6) Kostopoulos
(21) Higgins - (40) Lapierre- (25) Laraque

(79)Markov - (8)Komisarek
(26)Gorges - (44)Hamrlik
(51) Bouillon - (71)Brisebois

24778.jpg vs. 1923.jpg
Jaroslav Halak..................J.S. Giguere

Montreal Player Stats
Anaheim Player Stats

TV: RDS, CBC (regional)
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Welcome back boys!!

It feels like the season is just starting all over again with this long layoff.

Not playing hockey sucks!

Anyway, should be a tight game. Hope our boys haven't been affected by the break. He're hoping Higgins get the green light :clap:

Oh, and I so hope Big "french" George dances the rumba with Big "Greek" George!!

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I heard O'byrne is not playing tonight.

His play has been not very constant but Brisebois play his far from stellar too.

Cube in there and Higgins finally in the line up....yessss!

I have watched the Sens lose last night and they battled hard the Ducks, Habs should come out strong,

the Ducks are weaken and ready to cook.

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Lets hope for a good game.

Go Habs Go!

Has there been any update on Andrei Kostitsyn.

he's skating but he wont be playing

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Projected Lineup

(74) S.Kostitsyn- (14) Plekanec- (27)Kovalev

(84) Latendresse- (11) Koivu- (13) Tanguay

(21) Higgins- (20) Lang- (6) Kostopoulos

(51) Bouillon - (40) Lapierre- (25) Dandenault

(79)Markov - (8)Komisarek

(44)Hamrlik - (3)O'Bryne

(26)Gorges - (71)Brisebois

HIggins should start with Lapierre and Laraque

Bégin will be with TK en Lang

On D

brisebois- bouillon

Gorges and Hamrlik

OUT: O'Byrne and Dandenault

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The Ducks are not having a good beggining of season. Let's make it worse by kicking their ass!

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The Ducks are not having a good beggining of season. Let's make it worse by kicking their ass!

Nicely put.

Ducks have potential to be a rough team, so Big George may be needed.

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The Habs can't take the Ducks lightly. They've underachieved this far, and it's only a matter of time before they wake up and play like they can. But if Getzlaf and Perry can stay dormant *one* more game, I'll be happy lol. Look for the Ducks to try and intimidate early with their physical play... which may lead to PPs as the Ducks are leading the NHL in PIMs. The Habs will need to counter with their speed, and the Ducks should be easily worn down after their game last night.


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It's fair to assume that this game will feature George Parros vs. Georges Laraque. Go Laraque. Parros is one nasty customer but the Laraque acquisition in some ways cancels out Parros' intimidation factor for tonight.

lazy26 is absolutely right regarding the Ducks. Some of this early slump by the Ducks can be traced to Carlyle IMO or at least I suspect. It's true that they won against Ottawa last night. Still, the Marchant goal was a stinker any goalie would like to have back. So, how much did Anaheim really pound Ottawa? The offence came to life but on the other hand they didn't get a shot on Toskala for 31 minutes straight when they played the Leafs.

Who is coming to play us tonight has me wondering. Is it Anaheim Dr. Jekyll or Ducks Mr. Hyde? Philadelphia last night is another example of a talent going south and then waking up after a lousy start.

I figure the Ducks will have their proper game face on tonight. We have to overcome them. Good thing we are home.

GO HABS GO :hlogo:

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BGL will ragdoll Parros. Looking forward too it.

Was it officially announced that Big TlTS has a concussion? I keep hearing it referred to that but he may return soon. What was the real deal?

Long rest, Higgins first game, French goalie, no AK46 ,cob webs, rust? I don't know about this one tonight.

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So much for the expanded CBC coverage of the Habs.... Once again, Leafs are in HD across the country, Habs are on one channel, no HD. I guess we should get use to it, the CBC will not leave their beloved Leafs no matter what...

Good to see Higgins back, hope he has a great game!

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Good to see Higgins back

after that last play, I don't share that sentiment quite yet :angry:

Habs gonna have to score if they want to play that type of game,

Yeah....getting 'too cute' is going to burn them when they don't bury their chances

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